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Recursive CTE to get Grandparent, parent, children [duplicate]

I have a data structure that relies on a parent/child model. The top level parent can have multiple children where they can also be parents. Here's an example of how things can look in the tree: ...
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2 answers

all the dependants of a stored procedure or function recursively - but shown only once

I often work with third party data professionals and they ask me to replicate whatever table(s) such and such stored procedure or function or view touches within one or more databases. so I have ...
1 vote
3 answers

SQL recursion and cte - dates timeseries

I need to build vector(s) of time series dates (say 10) for a subset of start dates. The following statement returns 10 consecutive dates starting from '2010-01-01'. ;with cte as (select 1 i union ...