Questions tagged [slowly-changing-dimension]

12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Slowly changing dimensions - data integrity

When using SCD is it possible to still enforce FK contraints. Consider the following table structure: customer (data_version_id PK, customer_id PK, name, address1,...etc) order(order_id PK, ...
Neil Griffiths's user avatar
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Data Warehouse Kimball Interest Rate and Interest Payment Amount

I am modelling a bank account. Should interest rate be in the DimCheckingAccountId (which shows ProductDimensions, or should it be in fact table, or both). Same with another LoanAccount, should ...
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PostgreSQL: Deadlock on insert trigger that also updates same table.

I am trying to implement a type 2 slowly changing dimension in a PG data warehouse using a trigger function. The basic idea is that when a new row is inserted, we should check whether NEW is a ...
ChristopherTull's user avatar
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What can cause an "SCD is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow" error?

I created an SSIS package which includes several SCD data flows. This works fine in Visual Studio SSDT, but when scheduled (using SQL Agent), it fails, with this error repeated for each SCD: Code: ...
Jon of All Trades's user avatar
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Keeping version history / Slowly changing dimension

We're creating a new version of a 20 years old database, in which we used to keep version history by creating new rows in each table (SCD Type 2). SCD Type 2 is not that hard when you need to keep ...
Midas's user avatar
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Create SCD type 2 table from change log table using SQL

I have a change log table, which captures the transition of a state with its time, for example: user_id,user_status_from,user_status_to, created_date 7cc4d A2 A1 2019-11-03 ...
user3065757's user avatar
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Data Warehouse: Auto Generate Slowly Changing Dimension Code For Any Table with Dynamic Sql

Can someone code review to take OLTP/Stage data and transform it into Data Warehouse Kimball Slowly Changing Dimension Type 2? This code should be dynamic, and should be able to utilize any table as ...
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SQL Query group by to find EffectiveFrom and EffectiveTo Dates for repeating key value pair

I have a table with a snapshot of repeated data for a key and value pair with record_timestamps. The dataset can also contain late-arriving historical record_timestamps as well. I want to generate an ...
user137279's user avatar
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How Do I create history table that allows me to retrieve the times when a row active by year & month?

I want to be able to retrieve the in-between months when a client was active but from a historical table. Table: DimensionEpisode episode_id client_id episode_status discharge_date admission_date ...
Sam Johnson's user avatar
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Do I have the right Slowly Changing Dimensions type for my version controlled tennis match database?

I'm trying to version control my database using the principles of Slowly Changing Dimensions. I've opted to use Type 2 with a generation start and end column instead of datetimes. In a simplified ...
Jossy's user avatar
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Configure Type 2 SCD on existing tables in SQL Server

I've got two tables, FACILITIES and CONTRACTS. It's a 1:M facility->contract. The tables have unique keys generated by the upstream system and are truncate-reload every night. Neither table has any ...
seve's user avatar
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Periodic snapshot fact table with monthly grain - Question on dimensions

I am fairly new to data-warehousing but have read my fair share of books and online tutorials to gain an introductory understanding of the basic components that build up a data warehouse. My end goal ...
Alistair's user avatar
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