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Set 'timing on' for the duration of the current `psql` session using command-line options

What is the equivalent of \timing on command in psql, using the psql command-line options? I am aware that this will enable timing for all psql sessions: echo '\\timing on' >> ~/.psqlrc I am ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Run PSQL command from bash script

I would like to know how to run \du within a script, and output that to a file. Something like the following: # psql <database connection> & \du > output_of_du.txt I can ...
baxx's user avatar
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2 answers

How to query 30k of entries from an external data source by script

I have a SQL query which works for single checks: SELECT trans_id from schema.table where trans_id like '%<trans_id>%' There're might be better approaches to query for, but that's not the point. ...
dbalucas's user avatar
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How to use psql command with no password prompt? [duplicate]

I'm trying to write shell script to avoid entering password every time while login to psql.
Lenin's user avatar
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5 answers

What does "psql: /usr/pgsql-11/lib/ no version information available (required by psql)" actually mean?

I have a question regarding following output: [nikola@192 ~] $ sudo su - postgres [postgres@192 ~] $ psql dvdrental postgres psql: /usr/pgsql-11/lib/ no version information available (...
NikolaS's user avatar
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Shell script - psql run multiple statements from a variable one by one in one transaction

Im preparing a shell script to generate analyze command and all the commands will go to a variable. echo $analyze_query analyze tbl1; analyze tbl2; analyze tbl3; Now I want to run one by one, and ...
TheDataGuy's user avatar
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3 answers

Use psql --set variable in a function

I want to create a script that will create some custom named schema and within it some tables and functions. Like this: The file: #!/bin/bash # this is the only place I want to set the ...
kbkb's user avatar
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2 answers

Running a command in psql `-c` that requires identifier quoting

I have created a database schema as "" and inside this schema, I have created a table "a.b.c". When I do select * from ""."a.b.c"; year | mydata ------+-------- 2011 | test1 ...
Anurag Kulshreshtha's user avatar
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dynamic postgres inside shell script not working

PG_CMD="psql -d portal -U portal -c " PG_CMD_TP="psql -d portal -U portal -t -P format=unaligned -c " abc() { $PG_CMD " DO \$$ BEGIN select * from customer; ...
user3526905's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Variable substitution in psql when using \copy

I'm using the psql command \copy and I would like to pass a variable to it from the shell (for table name) like I've done when scripting queries. I've read in the documentation for psql that: The ...
beacon_bonanza's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Drop multiple databases in one script

I am trying to figure out how to drop multiple databases on PostgreSQL in one sql script. I preferably need it to work both when executed in pgAdmin console, and when used in psql command line tool. ...
Tomas's user avatar
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