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PostgreSQL CTE Recursion - How to Improve Performance for Parent->Child Tree (8 levels deep, 890 roots)

I am working on a query that performs PostgreSQL CTE Recursion in PostgreSQL 13. This query is intended to recurse from the root nodes to the deepest leaf node with certain properties (labeled 'begat'...
Justin Lowen's user avatar
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PostgreSQL recursive query performance improvement

I'm building a database which is used to derive hierarchical relations for which I chose a PostgreSQL recursive CTE . my table structure is table_name |column_name |data_type ...
Arun's user avatar
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Cleaner approach for Recursive CTE query

I have a table called entry_changes defined as follows: Table "public.entry_changes" Column | Type | ...
Victor's user avatar
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4 votes
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PostgresSQL recursive query running slow with low load and almost no data

I'm building a simple ACL system and the datastore is Postgres 9.6. Permissions are assigned to groups, which can have subgroups, and people are assigned to groups. I have a poor performing query ...
s0nica's user avatar
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7 votes
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Looking for a simpler alternative to a recursive query

The actual query is more involved, but the problem I'm facing can be distilled to this: A query to filter a rowset of monotonically increasing integers so that - in the final result set, row(n+1)....
sr33's user avatar
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6 votes
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Improve performance for order by with columns from many tables

Using PostgreSQL 8.4, I'm trying to consult two tables with 1 million records using order by with indexed columns of the two tables, and I'm losing performance (with 1 column takes 30 ms and with two ...
Bremer Rodrigues's user avatar
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Finding the current prices for n Fuelstations at a certain point in time

I have a Table where price information is stored in with approx 13 million rows stored in a PostgreSQL 9.5 database. CREATE TABLE public.de_tt_priceinfo ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('...
Benjamin's user avatar
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