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Questions tagged [sp-blitzfirst]

sp_BlitzFirst is a stored procedure by the Brent Ozar team. Use this tag for questions about how to use the procedure, how to interpret the output, and for troubleshooting advice.

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Capturing in-memory OLTP transaction aborted errors in SQL Server

In one of my SQL Server 2016 Enterprise instances, sp_BlitzFirst is reporting hundreds of aborted transactions per second in one of my in-memory OLTP databases. I've set up error logging with try/...
Marcus's user avatar
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waitsStats_Deltas View

This is a question related with Brent Ozar's FirstResponder Kit. How to interpret column "wait_time_minutes_per_minute" on the WaitStats_delta view? Regards, Enrique
Enrique C's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot install sp_blitzfirst on sql azure db

I'm trying to install Brent Ozar's SP_BlitzFirst on a user database on an Azure SQL Database instance. However, I get the error: The module 'sp_BlitzFirst' depends on the missing object '...
Andrew Richards's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst - SQL Server - slow data reads - huge wait stats

We are experiencing intermittent SQL Server issues, where from time to time, it would become unresponsive for a few minutes, causing an outage of a system, driving crazy many users. I started using ...
Agustin Garzon's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst takes too long to complete

sp_BlitzFirst did not complete execution even after running it for more than 4 hours. I have tried executing it with no parameters and with parameters as well, as shown below. exec sp_BlitzFirst @...
IT Researcher143's user avatar
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Should I use a temp table or join

I am creating a stored procedure in sql server 2019 that needs to use multiple select statements to get a parent row and then its related data. I have the primary key clustered value for the parent so ...
Joshua Grippo's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst - option to save more than only SQL Server PerfMon stats?

First, I can't say enough good things about the FirstResponders kit. It's my "Go To" anytime something seems funny on the SQL servers. I'm also using sp_BlitzFirst to capture data to tables ...
Roger's user avatar
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Gathering sp_BlitzFirst data into a centralized database [duplicate]

I have setup a Central Management Server and registered all of my SQL servers (prods and devs). I want to save the results of sp_BlitzFirst from running it against all of my servers to a centralized ...
DBAle's user avatar
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Can sp_BlitzFirst pass the @ExpertMode parameter to sp_BlitzWho [closed]

When running sp_blitzFirst @expertmode = 1 the first result set(result set of sp_blitzwho)does not return nearly as many columns and it does in Brent's video. With a little troubleshooting it was ...
Steve Rybak's user avatar
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sp_blitzFirst Does Not Output to DB When Run as SQL Job [closed]

I'm an accidental DBA here, I am attempting to create a SQL Agent Job that will capture the data for sp_blitzFirst. My goal is to start using the PowerBI dashboard to help show our pain points to ...
brndr's user avatar
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SQL Performance post virtualization - sp_blitz and latency info attached

Full disclosure, I'm a VMware admin. We're trying to virtualize a SQL server that handles pricing information for multiple customers. Up until now, it has been a physical system with local SSDs. ...
Chrys Bundy's user avatar
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Can sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, or sp_BlitzFirst identify what queries caused a major growth operation to occur on a particular log file?

I'm currently logging the outputs of sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, and sp_BlitzFirst regularly (via SQL jobs). A particular database's log file grew somewhat exponentially and I believe I can see the ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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FOR XML could not serialize the data for node 'col_definition'

looking for some help. I have just started looking at the Blitz stats but getting the following error. This is whilst running sp_BlitzIndex. I am using Version 7.2 (dated 28/01/2019). FOR XML ...
MatthewM's user avatar
5 votes
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install FirstResponderKit in Azure SQL DB?

I've just downloaded the newest version (20190128) of FirstResponderKit from, and tried to install it on Azure SQL DB. I'm getting these errors: Msg 40515, Level 15, State 1, Procedure ...
Henrik Staun Poulsen's user avatar
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sp_blitzfirst results to table on a linked server

I have been all over looking for the solution to logging sp_blitzfirst results to table on a linked server. I see github posts where a contributor was adding this to sp_blitz, but that's been closed ...
Mitch Stein's user avatar
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sp_WhoIsActive vs sp_BlitzFirst @ExpertMode = 1

I use sp_WhoIsActive and sp_BlitzFirst (with ExpertMode paramter set to 1) to get an overview of what is happening on the SQL Server in real time. I find these to be an upgrade on sp_who, sp_who2 etc.....
SE1986's user avatar
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sp_BlitzCache gives a "divide by zero error encountered."

After updating to First Responders Kit 20180901, I have a job that runs every 15 minutes and calls sp_BlitzFirst: EXEC [DBA Maintenance].[dbo].[sp_BlitzFirst] @OutputDatabaseName = 'DBA ...
Matthew Brook's user avatar
15 votes
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How can wait times be higher than clock time?

When I'm tracking waits with sp_BlitzFirst, I get this detail: <?ClickToSeeDetails -- For 20 seconds over the last 5 seconds, SQL Server was waiting on this particular bottleneck. -- ?> ...
Robert Rice's user avatar
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sp_blitzfirst not showing memory grant columns

I saw several videos where the know procedure sp_blitzfirst shows the memory grant columns, I even saw it working like that, but on the latest version of the first responder kit, it doesn't show those ...
mvillegascuellar's user avatar
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Occasional error when running sp_BlitzFirst [closed]

I have set up sp_BlitzFirst to run as a job (for the PowerBI Dashboard). Occasionally, when it runs, it gets the following error: Msg 8152, Sev 16, State 13, Line 2980 : String or binary data would ...
Darrell's user avatar
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I've been using sp_BlitzFirst and logging the results every 15 minutes for the past 5 days. Using the new Power BI report from, I'm seeing a VERY large range of ...
Ulfius's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst - File Stats Interpretation

I've had sp_BlizFirst running for a few days every 12 minutes to capture the various statistics. What I've come to realise though is that it doesn't seem to gather a lot of File Related Performance ...
Philip's user avatar
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Negative values for Wait Time per Core per Sec in sp_BlitzFirst

I'm a developer in a firm that doesn't want to spend money on a DBA so i'm on my own with keeping the SQL servers healty. I checked some of Brent's videos and decided to check how hard the SQL servers ...
Alex Dee's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst - Wait Stats Interpretation

I have some BlitzFirst Wait Stats that look as follows: Is this the proper way to interpret this? During the 30 second sample, there were a total of 627.1 seconds of IO_Completion waiting, an average ...
Randy Minder's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst doesnt work on SQL Server 2005 [closed]

Msg 139, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_BlitzFirst, Line 0 [Batch Start Line 3] Cannot assign a default value to a local variable. Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Procedure sp_BlitzFirst, Line 120 [...
Pete's user avatar
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Error when running sp_BlitzFirst from First-Responder-Kit-20170307

when I run EXEC sp_BlitzFirst @expertmode=1 I get Setting up configuration variables Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used. Now starting diagnostic analysis ...
abutmah's user avatar
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sp_BlitzWho saving to a table

How to save result of sp_BlitzWho to a table? An option to save to table is not there compared to other procs like sp_Blitz.
Kumar D's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst: blocking_session_id not displayed in list of session_ids

I have version sp_BlitzFirst 2016-12-10. I executed the following: sp_blitzfirst @ExpertMode = 1, @CheckProcedureCache = 1, @OutputType = 'Opserver1' Below output shows SPID 124 is blocked by SPID ...
Greg's user avatar
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Invalid column name 'database_id' in sp_blitzfirst

I am receiving the following in messages when running the sp_blitzfirst @expertmode = 1 on the following box: kit version: SQL-Server-First-Responder-Kit-20161210 Microsoft SQL Server Standard ...
DisturbedMaynard's user avatar
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Invalid column name 'database_id'

I loaded the stored procedure into master and ran: dbo.sp_BlitzFirst @ExpertMode = 1 I got: Setting up configuration variables Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 5 Invalid column name 'database_id'. ...
Ngài Jin's user avatar
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sp_BlitzCache: Plan Cache 100% in last 4 hours

This is a re-post of my question here BlitzCache suggests there may be memory pressure, but I think there is another problem. I just don't know what that problem is! sp_blitzFirst @ExpertMode = 1; ...
DaSiHu's user avatar
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What could empty our cache (plan and buffer)?

If I execute sp_BlitzFirst in my server, sometimes it tells me 2 things: Plan Cache Erased Recently (indeed my plan cache is around a few hundreds MBs) (sometimes) Page Life to low (indeed my page ...
remi bourgarel's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst fails when outputting values to tables

I have had an agent job running sp_AskBrent for some time, running with the following parameters: EXEC sp_AskBrent @Expertmode=1 ,@OutputDatabaseName = 'DBName' , @OutputSchemaName = 'dbo' , @...
GHauan's user avatar
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sp_AskBrent not logging queries when saving to table vs. sp_WhoIsActive

sp_AskBrent, when run as an agent job every 5 minutes is logging to a table but never seems to populate QueryText. However, sp_WhoIsActive, when also run every 5 minutes on the same SQL Server ...
user103537's user avatar
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sp_BlitzFirst @AsOf Functionality Not Working?

I'm trying to run the sp_BlitzFirst stored procedure (using the 7/15/2016 version) with the @AsOf parameter, and I'm getting this error: EXEC sp_BlitzFirst @AsOf = '2015-02-23 18:45', @...
The Great Laughter's user avatar