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2 votes
1 answer

Speed the response time of the Query

So I have this query that I am using on an API endpoint, the query takes between 3-4 seconds to run, returning a small OFFSET of 10 rows. Is there a way I can put indexes somewhere or improve on ...
data_matata's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is Index causing bad estimation and execution plan

SELECT ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN T4.f_in =12 THEN T4.f_money END),0) - ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN T4.f_out=12 THEN T4.f_money END),0) FROM [Credit] M WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN [Transaction] T4 WITH(...
JieLong's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why/when does SQL Server evaluate the probe side of an inner hash join when the build side was empty?

Setup DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #EmptyTable, #BigTable CREATE TABLE #EmptyTable(A int); CREATE TABLE #BigTable(A int); INSERT INTO #BigTable SELECT TOP 10000000 CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(3) FROM sys....
Martin Smith's user avatar
  • 86.5k
1 vote
3 answers

Slow query in production, bad execution plan or bad index?

I've just fixed a production performance issue by dropping an index and recreate it. I suspect dropping the index also dropped executions plans that used it and one of them happen to be bad. Arguments ...
AXMIM's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

No partition elimination for partition column values in a lookup table?

I created a partitioned table (as shown below), and seeded 480 million rows - about 181 rows per account. I'm running baseline queries before adding indexes. I was surprised to see that doing date ...
user8591443's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I make this execution plan more efficient?

I have worked out all the implicit conversions, but I still see mentions of it in the plan. I have attached the plan, and any recommendation will help. select cardholder_index, sum(value) as [RxCost] ...
Merveille Tchouda's user avatar
7 votes
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can anyone help me with this awful query plan?

The query: SELECT Object1.Column1, Object2.Column2 AS Column3, Object2.Column4 AS Column5, Object3.Column6, Object3.Column7,Object1.Column8, Object1.Column9, Object1.Column10, Object1.Column11,...
Gabriele D'Onufrio's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How can I get rid of an unhelpful parallel branch when unpivoting a single row?

Consider the following query that unpivots a few handfuls of scalar aggregates: SELECT A, B FROM ( SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN ID = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) VAL1 , MAX(CASE WHEN ID = 2 THEN 1 ...
Joe Obbish's user avatar
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0 votes
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Execution plan for staging In-Memory tables estimate row count =1

We are using In-Memory tables (durability schema only) as temporary staging tables for part of the ETL process. the nature of these staging tables is empty most of the time. The ETL process executed ...
Yorik's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Updating Statistics: Estimated Number of Rows not equal to Actual for Index Scan. Why?

I am trying to understand the effect that forcing the update of statistics with a fullscan has on execution plan estimates. I currently have the following result in the execution plan for a very ...
k29's user avatar
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0 votes
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Different manifestations of the same logic yield very different execution times [closed]

Assume that the widgets_population table records every widget which has rolled off the assembly line, while the widgets_tested table is the subset that have been tested. For every widget in the ...
UnLogicGuys's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Why does a DELETE query run in one format much longer than in another?

I have specific cleanup code that tries to remove some duplicates. This runs perfectly on many customer sites. The logs tell me that at least 1 sec up to 45 sec is consumed by this query: DELETE ...
xMRi's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why am I getting an implicit conversion of Int / Smallint to Varchar, and is it really impacting Cardinality Estimates?

I'm trying to trouble shoot a slow performing query using Show Plan Analysis (SSMS) on the actual execution plan. The Analysis tool points out that estimates for number of rows are off from returned ...
Voysinmyhead's user avatar
11 votes
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Strange query plan when using OR in JOIN clause - Constant scan for every row in table

I'm trying to produce a sample query plan to show why UNIONing two result-sets can be better than using OR in a JOIN clause. A query plan I've written has me stumped. I'm using the StackOverflow ...
Andrew's user avatar
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10 votes
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"Warnings: Operation caused residual I/O" versus key lookups

I've seen this warning in SQL Server 2017 execution plans: Warnings: Operation caused residual IO [sic]. The actual number of rows read was (3,321,318), but the number of rows returned was 40. ...
Henrik Staun Poulsen's user avatar
6 votes
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SQL Server chooses Nested Loop join with dimensional table and make seek for each row

I face an issue where SQL Server generates a un-optimal execution plan: a Nested Loop join and seek to the dimensional table and executes 2M reads on it. The Sort operation Estimation is 100 rows ...
Yorik's user avatar
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6 votes
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Actual rows read in a table scan is multiplied by the number of threads used for the scan

I'm running into quite a strange problem. I'm running the same script to generate data and do some matching later on, on an older 2008R2 instance. The last query (an UPDATE) does a single table scan ...
Radu Gheorghiu's user avatar
3 votes
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Hash Match Spill

I've got a hash match spill going on here. I've updated statistics with FULLSCAN on the tables involved so it isn't that. Any pointers much appreciated.
sqlbanana's user avatar