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A collection of software designed for advanced MySQL/PerconaServer tasks, maintenance, and monitoring.

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Percona pt-query-digest vs. Performance Insights on AWS Aurora 3.x

Several years ago when I was running MySQL on-prem and then EC2, I found Percona pt-query-digest to be very useful to find poorly performing SQL in prod. It's been a while since I've used it. AWS ...
Swechsler's user avatar
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Percona pg_tde extension base backup failing

I am just asking here so that someone from Percona can check if possible. I have followed below documentation to configure pg_tde in RHEL 8 with PG version 16. ...
Adam Mulla's user avatar
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Percona xtrabackup and percona toolkit for aarch64 Graviton Amazon Linux 2 machines

In my organisation, it was decided to move all the MySQL infrastructure (Amazon EC2 machines) to Graviton (aarch64) servers from AMD (x86_64). All are MySQL Community Servers. I need percona-...
Avinash Pawar's user avatar
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Percona XtraBackup questions about full and incremental backups

I had a few questions on the Percona forum, and I'm unsure if I was being clear in my questions or not, however I'm curious how full and incremental backups work with XtraBackup. When doing ...
alturic's user avatar
10 votes
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How to add index to a big table with 60M records without downtime?

we have been struggling with one issue in the past few days. We want to add an index to a huge table with 60M records. At first we tried adding it with basic mysql syntax. But it clogged our ...
Rohan's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

failed pt-online-schema-change left behind triggers. How to delete?

We had a failed pt-osc - the server ran out of disk space. And now the triggers are left behind SHOW TRIGGERS; pt_osc_xxx_production_orders_ins pt_osc_xxx_production_orders_upd ...
phil's user avatar
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pt-online-schema-change drop_swap doesn't work, so what to do?

After waiting 24 hours for a ptosc this: 2023-05-29T11:29:40 Copied rows OK. 2023-05-29T11:29:40 Max rows for the rebuild_constraints method: 2710 Determining the method to update foreign keys... 2023-...
phil's user avatar
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1 answer

Run pt-online-schema-change with multiple ALTER queries synchronously

I want to run 3 ALTER queries with pt-online-schema-change tool: --alter "ADD INDEX userid_sid_ts_fid (user_id, scorecard_id, timestamp, factor_id), DROP INDEX uidts, RENAME INDEX ...
Diego's user avatar
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Can one use a view as a source on pt-table-sync?

Any attempt to fill a table from a view results in an error, as the source-table does not exist: Error getting table structure for TABLE_NAME on SOURCE_DSN_DATA doesnt handle CREATE TABLE without ...
A-Tech's user avatar
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Drop column with percona does not shrink table size

I have a table in Aurora MySQL 5.7. table has few partitions with 800m rows and weights 2tb. Recently I dropped few column using percona. Surprisingly the table size did not change (looking in ...
Nir's user avatar
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-1 votes
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InnoDB: Assertion failure on executing select Query - MySQL 5.7.31

I am using pt-archiver for daily archiving of tables, but while selecting data from one tables I am getting following error and it restart mysql instance 2021-07-07 13:21:17 0x7fe0dffdc700 InnoDB: ...
ImranRazaKhan's user avatar
1 vote
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Incremental encrypted per database backup and Partial restore policy for MySQL 5.7 in replication setup

I will run a replication cluster using MySQL 5.7 and I would like to set up for each database a backup policy that has a full once per day + incremental every N hours with data encrypted (based on the ...
Baptiste Mille-Mathias's user avatar
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Stuck pt-archiver query during purge

I am purging a table of size 1.2T using pt-archiver. In the show processlist i can see the query stuck for 650 secs in Sending data state. The query is quick when I execute independely. Any help will ...
dragon's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Can I disable binlogs to save space temporarily

I am using percona mysql 8. I do not use any type of replication, but I read that binlogs are useful for data recovery. I would like to turn of binlogging and flush them while I run pt-online-schema-...
ParoX's user avatar
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Downgrade MySQL 8.0.20 to 8.0.19 on Ubuntu for using XtraBackup

With MySQL 8.0.20 currently installed on Ubuntu, I am unable to use Percona XtraBackup 2.3.7 due to breaking changes introduced in MySQL 8.0.20. How can we downgrade MySQL 8.0.20 to 8.0.19 on Ubuntu, ...
Athena Wisdom's user avatar
3 votes
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Prometheus High Memory and CPU Usage in PMM

We are running PMM v1.17.0 and prometheus is causing huge cpu and mem usage (200% CPU and 100% RAM), and pmm went down because of this. We are running PMM on a VM with 2vCPUs and 7.5G RAM, and are ...
user5594148's user avatar
1 vote
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Copying MySQL table to another table with no missing new changes

I would like to recreate/copy a MySQL table (a actual new ibd file) - and most of the suggestions recommends the following : CREATE TABLE mytbcopy LIKE mytb; INSERT INTO mytbcopy SELECT * FROM mytb; ...
SleepingHide123's user avatar
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MariaDB throws error with documented 'alter user' ... 'password expire' option

Normally I use mysql-community on RHEL7, but today I installed MariaDB 10.3.20 on Ubuntu 19. In selectively cloning a database from the RHEL-mysql cluster to the Ubuntu-MariaDB cluster, I used Percona'...
Otheus's user avatar
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pt-table-sync: syncing slave from master that has different credentials?

I have a MySQL slave under my full control and a master server where I have only read-only login. Also, logins are different. At some point replication have stopped due to some kind of problem. I ...
onkami's user avatar
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Is it safe to use pt-online-schema-change in a multimaster environment?

I have 2 MySQL servers with row-based replication between them. Both of them are masters and slaves for each other (active-active master-master setup). If I understand it correctly pt-osc creates ...
Mrskman's user avatar
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MariaDB defragmenting with new option innodb-defragment=1

I try to defragment table using innodb-defragment=1 But it was a bad experience : - locks on table - no a good defragmentation ...
Mr_Thorynque's user avatar
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Percona Xtrabackup fails to backup InnoDB table with fulltext index

I'm trying to make a backup of a large InnoDB table with a fulltext index using Percona Xtrabackup (2.4.12). I have innodb_file_per_table set. To create the backup, I'm running: innobackupex --...
Gene Vincent's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why pt-duplicate-key-checker suggests removing a composite index?

Here's a snippet from the output of the Percona Tool pt-duplicate-key-checker which searches for redundant indexes: # Key myidx ends with a prefix of the clustered index # Key definitions: # KEY `...
dr_'s user avatar
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how to setup percona pmm monitoring of percona 5.7 in docker container

I want to monitor percona running in docker with the percona monitoring and management client. I have percona monitoring and management installed, running and monitoring other percona instances (...
washingon's user avatar
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xb_stream_read_chunk(): wrong chunk magic at offset 0x0

I have taken a backup of mysql instance like this innobackupex \ --user=$MYUSER \ --password=$MYPASS \ --no-timestamp \ --parallel=$DUMP_THREADS \ --stream=xbstream \ --slave-info \ ...
vkrishna's user avatar
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pt-table-sync usage

There're Master (, mysql 5.5.43) and only one Slave (, mysql 5.5.55). Replication is set up, running and show all OK. But pt-table-checksum found data differences in some tables ...
Someone's user avatar
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Problem with aborted PT-online-schema change command

I aborted a pt-online-schema change command to change a table definition. Now, when I run pt-online-schema change again, I get this error: The table <db name>.<table name> has triggers. ...
Thorkil Værge's user avatar
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Help preparing for MySQL Master Slave Replication

I am not in the best situation. I inherited an Ubuntu 14.04 8 GB RAM, 8 CPU MySQL 5.5 database server with almost 400 GB of business-critical data (stored on external SSD) contained within several ...
Hman's user avatar
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Data drift on Row-Based-Replication

i've realized that one of my mysql slaves has missing rows. select count on specific table on master: 9605010 on slave: 9593831 slave is completely sync, no seconds_behind_master, no errors, no slow ...
Ozan Temel's user avatar
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PT-Kill not logging to file

Run command for pt-kill /usr/bin/pt-kill --ignore-state User lock --rds --match-command Query --victims all --match-user phppoint --daemonize --busy-time 10 --kill --print --log /var/log/pt-kill.log ...
Chris Muench's user avatar
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pt-table-checksum and mysql 5.7 with binlog_format=ROW

How to use pt-table-checksum in mysql 5.7 where binlog_format=ROW is default I also need binlog_format=ROW to be set this way in relation to other parameters in the mysql configuration # pt-table-...
clarkk's user avatar
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innobackupex and creating slave

There's master mysql running 5.6.30. Engine InnoDB. innodb_file_per_table is used. Slave server is running 5.5.55 Doing next steps: - (on master) innobackupex --no-timestamp /path/to/backup - (on ...
Someone's user avatar
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Pt-query-digest date ranges do not work as expected

Analyse Queries with Pt-query-digest I am using pt-query-digest to analyse queries and would like to analyse a specific time range only, in order to measure the effect of adding new indices and ...
Stefan's user avatar
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pt-online-schema-change's triggers fail with "DELETE command denied" on insert

We recently tried pt-online-schema-change to add a column to a table. It worked mostly as expected but one thing puzzles me: in case the account we use to do the migration doesn't have the DELETE ...
Dmitry Novoselov's user avatar
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Currently my backup strategy invloves :- 1)I have one master server and two slaves (Data approximately 700 GBs and tables are of mixed innodb and myisam). 2)I take weekly and monthly backup from ...
karnish's user avatar
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why pt-table-checksum lock my whole table?

mysql> desc user_donate_request; +-------------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------------+--------...
LawrenceLi's user avatar
6 votes
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COMMIT on top of the pt-query-digest output

I've been optimizing my MySQL server and after tweaking a few queries, I ended up with the COMMIT item on top of the pt-query-digest output, as shown in the extract below: # 322s user time, 770ms ...
Diego T's user avatar
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pt-table-checksum not finding differences

I have a very simple setup: 1 master with 2 slaves. I stopped replication on one of the slaves (with the slave mysqld still running) and changed a row on the master. I have also kept all slaves and ...
Nate's user avatar
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5 votes
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Percona: Backup preparation doesn't work ("cannot open ./xtrabackup_logfile")

I've created a MySQL backup with PerconaXtrabackup tool via (thanks to this guide): innobackupex --user=backupmysqluser --password=xyz --compress --stream=xbstream ./ > /var/backups/db/firstBackup....
user1623521's user avatar
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pt-online-schema-change -- can't get it to stop quitting w/ "Threads_running=108 exceeds its critical threshold 100"

I've got an InnoDB table over 50GB with indexes. The query I'm running looks like this: pt-online-schema-change h=localhost,D=db,t=table --critical-load="Threads_running=100" --check-slave-lag "h=XX....
timetofly's user avatar
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Is there a non-blocking operation to back up MyISAM tables using Percona XtraBackup?

I've been reading through the website of Percona XtraBackup and it claims that: Percona XtraBackup can back up the following storage engines by briefly pausing writes at the end of the backup: ...
Marc's user avatar
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Running pt-table-checksum with replicate-do-db option on

I've read the documentation on percona page, but still a bit confused, especially about the --replicate option. My setting is that the slave is only replicating certain databases from master, say db1 ...
x7qiu's user avatar
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Alter a large mysql table 700 gb

The production table I want to alter is around 700 Gb. I want to remove a FK from that table. Mysql version is 5.1.61-log. I found following options: pt-online-schema-change: alters a table’s ...
Jitendra Chandani's user avatar
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Changing Default Values of Percona Audit Log

Have I missed Something here? I am installing the Percona Audit Log Plugin (MySQL 5.5). I can install it fine using: INSTALL PLUGIN audit_log SONAME ''; I can then see all the default ...
IGGt's user avatar
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Innobackupex: How to extract individual files from xbstream compressed backups

We are scripting a mix of full and incremental backup setup for our prodcut backend with sunday triggering full backup and incremental backup on all the remaining days. In this process, we should be ...
Uday's user avatar
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Is it possible to backup stored routines and functions with Innobackupex?

I am running a few restore tests on my Dev and I've noticed that the stored routines are not being restored with the innobackupx. Is that something achievable ? Am I doing something wrong ? I am only ...
Haohmaru's user avatar
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pt-online-schema-change with statement based replication in MYSQL

Is it possible/safe to use pt-online-schema-change in a Master slave environment where as the way replication is setup is statement based(SBR). What is the better way of doing it as currently I have ...
roger moore's user avatar
2 votes
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"No database selected" or "Table 'DB.table' doesn't exist" failures in pt-upgrade run where queries from multiple DBs were collected with tcpdump

I collected queries on our Master using the following tcpdump command: tcpdump -i any -s 65535 -x -n -nn -q -tttt 'port 3306' > tcpdump.tcp The queries are executed amongst several databases. I ...
HTTP500's user avatar
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How pt-online-schema-change ensures consistency during data copy

I have read pt-online-schema-change documentation and understood that it works by creating triggers and copying data in chunks with in chunk-time seconds(0.5 seconds in default) Let us consider this ...
Uday's user avatar
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How much space is needed to reclaim space from a table in INNODB

I inherited a MySQL InnoDB table that has approximately 200 GB worth of data, as well as several unneeded indices that amount to approximately 500 GB. I've archived approximately 75 percent of the ...
Evan Volgas's user avatar