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4 votes
5 answers

How to update table records in reverse order?

I've a table Student Id Name Mark 1 Medi 10 2 Ibra 15 3 Simo 20 and I want to update it, where I want to reverse it in descending order only Name and Mark and keep Id in its order: ...
XMehdi01's user avatar
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1 vote
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Can I retry every SQL query in case of a deadlock exception (MSSQL)

Is it always safe to retry an SQL query in case of a deadlock exception? Can this lead to unexpected behavior or executing an operation twice? I think a deadlock exception always means a rollback even ...
k-eight-s's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Subtract multiple quantities in table2 from table1

How can I subtract the quantities in table2 from table1? I'm using SQL Server 2014. Table1 P_ID name quantity 1 carrot 100 2 eggplant 100 3 Avocado 100 4 ...
zarx burger's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Query Plan question

I've created a varbinary hash to check changes between 2 tables. Here is the execution plan, I'm a bit stumped on the indexing, or indeed if there is a better way of writing this. https://www....
sqlbanana's user avatar