Questions tagged [protocol]

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2 answers

Does timestamp protocol following thomas's write rule allow non-view-serializable schedules in some cases?

I have come across the following line in a text book (Database System Concepts Textbook by Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan $6e$) page no. 686: Thomas’ write rule allows schedules ...
Vimal Patel's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Where is the documentation for version 1.0 of PostgreSQL wire protocol

The current documentation refers only to version 3 of the wire protocol. However, there is the following note in the documentation: For descriptions of the earlier protocol versions, see previous ...
Eyal leshem's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Connecting to a remote SQL named instance with named pipe

I found out that when I connect to a remote SQL named instance (ServerA\instanceA) from SSMS installed on ServerB, it does connect without error, but it uses the Named Pipe protocol. I found that out ...
Dominique Boucher's user avatar
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Does SQL Server require NetBIOS for Named Pipes?

I'm not all that familiar with networking or protocols and couldn't find a similar question here or elsewhere. One of my security people is asking whether SQL Server requires NetBIOS for Named Pipes. ...
DrewCranmer's user avatar
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Why can I use named pipes to connect to SQL Server even if it's been disabled?

Why can I still use named pipes to connect to SQL Server even if it's been disabled? I'm on SQL Server 2016 doing the testing. I have recorded my operation in this youtube video:
Just a learner's user avatar
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Enable Shared Memory Protocol (SQL Server PowerShell)

I`m trying to modify and use powershell script from in order to enable SQL Shared Memory protocol on a remote server. But my issue is instead of connecting to provided ...
Nizami Khalilbayli's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there any SQL Database that will use UDP replication?

I have to find a database that will ensure the UDP replication intercontinental. Do you know if there is any SQL database that will support UDP replication? If not, can I use MySQL replication (TCP/...
T. Andreea's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

MySQL Transport Protocol Used

How can I find out which Transport Protocol MySQL is using? I know how I can change it but I don't know how to show the current one.
Fariman Kashani's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot connect to SQL server through SSMS from other machine after IP change [closed]

There was an ip change on the sql server and after that I cannot connect from other machines ssms but can connect locally . The firewall is disabled on the server and moreover its listening on port ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Converting Wire Protocol from Oracle to Postgres and Vice-Versa

Naive Question Assume we have an Application which was originally written for ORACLE as DBMS. If I want write an intermediary layer that gives this application independence to be able to work with ...
ultimate cause's user avatar
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ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error in Windows 10

Listener and service are up and running. In SQL Plus, if I connect with no login, and execute 'conn sys/pwd@host:port/sid as sysdba', connection is established successfully. But if I connect / as ...
Aegon's user avatar
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