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Recursive CTE based on function values significantly slower on Postgres 12 than on 11

Following up on my question about some queries in Postgres 12 being slower than in 11 I think, I was able to narrow down the problem. It seems like one recursive CTE based on function values is the ...
cis's user avatar
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Cleaner approach for Recursive CTE query

I have a table called entry_changes defined as follows: Table "public.entry_changes" Column | Type | ...
Victor's user avatar
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Looking for a simpler alternative to a recursive query

The actual query is more involved, but the problem I'm facing can be distilled to this: A query to filter a rowset of monotonically increasing integers so that - in the final result set, row(n+1)....
sr33's user avatar
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Finding the current prices for n Fuelstations at a certain point in time

I have a Table where price information is stored in with approx 13 million rows stored in a PostgreSQL 9.5 database. CREATE TABLE public.de_tt_priceinfo ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('...
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