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How can I reduce recursion in Couchbase?

Sometimes, you need to access a certain document (A), but you do not know the key for that document (A), as that data is stored in a different document (B). So now, if you want to fetch A, it looks ...
haneefmubarak's user avatar
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PostgreSQL CTE Recursion - How to Improve Performance for Parent->Child Tree (8 levels deep, 890 roots)

I am working on a query that performs PostgreSQL CTE Recursion in PostgreSQL 13. This query is intended to recurse from the root nodes to the deepest leaf node with certain properties (labeled 'begat'...
Justin Lowen's user avatar
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Fastest way of updating a spider web of data

I have a large table with over 60 million rows, which has relational data inside of it. I need to update each of these rows to the newest date, of the newest member, including members that that ...
Justin M's user avatar
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Cleaner approach for Recursive CTE query

I have a table called entry_changes defined as follows: Table "public.entry_changes" Column | Type | ...
Victor's user avatar
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