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Questions tagged [recursive]

Using recursion to solve database problems.

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1 answer

Sql query for all ascendent of a node

I have a table having records as below: ID Name parentId 1 A Null 2 B 1 3 C Null 4 D 3 5 E 4 I need out put in following format ID Name ParentName ...
Rohit Kumar's user avatar
2 votes
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How make recursive json on mysql

my table looks like CREATE TABLE `test_comments` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `test_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `user_id` int(...
valeron's user avatar
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1 answer

How to select recursively in a child parent design situation (in MySQL)?

Let's take into consideration the following tables: CREATE TABLE actions ( id BIGINT(20) unsigned PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, user_id BIGINT(20) ...
Kristi Jorgji's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get the hierarchy of particular employee using JPA spring boot?

I am trying to find a way to get the employee hierarchy in an organization using JPA and Spring boot. The problem is similar to the following link Similar Data Model If A reports to B and B reports ...
dadajaki's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to link rows in a many-to-many relationship where types have parents, grandparents etc

In PostgreSQL 10.4, I have a model/table category with a Foreign Key to itself. The hierarchy can extend to any number of levels: parent, grandparent etc. I have a model/table product. Each product ...
user3541631's user avatar
2 votes
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Geting rows from self-referencing single table using Postgres

I am trying to get rows from self-referencing single table in Postgres. I got table A and I would like to get Table B. For given ProcID using Input_proc_Id I want to get another row until i get ...
Losbaltica's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Select starting node ID in CTE

I have following table: create table osoba( id int primary key, idNd int, nazwim nvarchar(500), ) Data looks like below: id idNd nazwim 1 NULL grandpa 2 1 child1 3 1 child2 4 2 ...
Maciej Dzierżak's user avatar
2 votes
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Redshift- How to use previous row's calculations in current row

I am using redshift to determine projected inventory for next few week. I have receipts, current inventory and forecast. ei= ei(previous row) + receipts - forecast wk bi r f ei 1 100 20 ...
igotsar's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Help with CTE Aggregating Children Recursively

I'm trying to create a query to calculate the "Available to Sell" qty of all items in inventory. In this case, an item can have current available inventory, but could also be a kit, which is comprised ...
crichavin's user avatar
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Recursive query to find shortest path in graph

I have an assignment to find the shortest possible path between two people in a table. The table is Company(company_name, job, name), all of them not null, but none of them unique (primary key is the ...
Gues's user avatar
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Tables with mixed ON DELETE CASCADE and ON DELETE RESTRICT, rule set with recursion?

Not sure if this is a generic question, but unless not, this is MySQL 5.6. We have a database consisting of ~300 tables, INNODB, all connected with proper foreign keys. One of these tables can be ...
Matthias's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Find X parents with recursive postgres

Have issue with building a recursive query in Postgres. Tried with this one but it doesn't seem to work. So table user have user_id and referred_by_user_id. referred_by_user_id can be empty, if it is ...
Reeebuuk's user avatar
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3 votes
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Query to List all hierarchical children with parent, grandparent etc. from entire table

I have a basic sql table with an ID and an optional parentID from the same table. This has multiple levels. I need to get a list of all IDs with each of its parents all the way to the top. if ...
M B's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why does this CTE return the bulk of its results immediately, but then take several minutes to finish?

I've got a schema roughly like this (this is a simplification of my actual schema): CREATE TABLE foo ( key1 NUMERIC(6) NOT NULL, key2 VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, val VARCHAR(255) NULL, ...
JAF's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Create JSON object from recursive tree structure

Having this simple many-to-many self-referential structure. An item owns other items through the joins table: CREATE TABLE items ( item_id serial PRIMARY KEY , title text ); CREATE TABLE ...
Ben's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How to filter out Scalar Valued User-Defined Function usage from SQL Server Audit Data?

We have a SQL Server database which has a database audit specification which audits all execute actions on the database. CREATE DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION [dbAudit] FOR SERVER AUDIT [servAudit] ADD ...
Mark Iannucci's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Recursive relationship database [closed]

So I have an university project that has to implement some kind of a recursive relationship like (for example - employee may be managed by other employee(
petet mcgregory's user avatar
1 vote
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Conditional Query [closed]

can someone please help me with the below requirement? I have a table with sample data below Now, I want to write a query that 1. It don't miss any ID in the report 2. If a particular ID has a ...
Rajiv's user avatar
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Help on Self-Referential CTE SQL SERVER

I have this table below which is has a hierarchy to it where the number of levels vary, for this example I chose a subset with 7 levels. L_Key Parent Level P_Key ------------------------- 1393 ...
Kevin Nguyen's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use WITH RECURSIVE with values in an array?

I'm sure I'm missing something simple here, but I'm trying to use PostgreSQL's WITH RECURSIVE to create a graph of children records. The data (simplified) looks like this: CREATE TABLE offspring (...
Shane O.'s user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

self-joins in recursive CTE: `recursive reference must not appear more than once`?

This is tested with PostgreSQL 9.6, but it's a general SQL question. Is it possible to use self-joins of the recursive table in a recursive CTE (rCTE)? I tried the following rCTE containing a self-...
tinlyx's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Table design for “Users & Groups” plus “Groups within Groups”

I need to represent users and groups, where groups can be nested within other groups. (Not my design choice – I am replicating another system and must mimic this behavior. I have no access to its ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
0 votes
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Recursive Seller Account with Balance

I need to build a database for managing Short Messaging Service (SMS). In this I have 2 types of users Reseller Must have starting SMS balance for example: 1,000 - credit table He can sell ...
Manjesh V's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Get Nested/Hierarchical Data from SQL Table

I have a table relationship between 'Tag' and 'Task'. It is M:M. The relationship is mapped in the table 'TagTaskMapping'. The TagAssignment table stores the relationship between a Tag and a date. So ...
K09's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

CTE: Get all parents and all children in one statement

I have this working CTE example. I can select all grand-parents and all children. But how can I select all grand-parents and all children in one statement? In this example I want Grandfather, Father, ...
guettli's user avatar
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5 answers

Finding the first parent (manager) of an employee that makes twice as much in a self-referencing table?

Example you have the following table CREATE TABLE emp (id,name,salary,manager) AS VALUES ( 1 , 'james' , 10000 , null ), ( 2 , 'alex' , 5000 , 1 ), ( 3 , 'Alice' , 4500 , 1 ), ...
HoneyBadger786's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

While Loop - Parent/Child Tree

I'm trying to recursively loop through and return all child_id's that have the root element of 9. The structure: ->9 ->->8 ->->->17 ->->22 ->->->11 Parent Child ...
Jordan Davis's user avatar
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1 answer

Binary tree "get open list" SQL query

I have a node table that looks like this, plus it has an inserted_at column: id | parent_id ----------+----------- 1 | nil 2 | 1 3 | 1 4 | 2 5 | 2 ...
MetaStack's user avatar
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1 answer

Recurstive query parent child speed

Recursive queries to find the tree-structure (parent-child) in a table are commonly found here, however most have the problem that the childID must be higher than the parentID. A possible solution ...
Jeffrey's user avatar
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1 answer

Social network comments and posts model in PostgreSQL 9.6

I'm trying to figure out a data structure for migrating from MongoDB to PostgreSQL. Within my posts table in Postgres, I have a JSONB[] array holding comments for the post. The thing is that each ...
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-1 votes
3 answers

Create parent node and parent id [closed]

I have a table which contains id, nodeid, nodevalue, and nodelevel columns. Now I want to create new temp column ParentnodeId. I tried using CTE but not getting the correct result. Id Nodeid ...
mjak's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do I ORDER BY timestamp in this recursive query?

I have a working reqursive query for my comments table. WITH RECURSIVE comments_tree( id, content, created_at, path, level ) AS ( SELECT id, content, created_at, ARRAY[id]...
blackst0ne's user avatar
4 votes
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PostgresSQL recursive query running slow with low load and almost no data

I'm building a simple ACL system and the datastore is Postgres 9.6. Permissions are assigned to groups, which can have subgroups, and people are assigned to groups. I have a poor performing query ...
s0nica's user avatar
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Joining recursive table in PostgreSQL

Situation I have two simple tables, one called "node_relations" and one called "node_information". The table "node_relations" represents a simple parent-child hierarchy, having only two columns "id" ...
M.Ermatinger's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is WITH RECURSIVE the right tool for my task?

Table setup: create table users(id bigserial, group_id bigint); insert into users(group_id) values (1), (1), (2), (1), (3), (3); Query: WITH RECURSIVE r AS ( SELECT, users....
lissp's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Recursive cte avoiding loops

I'm trying to write a recursive CTE to explore a workflow system. Unfortunately, I'm getting maximum recursion errors due to loops: with cteActs as ( select as [id], aa.TASKNEXTID as [...
Paul's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Informix - Getting all descendants of a parent

I have a table with two columns, Parent and Child. Need to get the list of all descendants associated with the parent records. Source Table: +----+-----------+ | Parent | Child | +----+-----------+ |...
Zoran's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to group all linked objects in a undirected cyclic graph

I have a table that has customers and its joint customers. e.g Customer 1 has a joint customer 2. Customer 1 is also a joint customer to Customer 3. I am trying to group all customers that are linked ...
Arcturus's user avatar
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1 answer

Using `nextval` and `currval` inside one CREATE TABLE

Let's say that we would like to model a team of people that can have subteams like so: CREATE SEQUENCE seq_teams; CREATE TABLE teams ( tid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('seq_teams'), ...
alisianoi's user avatar
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need to correct this Query/Loop to find and start "new branch" in the output

given these tables: PERSONS person_id fname lname info 1 LB Johnson "info..." 2 Bobby Baker (null) 3 Malcolm Wallace (null) 4 Billy ...
glenn nall's user avatar
3 votes
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Hierarchical Storage and Query

I am editing and providing new info to this question because i've found what I need, just have a couple of questions about efficiency. Now, I have this table: category -------------------------- ...
glenn nall's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Doing something immediately with data in array field [closed]

I have a table that looks like this: stuff id content score children[] I'd like to run a query that selects all the children for a given id, and then right away gets the full records ...
Bonnie Scott's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Best way to design / query multi-level relationship table

My company is going to develop a mobile app selling services across different regions. We are expecting users are going to hugely depend on the Search function. Thus, I need to make sure the database ...
Wai Hong's user avatar
0 votes
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Calculate Value Dynamically

I need to calculate a value by using it's previous value * ColumnX Here is the formula: DividendReinvested = "Previous DividendReinvested" * (1+ValuationPercChange/100) Can I do this without a loop?...
K09's user avatar
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3 answers

SQL Server - How to solve FIFO Cost of OHB... function, cursor,?

SQL Server 2008R2 - Need to solve FIFO cost of items on hand. To do this I need to add the cost for the most recent receipts quantity up to the current on hand balance(OHB). So lets say I have ...
stinkyjak's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Select all children down a hierarchy

I have a table of hierarchical data like this: BookGroupID GroupName ParentGroupID ----------- --------- ------------- 0 Primary 0 1 abc 0 2 abd ...
Riyas Vemmully's user avatar
1 vote
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How to return specific row number of a Hierachial query - Oracle

I have this query that works as expected. Within Oracle SQL Developer it returns ~19,500 rows. Unfortunately our current application limits our result to 10,000. I know I will need to run this query ...
Diver Dave's user avatar
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2 answers

COUNTING results from self-referenced table recursively

I have a table called Clients. And at this table, I have an idFather to know who added this row to the table. Sample: id | user | idFather | createdAt ---+---------+----------+----------- 01 | ...
Raphael Schubert's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Which columns need index in recursive table and soft delete

I have a Category table like below : I have a recursive relationship on this Category table. I use soft delete in my project. I have 2000 rows in Category table. When I want to show data in a UI ...
Kar Inter's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Recursive CTE to find Total for all children

Here is an assembly tree that I want to search using a recursive T-SQL Query (presumably CTE) with the expected results below. I want to know the total amount per assembly given any part. Meaning if ...
markokstate's user avatar