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2 answers

Is it possible to restore a SQL Server Linux Backup on SQL Server Windows

I am running SQL Server in docker on a mac. I have taken a SQL Server backup from windows and restored it in the mac SQL Server docker instance. Now I want to take a backup from the SQL Server docker ...
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Restore database - Operating system error 5(Access is denied.) on Linux

I try to restore SQL Server 2017 Express database using sqlcmd tool on Ubuntu 16 Server. My SQL command is: RESTORE DATABASE [xxxxx] FROM DISK = N'/home/xxxxxx/DBBackups/xxxx.bak' WITH NORECOVERY, ...
yW0K5o's user avatar
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SQLServer Linux: Error restoring backup of DB from Windows w/ full-text data file

I'm trying to move a Windows SQL Server database from Windows 10 to Linux. For this, I'm following the instructions in
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How to ensure security with SQL Server Restore

I'm building a shared hosting SQL Server tool for linux, where users only receive access to their own database, with a SQL Login and SQL Database User that has db_datareader, db_datawriter and ...
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