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Having issue with window function COUNT counting duplicates

I have a query like so: select distinct( as email, count(orders.order_id) over(partition by orders.order_id) as num_orders from line_items inner join orders on ...
john's user avatar
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How to force Redshift/Postgres to aggregate nth_value?

I'm trying to retrieve the 2nd, 3rd, 4th order/transaction from an orders table using a query that looks like this: select customer_email, nth_value(created_at, 1) over (partition by ...
john's user avatar
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Efficient way to create daily summary table

I'm trying to create a daily summary table that captures characteristics of each client known as of every given date that my company has been in business. The challenge is that there are so many ...
user554481's user avatar
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Understand why rank() over doesn't fit to don't select duplicates rows

I would like to understand why I have different results I have a table called active_transfert where I log image transfert user_id | image_id | created_at --------|----------|----------- 1 |1 ...
Mio's user avatar
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How do you select the rolling, most recent value for each person for each month in a range where that most recent value is less than 6 months old?

I need help writing a SQL query for Redshift (Postgres will do) likely involving WINDOW functions, PARTITIONS, LAST_VALUE and other things above my head. Users can submit survey responses at any ...
dclaysmith's user avatar
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Finding earliest connected value over two columns

I have a, perhaps slightly esoteric, use case. Given a table like the following: id1 | id2 | timestamp -----+-----+--------------------- 3 | 4 | 2016-03-22 09:52:15 1 | 2 | ...
Christoffer Pedersen's user avatar