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2 answers

Run query every 5 minutes

Please find the below query: select count(*) from v$session; This has to be run on the database every 5 minutes. What is the right way to achieve this? The query has to be run every 5 minutes on the ...
Abstract Circle's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why would a scheduled job fail in SQL Developer?

I am trying to create a scheduled job in Oracle SQL Developer that would run once a month and I am testing the Scheduler/Jobs feature where I have created a simple SQL query to test the ability to do ...
Andrew Hicks's user avatar
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1 answer

Oracle 11g - Database Job About User Lock

I have an Oracle database (Oracle 11gR2) and I want to create a job. The job will trigger my procedure. The procedure must comply with the rules I have specified below: If a user's expiry_date value ...
jrdba's user avatar
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3 answers

Oracle 12c and Jobs running one hour apart after changing time for hourly use

I have an Oracle 12c database in which I have detected that the scheduled jobs are running one hour apart after the change of time on the server, checking in the database I see that the SYSTIMESTAMP ...
miguel ramires's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

executing a stored procedure on a monthly schedule

I'm looking to create an invoicing procedure that executes automatically once a month. The procedure name is INVOICE_PROC. I have tried to use a trigger to execute it but I can't get it to work. ...
MitchallC's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Run shell script on Oracle 11g

I have an oracle database: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production "CORE Production" TNS for Linux: Version - ...
Wolfy's user avatar
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2 answers

Stop long running scheduled job

I need to launch a scheduled job at 12 o'clock at night and keep this job running for a period of 8 hours. What happens now is that the job is running for more than 12 hours and I really need to avoid ...
Arnaldo Raxach's user avatar
1 vote
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Create a job from dbms_scheduler with stream redirection?

I want to create a simple job who have to execute this shell command: echo some_text > some_file The attributes some_text and some_file can change between two calls to run_job so I need to use ...
Pierre's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Ways to Schedule Rman backups

I am using oracle 11g database in windows platform. Also, my db is in archivelog mode and I am taking daily RMAN backups. Now, I need to schedule my Rman backups on daily and weekly basis. I read ...
SHS's user avatar
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