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1 answer

Same global user works local but fails on live server for information_schema database UPDATE query

I have two database servers, local and live. The local server is running MariaDB 10.11.6, the live server is running 10.11.8. I have the exact same global user, example@localhost on both the local and ...
John's user avatar
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MariaDB privileges for "SHOW DATABASES" vs "SELECT * FROM information_schema"

I have a user with an access to several databases. In MariaDB 10.6.11 I cannot use the following command to list all accessible databases: SHOW DATABASES; /* SQL Error (1227): Access denied; you need (...
oneee's user avatar
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1 answer

MariaDB event privileges/grants

I'm having multiple databases in MariaDB and I'm trying to set up an automation task, that would take data from one database/scheme and insert them with some transformation to another one. For this ...
kubisma1's user avatar
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mariabackup system file permissions

I have an instance of mariadb 10.6.7 on an Ubuntu 22.04 Server and I am trying to do backups of a specific database with mariabackup. mariabackup --backup --user="my_test_user" --target-dir=/...
badlands's user avatar
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How to grant the same privilege for multiple tables to a user in Maria DB?

I have a database on MariaDB with multiple tables and I want to give the same privileges for diferents tables to the same user. I have the next tables: +---------------------+ | Tables_in_sales | +...
NearzLee's user avatar
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Mysql DB viewer user (only for views) should access to information_schema and test?

I've created a user in our mysql/mariaDB engine so our customers can read some views. User has been created as follows and can query the views with no problem. CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS "...
Gonzalo Cao's user avatar
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Maria DB limiting root user privileges

I am logged in as the root user in Maria DB and I cannot grant view access to a service account user. Can anyone explain a cause or suggest a fix?
Timothy Koech's user avatar
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MariaDB Read-Only user can't see database, why?

I have 2 users, one with ALL grants, another with SELECT only. User 1 can see the database, not user 2, why? Read-only user: MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'readonly'@'%'; +----------------------...
CrazyRabbit's user avatar
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MariaDB: How can I grant read-only privileges for Stored Procedures?

I've granted SELECT privileges for a user to select on all tables of a database. However that user is unsable to view store procedures. I'd want to grant only the permission for SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE (...
sebelk's user avatar
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Adding an additional permission to my SQL user on every database they already have some permissions

Our corporate hosting server has had restricted SQL DB permissions for a very long time, but one of our end-user systems has started requiring a new DB permission, INDEX, which none of them have. I ...
Stefan Adam's user avatar
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ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host 'localhost' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server

My Users table crashed and I had to do a repair on it, now I'm getting the error: ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host 'localhost' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server No matter how I try to connect ...
Smeagel's user avatar
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4 answers

Cannot login as new user on MariaDB

When I create a new user in MariaDB, I cannot login as that user. First I login to the database as root doing mariadb in a bash terminal. I then run the following commands to create a database and ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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MariaDB does not start after restoring incremental backups with mariabackup

OS: CentOS 7 MariaDB: mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.4.12-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1 I am creating a full backup every 7 days on a replication slave, and an incremental backup ...
HomeIsWhereThePcIs's user avatar
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3 answers

Grant MonitorAdmin / PROCESS privilege to user

I need to assign the monitoradmin privilege to a user because this is what an application called "dynatrace" needs to monitor the server (some details in a post on their site). According to https://...
Marged's user avatar
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MySQL least privileges to get database/tables size

I'm using centreon_plugins to monitor some mysql databases. As a best practice I create a dedicated user for monitoring and I give it the least possible privileges. For simple monitoring I usually ...
THe_ZiPMaN's user avatar
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2 answers

How to modify authentication plugin in mariadb starting with 10.4.1 to get mysql access for root user without password when migrating mysql to Mariadb

At a method is described for modifying the plugin being used for authenticating a user update mysql.user set plugin='' where user='root'; leading ...
Wolfgang Fahl's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't create database even with all privileges

[mariaDB on RedHat 7.7] I just want to create a new database, but found "access denied": create database lamp_k; ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'lamp'@'localhost' to database 'lamp_k' ...
anthony's user avatar
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Removing grants for databases that no longer exist

We have quite a few MariaDB servers with whom the permissions have gotten a bit messy over the years. I'd like to tidy them up. I've already written some tools for presenting grants/table information ...
Digdilem's user avatar
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revoke and apply privileges on current active sessions

I am revoking some privileges to a user like this: REVOKE INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, ALTER ON `name`.* FROM 'user'@'%' I verify via: SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'%'; And see that privileges really have ...
nbari's user avatar
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mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/home/mysqltmp/ibXXX' Permission denied

My main volume is a 20GB SSD disk mounted on /. I have a 4TB HDD mounted in /home. So to save space I want to set the mysql temporary directory to /home/mysqltmp. However when I set to this directory ...
NeDark's user avatar
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Audit MariaDB Which User Account Privileges Are Being Used

I'm looking to improve the security of my MariaDB installation by better auditing the user accounts and the privileges of each user account. This database is being provided as a service out to many ...
kkirsche's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL user password vs authentication_string

I run following commands: CREATE USER 'dbuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD('mypass'); CREATE USER 'dbuserx'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD('mypass'); SET PASSWORD FOR 'dbuser'@'%' = PASSWORD('mypass'); ...
Gacek's user avatar
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Mysql grant limited by IPv6 subnet

I want to permit access to a mysql server over IPv6 and limit access to the particular account to our ULA subnet we are using (fdd7:03d7:6247::/48). The manual seems to suggest that wildcards are ...
Zoredache's user avatar
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Unable to query for thread information in mysql using root

I'm connected to a server's mySql database hosted on google cloud using the user 'root' with a password. I was under the impression that the root user had all privileges but when I try to get the ...
user161733's user avatar
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MariaDB: granting access to a DB before creating the DB

I've just discovered that I can create a user and grant right to it on a given database even if that DB doesn't exist yet (it will be created in a second step). MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER foo2@...
mpolito1969's user avatar
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Can't grant privileges to "root" when it has no password in MariaDB

I am setting up a small development local server (is a VM running CentOS 7) and because of that I didn't add any password to MySQL after run the command: mysql_secure_installation. Now I need to ...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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Maria/MySQL Possible to allow user to GRANT drop though not use DROP?

I'm setting up an SQL user (setup process for new websites) which will need to GRANT the DROP command to another user (admin user (for authenticated admins), not the public-facing user) though is ...
John's user avatar
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3 answers

Prevent replication of ALTER commands

I am using MariaDB 10.0 multi-source replication for a specific use case. For security reasons, I would like to prevent ALTER commands on master to replicate (such as CREATE, ALTER, DROP...) whatever ...
Nicolas Payart's user avatar
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2 answers

The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist

I have a trigger defined as follow: USE `veeva_bi`; DELIMITER $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS veeva_bi.account_ai$$ USE `veeva_bi`$$ CREATE DEFINER = CURRENT_USER TRIGGER `veeva_bi`.`account_ai` AFTER ...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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how to import mysql system "mysql" database [closed]

This question might be already answered but it's almost impossible to google it. When I perform full backup of mysql server using mysqldump --all-databases then reinstall it from scratch I want to ...
Petr's user avatar
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