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Why does Recursive CTE estimate just 1 row?

Given two cascading, self-contained (no real tables) recursive CTE's: create view NumberSequence_0_100_View as with NumberSequence as ( select 0 as Number union all select Number + 1 ...
crokusek's user avatar
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CTE Query to CONCAT text (over 10,000 rows)

I am trying to construct a CTE query to loop through rows of data and concatenate text into one line for each SampleUserNumber. Below is what I am working with: CREATE TABLE #SampleTable ( ...
HelloWorld2099's user avatar
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SQL Server 2012 - Common Table Expression (CTE) returning more rows than it should

CTE SQLFiddle I have one lifetable with 121 rows and 3 columns (age, male and female). I have to fetch all the 121 rows considering the gender. If the gender is "Male" I fetch the column "Male" from ...
Is PHP Cool7's user avatar
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How to execute join statement dynamically without using static group id? [closed]

I work on SQL server 2014 I need to run this statement below dynamically without using group id static because I don't know maximum group id using may be 10,15,20 so How to run query below dynamically ...
ahmed barbary's user avatar