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Questions tagged [sleep]

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1 answer

Sleeping for a random amount of time in a stored procedure

A vendor application we're using utilizes multiple processes (not threads) spread across multiple computers, one for each processing core available. When asked for a batch of calculations, the ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Debugging sleeping connections

I'm troubleshooting an app that has a lot of sleeping connections to my MySQL (MariaDB) server. I'd like to see just what the queries are on these sleeping connections, but when I run SHOW FULL ...
Jellicle's user avatar
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5 answers

How to execute MySQL query after 1 minute

I have a query, but I want to call it now and wish it to be executed after few mins and seconds. Please note: I don't want to use SLEEP(), as it 'freezes' the entire database. I want one of the ...
Beržas Su Jumis's user avatar
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MySQL import failed with process in 'sleep' state

I'm trying to import a dump ~500MB, ~300 tables using the SOURCE command from withing the MySQL command line environment. Everything seems to go well with tables being created and being filled with ...
Dom's user avatar
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1 answer

How come website be random slow? Open sleep processes?

My website is randomly very slow by high MYSQL CPU, and I have no idea what the problem is. Hopefully I will come closer to the solution with this post. If I check the mysql processes, I see a lot of ...
Ernst Wemmers's user avatar
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Rate-limiting query execution in a batch process

I have a set of queries in my queries.sql file which I am feeding to psql for execution. But I don't want them to run instantly one after the other: I would like to set some sort of delay - I was ...
audlift-bit's user avatar
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what's practical example / use case SELECT SLEEP() for DBA

I don't know how to use SELECT SLEEP(). It looks like a dirty hack. I found an interesting question How and when to use SLEEP() correctly in MySQL?. The answer is developer oriented: If you don't ...
Sybil's user avatar
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2 answers

Idle connection plus schema-modifying query causing locked database

As part of our automated deployment process for a web app running on a LAMP stack, we drop all our triggers and stored procedures and recreate them from source control. It turns out there was a hidden ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
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Sleep Processes are Running Longer Than Allowed

From time to time my mysql server will run into a "too many connections" error. I believe part of the problem is large amount of sleep processes that are running, some over 1000 seconds. When ...
Steve Robbins's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

MySQL: many Sleep processes

I've queried SHOW processlist as root after a server restert, and got a long list of Sleep threads: +-----+-------------+-----------------+---------+---------+------+-------+------------------+ | Id ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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