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3 answers

How to add the extension pg_squeeze to shared_preload_libraries in Azure Postgres?

I am trying to enable pg_squeeze on a Azure Postgres instance. I have successfully enabled it in the azure extensions. However, when I go to add it to the shared_preload_libraries I get the following ...
SpaceGhost440's user avatar
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How to extract indeterminate attributes from xml in a postgres db?

I've inherited a legacy DB in which excel data is stored in a text column of a table in a postgres DB. A value from that column might look like: <Sheets> <Sheet1> <Addresses E54=&...
Gareth Vaughan's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to sum values within blocks with Postgres?

Given this table called prices: my_date my_value my_separator 2012-02-10 100 1 2012-02-11 120 1 2012-02-12 120 1 2012-02-13 110 1 2012-02-14 100 0 2012-02-15 115 0 2012-02-16 130 1 2012-02-17 ...
Randomize's user avatar
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Is there a way to "rearrange" arrays when selecting?

I have a table post_likes with one column being a post ID (uint), and another column being an array of IDs (uint[]) of users who liked the post. If I'm selecting info from multiple tables on multiple ...
bqback's user avatar
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PostgreSQL: pg_settings view's "pending_restart" not showing correct value

I have seeing a strange behaviour with PostgreSQL13 pg_settings system view. I tried updating max_connections using SET command and left without a restart. But if I query from the same session or any ...
goodfella's user avatar
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How do I successfully migrate a (very) old PostgreSQL database with PostGIS objects to a new version of PostgreSQL and PostGIS?

I've been trying to migrate a PostgreSQL database on version 9.0.1 with PostGIS objects to Postgres version 12.9 (both on linux) and I've been encountering numerous errors. I believe the source ...
Eric Swiggum's user avatar
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PostgreSQL physical and logical replication - key values

PostgreSQL. When using physical replication, does a given row in a table in the replica database have the same primary key value as its corresponding row in the primary database? Same question when ...
user3006778's user avatar
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Apgdiff doesn't retain "<schema_name>.<tablename>" format in the diff

I am using apgdiff tool to generate a diff between two sql dump files. CREATE TABLE (...) In my final diff file, the tool adds a SET search_path=abc,pg_catalog; I would expect it to not play ...
A.R.K.S's user avatar
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Querying whole PostgreSQL table in replica on CTID

I noticed it is quite fast to query a whole PostgreSQL table in chunks on ctid as explained for example in this Airbyte blog post. I need this for a syncing task that might take from hours to a few ...
Nikolay D's user avatar
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Impact of Reordering Composite Index on PostgreSQL: Performance, Space, and Overhead Considerations

I am optimizing SQL query performance by reordering a composite index in PostgreSQL. I need to understand potential repercussions, including space usage, data saving overhead, and any other impacts of ...
Unmesh Kadam's user avatar
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How to use an expression like date_trunc() in GROUP BY?

I have a couple of joined tables with industrial data on them: create table v2.tag ( tag_id integer generated always as identity, tag text not null, primary key (tag_id), unique (tag) ); ...
Megakoresh's user avatar
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PostgreSQL: Approach for aggregating records and upsert vs delete and insert

We have a file processing service that extracts some device configuration information from daily files and stores it into PostgreSQL tables. We have two layers of tables, The loading tables that ...
ShwetaJ's user avatar
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Optimizing Query to Retrieve Names from pg_buffercache View in PostgreSQL

I had a database with large amount of tables / partition tables where I need to retrieve the database name, relation name, parent relation name and tablespace name instead of their respective OIDs ...
Ayush Vatsa's user avatar
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How to select the closest point to another point based on the value of an attribute?

I have a stream layer. I created a layer of cross sections on the watercourses (CF). I extract the cross-section and watercourse intersection point layer (I). I add altitude z to layer I and z+5 to ...
fcka's user avatar
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Locking write to tables while Postgres procedure is executing

I have created a procedure in Postgres that will create a table with the contents of another three tables (SELECT with JOINS). Then the resulting table will be altered adding two columns that didnt ...
Alex's user avatar
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update with group column in the same table

I try to assign random value in ref column. You can see my try in Result should be : ref prod 23 prodA 23 prodA 12 prodB 12 prodB 12 prodB 23 prodA 7 prodC 23 ...
pasqal's user avatar
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Setting a value for max_locks_per_transaction

We find ourselves in a situation where we need to increase the value max_locks_per_transaction as the default isn't appropriate. I've spent some time looking and I can't find any information to ...
Krishnp92's user avatar
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When will PostgreSQL use /dev/shm?

I have been deploying PostgreSQL 9.4 on Docker for several years, and recently I upgraded the PostgreSQL version to 15.7. However, I have noticed that after upgrading to 15.7, some queries will start ...
darkframexue's user avatar
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Postgresql query with soft ordering

I have a table with around 100.000.000 entries mostly ordered by date of creation (without timezones and some entries <0.01% the primary key and the correct order would be identical). One common ...
Fabian N.'s user avatar
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How to sort query results using random() order but stable, e.g. based on the day of the week?

I have a query such as this: SELECT, cs1.uid, cs1.title, cs1.description FROM related_chat_session rcs1 INNER JOIN chat_session cs1 ON = rcs1.related_chat_session_id WHERE rcs1....
Lilou Artz's user avatar
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Postgres hot standby has a negative replication delay

I am trying to calculate the replication delay of a hot standby in Postgres. I am using the following calculation: SELECT pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_last_wal_receive_lsn(), pg_last_wal_replay_lsn()) AS ...
tristan957's user avatar
-1 votes
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Remove Null if Match

Table A Column1 Column2 column3 Mobile group_filtering on Mobile offer_group 1619 Mobile country_code 0 Lan duration 10 Lan type auto Table B ID Name Description 1619 B2B B2B Club Expected ...
Sunny Jangid's user avatar
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PostgreSQL: Best practises for Deleting huge volume of Data in Replicated Environment

We have a prod database (PostgreSQL13) with a hot-standby(physical replication) as well as logical replication to a different subscriber server. Now we are in requirement of purging few year's record ...
goodfella's user avatar
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The refresh time for a PostgreSQL materialized view is higher than creating a new one

The refresh time for a PostgreSQL materialized view is longer than creating a new one. For example, the data select query executes in 10 minutes, and creating a new materialized view takes 15 minutes. ...
Muhammad sami's user avatar
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What is the most performant way of modelling a many-to-many-manies relationship?

I have a data model that looks like this: CREATE TABLE foo ( id PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE bar ( id PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE baz ( id PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE users ( id PRIMARY KEY ); ...
08915bfe02's user avatar
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Quickest way to see sql queries that have modified a specific row in Postgres [duplicate]

I'm trying to find a way to see what queries ran in the past have modified the data of a row. For example say you have a table like this: users table id name email 1 Bill [email protected] Let's say ...
Jordash's user avatar
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Trigram index is slow for common terms

I have a PostgreSQL database with bunch of string columns in a table with a trigram index on them using pg_trgm. They are queried like this SELECT [...] FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn ILIKE '%searchterm%'...
Fabian's user avatar
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3 answers

Dynamic column selection in a subquery

I have two tables, one containing polls and the other poll votes, like this (simplified): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS polls ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, token VARCHAR(20) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ...
Borislav Zlatanov's user avatar
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UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on two columns, but duplicates appeared: how to track down and fix? [duplicate]

We have table for users: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uk_users_login_socnet ON public.users USING btree (login, socnet) We had maintenance on our server, during which it was backed up and replicated to ...
Eduard Sukharev's user avatar
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Many-to-many: select an entity by matching relationship

I have a many to many relationship implemented: CREATE TABLE public.message ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(40) UNIQUE NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE public.package( id BIGSERIAL ...
Александр's user avatar
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How can I find or log inbound traffic connecting to a PostgreSQL database instance?

I have a postgres instance where I need to find out who/what is connecting. The installed version of postgres is 9.0.1. The instance sits on a linux box, SUSE I believe. Where could I look if it is ...
Eric Swiggum's user avatar
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How to connect/take over a Postgresql instance without any login?

I have inherited a Postgresql server but have no records of the admin credentials or any user account. I do have local admin access to the Windows VM that hosts this Postgresql server. How can I gain ...
variable's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a No-DELETE replica/follower database?

I would like to allow an application's database to execute DELETE statements. However, for analytics purposes, I would like to keep all data, even deleted data. I'm trying to figure out if there is a ...
Chad M's user avatar
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Performance Impact of Partial Index on INSERTs Not Involving the Partial Match

Given: postgres=# create table testing(a int primary key, b int not null); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create index on testing (b) where b = 0; CREATE INDEX postgres=# \d testing Table "...
Kevin Meredith's user avatar
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Having trouble with composite data type in Postgres

I am trying to test an api call that loads data into my postgres db table via postman. The table includes composite value types, and that seems to be causing an error:{"error":"...
John Clemmens's user avatar
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Postgres: is there a way to speed up changing column type from int4 to int8?

We have about 100 simple changes to make to our DB schema like this: alter table transactions alter customer_sport_id type bigint; Before it was int4. Most of the changed columns have one or more ...
John Little's user avatar
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Postgres trigger with after and on row appears to not run after writing to row

I have the following two tables: CREATE TABLE qanda.group_questions ( id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() NOT NULL, category_id uuid NULL, business_model_id int4 NULL, industry_id int4 ...
Magick's user avatar
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INSTEAD OF INSERT ON never gets triggered from continous aggregate (timescale)

I'm trying to make a trigger based on when a continuous aggregate is updated. I had the trigger working on the source table, but when trying to add it on the aggregate: CREATE TRIGGER ...
Cyberwiz's user avatar
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Postgres Barman archive command failed

For production environment, I am using this archive command in my postgresql server. barman-wal-archive backup pg /var/lib/edb-pge/15/data/pg_wal/%f Now when I manually run this command on my ...
Lai Ba's user avatar
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postgresql (15) Python event_trigger

What's the syntax used to write a Postgresql event trigger in Python? This CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION log_schema_changes() RETURNS EVENT_TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpython3u AS $$ import plpy plyp.warning(...
gerardw's user avatar
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Adding FK to a newly attached partition slow

We have a partitioned table from which we attach and detach partitions for archiving purposes. When attempting to add a foreign key on the partitioned table, the process is taking a long time (up to ...
Krishnp92's user avatar
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Change cipher PBEWithMD5AndDES

I am using PostgreSQL 14. I created a database, set up a user, and performed a migration. Now, the database is connected to the application, and a security test was conducted. I have been tasked with ...
Jan Kůst's user avatar
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Best database solution for high volume tables / data indexing (snapshots) [PostgreSQL]

My problem at the moment, is that I need to index/save snapshots of some data every x minutes, so every x minutes I am inserting around 500k new rows, into a table, which each one represents a ...
Ala's user avatar
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DELETE Query with IN condition having performance issues in production

Introduction Let's say we have the tables as shown in the diagram, Corresponding DDL: CREATE TABLE Manager ( manager_id INT NOT NULL, manager_name CHAR(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (...
crypticEncoder's user avatar
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Failed to prune sessions: no pg_hba.conf entry for host, although connection works fine

I am using an AWS RDS Postgres database and Typeorm to connect to the database. I have also configured the RDS database to require a SSL connection. I pass the CA certificate to the database like this:...
BarbuDorel's user avatar
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How to create a table with only indexes and no actual data?

Question: Is is possible to create a table in PostgreSQL for the sole purpose of creating specialized indexes (used for advanced search use-cases), without storing duplicate data in such tables? ...
Saurabh Nanda's user avatar
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pgAdmin 4: How can I change the default starting value of sequences?

I don't like sequences starting from 1 while vectors, arrays etc. start from 0. Having sequences start from 0 makes it easier to store the rows in a container easier. Each time I create a table in ...
Ozan Deniz's user avatar
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How to Index/Query JSONB Columns with Arbitrary Keys for Efficient Membership Queries in PostgreSQL?

In Postgres, how do I properly index/query jsonb columns that only contain key-value pairs where the keys are arbitrary, to speed up membership operations? I have a table structured like this: CREATE ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Why must I commit after the ALTER TABLE DDL to make changes visible?

If I execute this in DBeaver: alter table classes alter column reference set not null; on my local database which only I have open in DBeaver, it completes successfully. But then I can't open the ...
John Little's user avatar
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PostgreSQL - How to optimize slow Bitmap Heap Scan?

My app is calculating the SuperTrend indicator over the price of multiple cryptocurrencies. I have the following table and indices: -- DDL generated by Postico 2.1.1 -- Not all database features are ...
Sascha Mayr's user avatar