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Does MariaDB support server-side query rewriting?

MySQL has something called "The Rewriter Query Rewrite Plugin". I've tried to find info about anything similar in MariaDB but so far found nothing. Is there any way in MariaDB to examine and ...
Grzegorz Adam Kowalski's user avatar
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MySQL Plugin "mysql_old_password" not loaded

In an attempt to fix another issue I had, I ran the commands below (as per mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_old_password' mysql&...
The Royal Guardian's user avatar
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Passively load a monitoring shared object into an Oracle process

I'm trying to load my own code, which should add some security features to my environment, into each oracle BEQ dedicated process. The reason I'm posting this on this platform, is that I hope there is ...
Eytan Naim's user avatar
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Is there some plugin that would reconnect query tabs to original DB's in SSMS?

It's a minor thing, but annoying one. I'm currently working on about 5 different databases, and every time I restore db's from snapshots or run my restore from backup scripts, all of the queries get ...
veljkoz's user avatar
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With Postgresql v10 and WAL2JSON... Is it possible to include the database name / datname in the json?

We have a set of databases that were not set up in a multi-tenant fashion. Looking to build a hub that will hold the data in a multi-tenant fashion using wal2json to pipe data from source to the hub. ...
Andy Norris's user avatar
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Unable to change root user unix_socket to mysql_native_password

Server version: 10.1.41-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 Debian 9.9 I have installed a LAMP stack on my Debian 9 machine and can not log in with the root user. From my searching, it seems that it's because the ...
Schwim Dandy's user avatar
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How to use mysql_plugin utility?

I tried to follow this official documentation to install unix_socket plugin using mysql_plugin utility but getting an error that Cannot read plugin config file unix_socket. Bad format in plugin ...
SkyRar's user avatar
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2 answers

Ubuntu cannot open shared library

MySQL Server version: Ubuntu: 5.7.23-0ubuntu0.18.04.1-log (Ubuntu) MySQL installed using apt-get. When installing a plugin with the following command: mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx SONAME '...
vishnu's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

What is mysql_native_password?

I was trying to set password for root. When I run: mysql> SELECT * from mysql.user where User="root"; It shows: +-----------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------...
d a i s y's user avatar
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SQL Management Studio - Add-on / Extension to view Column Data Type

Is there any way (built in) or free/paid add-on/Extension for SQL Management Studio that allows us to know exactly a data type of a column when we are writing a query? In this specific project I have ...
Dryadwoods's user avatar
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MySQL - Duplicate Entry when trying to install a Plugin

I'm trying to install a Plugin on my MySQL database, but each time I try I get a Duplicate Entry error: INSTALL PLUGIN audit_log SONAME ''; Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry 'audit_log' ...
IGGt's user avatar
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MariaDB: Disable the GSSAPI plugin

How can i disable the GSSAPI plugin? I do not need authentication via Kerberos on my server. This is my environment: Centos 7.3 with SELinux mode enforcing MariaDB Server: 10.1.19 In my log file /...
Lenin Meza's user avatar
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MySQL can't import a custom library for udf

I am working on Linux Mint 17 Qiana with MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.53, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64). Following the instructions found here: ...
Julien Ferté's user avatar
2 votes
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MySQL reads Date columns in Excel as DateTime?

I'm trying to export Excel sheets to MySQL as new table using the plugin. The export fails on "MySQL error 1064" when I tried to change the data type to Date. I have a few columns in Excel that are ...
cxwf's user avatar
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Add Shapefile loader plugin to PgAdminPortable

I'm using PgAdminPortable and I'd like to enable « PostGIS Shapefile and DBF loader » plugin. The issue is that the files are not structured as in a PostgreSQL complete install (see below). I have ...
wiltomap's user avatar
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SQL Server 2016 Plugin's not working [closed]

Recently I installed SQL Server 2016 on my PC. Here is the detailed information of my server : Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (RC1) - 13.0.1200.242 (X64) Mar 10 2016 16:49:45 Copyright (c) ...
Pரதீப்'s user avatar
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Cannot connect to local db

I am in a Supply Chain Masters program and need to install the Excel Data Mining add-in for Excel. I downloaded and installed Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 SP1 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft® Office®....
dtattoli's user avatar
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Question on Oracle OEM version and plugin version upgrade

I have a OEM 12c ( running in my setup in which I have registered over 70-80 databases. I see the plugin updates with versions of each target (Oracle database, MS-SQL, MySQL) and I have the ...
tesla747's user avatar
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MySQL 5.1: Upgrade innodb plugin

My application is running on MySQL 5.1.58 community edition. As I studied on SO websites that After acquisition by Oracle, new InnoDB plugin has been released and MySQL 5.1 with InnoDB plugin is the ...
ursitesion's user avatar
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mariadb 5.5.36 with innodb plugin

I installed mariadb 5.5.36 on a win32 system. Everything runs fine except innodb requests are 2 x slower than an identical MySQL installation. So I want to switch back to original innodb plugin to ...
user212901's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

PostgreSQL How do I convert struct text to plain *char in C functions?

I'm using my internal C function which doesn't know about postgresql's text struct, how do I pass text argument when char * expected? #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "...
Moe's user avatar
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Can underscore be forced as a word splitter without a full-text parser plugin?

Is there any way in MySQL to force underscore to become a word splitter character (like space or dash) without having to use a fulltext parser plugin? If not, does such a plugin already exist or do I ...
ck_'s user avatar
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