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Error while running sp_blitz in 2008 SQL Server and lower versions

I have created an SSIS package to run sp_blitz in my production servers. The stored procedure runs fine for servers having a version higher than 2012 but fails for 2008 and 2005. Please find the ...
l.lijith's user avatar
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Unexplainable behavior of SQL Server under Windows Authentication

The versions affected are SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2. If we grant CONNECT SQL to public server role, any AD account can log in to server. So we'll have all the AD members on the server without ...
sepupic's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to raise an alert when a table reaches a certain size? [closed]

I would like to set up an alert when the disk space used by a table reaches a certain size. I am aware we can set up an alert for file group\log file\database reaching a certain threshold. It would ...
Rak's user avatar
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Linked-server query against remote DB does NOT fail when DB is in SINGLE_USER mode

This is really strange to me. I have a primary server Foo2005 and it has a linked-server entry pointing to Bar2008R2; say the name of the linked-server is BarLINK. I write a query such as SELECT * ...
NateJ's user avatar
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SQL Server - How can varbinary(max) store > 8000 bytes?

In SQL Server 2005 and 2008 R2, I'm calling into a stored procedure that has an out parameter defined as varbinary(max). The out parameter returns 10020 bytes according to DATALENGTH. However, SQL ...
user4321's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Risks involved in upgrading to SQL Server 2008 R2

We have quite a number of SQL Servers that need to be upgraded from version 2005 to 2008 R2. Work is planned before the middle of the year as Microsoft is ending its support for the same. The 2005 ...
BeginnerDBA's user avatar
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Script file execution through Power shell

We are trying to automate few things, one of them is to deploy patch in one go on selected DBs of SQL Server, as per my knowledge Powershell is an option. But I have zero taste buds of Power shell. ...
AA.SC's user avatar
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SQL Server Pagination using CTE

I have to apply paging on query as per requirement i need two extra columns other than query result Total Records Total Pages but i am trying to confirm that this the right way to retrieve total ...
AA.SC's user avatar
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Sub Query vs Table Filter

I have have been assigned to resolve Performance issue of a Stored Procedure. Select TableTwo.Column1, DatabaseTwo..TableThree.Column2, Sum(TableTwo.Column3) As Column3 --- Section 1 from ...
AA.SC's user avatar
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How to Split string into multiple values using best approach [duplicate]

We are trying to save result of a query in database by tokenizing a column but query is taking more than 3 minutes to finish his objective. My question is, do we have any faster way to tokenize a ...
AA.SC's user avatar
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microsoft sql server schema [closed]

From Protecting ISV database access: in custom ISV (Independent Software Vendor) applications, the database schemas are usually complex, and in the case of applications such ...
jwc's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What started this SQL Server job?

I'm looking at a SQL Server environment in which jobs start in several different ways. One way is from a job running on a different SQL Server. So, for example, "SQL Server A" runs a job named "...
Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall''s user avatar
1 vote
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How to confirm if the backups are going to tape in SQL Server 2005 and 2008 R2

We have many of our SQL Servers where we take the backup locally on the server as well as over the network to other server in case of disaster. Also, we have a process set that server support team ...
KASQLDBA's user avatar
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SQL Server 2005 Cluster Service pack 4 upgrade failure at remote user account

I built SQL Server 2005 ENT Cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2. I need to upgrade it to SQL Server 2005 SP4. However, I get this error at the Remote User Account screen Enter the remote user account ...
Dina's user avatar
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SQL Server : how to disable connections to a linked server?

SQL Server Linked Server to default instance - service is disabled but connection is still possible I have a server called SWLON1 that has SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 r2 installed. The SQL ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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SQL logins Audit for SQL Server 2005/2008

For the Security Audit of SQL servers 2005/8 R2, We are looking for a method which can list us SQL accounts which have not changed password for last X days. For a single login we can do it via ...
KASQLDBA's user avatar
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SQL SERVER 2005 slow Performance on Windows Server 2008

Recently I have upgraded my server to new one. But because of compatibility issues with my old Windows Server 2003 R2 32 bit, I have also upgraded it to Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit. (I have ...
Budi's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

EXCEPT operator vs NOT IN

The EXCEPT operator was introduced in SQL Server 2005 but what is the difference between NOT IN and EXCEPT ? Does it do the same? I would like a simple explanation with an example.
Heisenberg's user avatar
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Restoring a SQL Server 2008 R2 backup on SQL Server 2005

I'm getting an error whenever I restore a testing database on SQL Server 2005 that was backed up from SQL Server 2008 R2. It seems that I cannot restore from a higher version of sql onto lower version,...
Shayma Ahmad's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a way to execute SQL statement based on SQL Server version?

I would like to create computed index on a table if SQL Server is 2008 or newer and a simple index if SQL Server is 2005 or older: -- check for sql server version if (select cast(left(cast(...
Dragan Matic's user avatar
5 votes
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One of the Database Ownerhas been Removed and corresponding property changes in sql server

A database has been created on SQL 2008 by a user named user1 ,on dec 2013.Today ,we are going to remove that user(/owner) from the server.What will be the owner property of the database show then?
user avatar
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Any checklist/guide when transferring a database to a new server? [duplicate]

I'm looking for steps that I need to follow to transfer a database to a new server. So far I have: I restored the current database that I have in SQL Server 2005 instance to another SQL Server ...
Shayma Ahmad's user avatar
4 votes
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Attempting to restore SQL Server 2005 database to a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance gives reason: 15105 error

I have a SQL Server 2005 database I am attempting to restore a SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 machine using this statement: RESTORE DATABASE [Db] FROM DISK = N'C:\temp\sql\DB.bak' WITH FILE = 1, MOVE N'...
Jafin's user avatar
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SQL Server Reporting Services Upgrade/Migration

I couldn't find any documentation on this. I'm currently doing a dry run of SSRS 2005 to SSRS 2008 R2 upgrade/migration. I've backed everything up (encryption key and configuration files) and did a ...
sam yi's user avatar
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Best way to migrate a database involved in bidirectional replication

I have two SQL Server 2005 that are to be migrated to SQL Server 2008 R2. The original pair of servers contain a database that are involved in bidirectional transactional replication between them. In ...
user27810's user avatar
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How to make SQL Server Management Studio use latest version of SQL Server?

I'm upgrading my dev machine from Windows 7 to 8. While installing earlier versions of Visual Studio it installed SQL Server 2005. I then went to this site and downloaded and installed SQL Server ...
MikeF's user avatar
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Migrate database from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 R2

DBAs... please be gentle with me, I'm a 'greenhorn' SQL Server DBA, pressed into service because my company's DBA had resigned and we haven't found his replacement, yet. First, my situation: I'm ...
pepoluan's user avatar
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Migrating from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 R2 on a different box

We currently have a SQL Server 2005 instance hosting a lot of application specific databases (ArchiveManager, SolarWinds, Kaspersky etc). We are planning to deploy a new SQL Server 2008 R2 instance on ...
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5 votes
2 answers

How to restore a filegroup from its backup in SQL Server

I need guidance on how to restore a file group in Database from the File group backup taken from another same DB server. Is it possible to restore the filegroup by running restore DB for File Group. ...
user145610's user avatar
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Collecting trace info of SQL Server 2005 using SQL Server 2008 R2 profiler

I have a vs2005 application that uses SQL Server 2005. I was trying to collect the SQL trace generated by the application while executing. For collecting the trace I've connected to SQL Server 2005 ...
µMax's user avatar
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SQL Server Mirror failover on failing storage

Recently we had an issue with a sql server 2008 r2 HA mirror. I have tried to reproduce this in a lab environment and i came to the conclusion that i am missing something OR something is not possible. ...
Mark Kremers's user avatar
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Preventing users who are dbo from dropping their own databases

We allow our users to be dbo in their own databases, however this does give them the ability to drop their own databases. This doesn't happen very often, but I want to prevent them from doing this. I'...
Kev's user avatar
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9 votes
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What characters are word breakers in English for SQL Server 2005 and 2008 R2?

I can find what DLL supports English word breakers by using sp_help_fulltext_system_components but I have not been able to find an actual list of the word breaking characters for English (like blank, ....
user1302071's user avatar
14 votes
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Deny access to information schema in SQL Server

I am looking for the best way to disable access to the sys.tables / Information Schema for a user / group in SQL Server. I found this thread from 2008 It shows a way how to deny access on [sys].[...
SwissCoder's user avatar
11 votes
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Impact of changing the DB compatibility level for a Published replicated DB from 90 to 100

I have a SQL Server 2008 R2 server with a bunch of published databases that are currently operating under compatibility level 90 (2005). The subscription databases are also SQL Server 2008 R2, ...
Bob's user avatar
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What are the most compelling reasons to upgrade from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2012?

We currently have 2 SQL Server 2005 Enterprise machines in a mirrored environment running on Dell R815 servers. These machines consist of: Four AMD Opteron 6176 Processors (12 cores at 2.3Ghz), for ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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Does having an index on a VARCHAR column with a lot of very similar starting values have bad performance

We seem to be having quite unusual bad performance on queries that use an index. for example the table looks like PK BIGINT ID VARCHAR(50) Col1 Col2 etc So we need to insert a row in the ...
uriDium's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to find out which host / IP address / program performed a delete?

We are using SQL Server 2005. In our database some rows are deleted; how can I find the system (host name / IP address), program and date & time of deletion?
Edward's user avatar
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Syncing Database for Server Transition

I'm transitioning from an old web/sql box combined to a much more robust solution on a completely different host (800hosting to RackSpace). Our application has very high uptime requirements. It runs ...
Jerod Venema's user avatar
2 votes
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What could trigger that a login created from a certificate is not visible in metadata

I am trying to create a login and grant it rights to run and unsafe assembly but the check on server_principals does not return the login when it already exists. The script works perfectly fine on my ...
Filip De Vos's user avatar
4 votes
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SQL Server 2005/2008 system timezone

I work on a ship that has multiple SQL Servers, both 2005/2008 versions. As the ship moves from area to area so does our timezone. Sometimes we can jump ahead one hour and then back again. My ...
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This version of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express can only be used to connect to SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 servers

I have already SQL Server Management Studio 2008R2 on my local machine. I just installed SQL Server Management Studio 2005 and wanted to connect for the first time. After going through the following ...
navule's user avatar
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Database file size from sys.master_files and sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats are different

Im using query to find out database file size. I'm using system view and DMV, because i do want to find out both- actual file size and theoretical (in case of sparse files) file size. Select ...
Jānis's user avatar
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SQL database backups methods-tools-procedures

Currently, I am investigating some way to more efficiently backup 4 Production SQL Databases (3 different servers/instances) and would like to know if anyone else has had the problems we are having ...
Brent's user avatar
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Impact of using mirroring to migrate between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 R2

I've got a DB which sits on a machine (SQL Server 2005) due for replacement very soon. I'm planning on having the database mirrored to the replacement machine (SQL Server 2008 R2) so that when the ...
Bob's user avatar
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Recommendations on creating user-objects on system database

I want to setup a bunch of Event Notifications on SQL Server using Service Broker for our production database. I've setup a new database on my testing machine, and everything works well. The problem ...
ivanmp's user avatar
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Setting Alerts for Autogrow

Can I set alerts for an autogrow event in SQL Server (2005 or 2008 R2)? I've searched around and haven't found the 'error number' for autogrowth, if there is one. In case this isn't possible, how ...
ivanmp's user avatar
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SQL Server 2008 Analysis Management objects work with SQL Server 2005?

Can SQL Server 2008 Analysis Management objects API work with SQL Server 2005 install?
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Send a trigger to an application upon a specific SQL Server server usage pattern

I've been dealing with a vendor's unconfigurable application which is, unfortunately, the most feature-complete in its niche. I'm looking to augment its capabilities with on-top screen display. Its ...
Kaganar's user avatar
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Upgrading to SQL Server 2008 R2 but downgrading the edition - will this cause problems?

I am looking at upgrading our SQL Servers from 2005 Enterprise edition to SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard edition. Obviously, the upgrade to 2008 R2 gives us more features even in Standard edition, but I ...
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