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Is there any information in Query Store that can be used to find block leaders?

I am on a server with major blocking issues. Not deadlocks, just plain blocks. We know that it is the server's primary bottleneck. However, they do not know what the block leaders are, so I do not ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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request_status is Grant and Convert on the same resource_type at the same time

I have a typical blocking scenario due to lock contention. Lead blocker has these locks on an object. <Object name="Table1" schema_name="dbo"> <Locks> <Lock ...
SqlWorldWide's user avatar
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Table Lock Escalation - Performance Questions

I have few questions on table lock escalations, please confirm or disprove: Index Scan operator in a query results in Table Lock Escalation ? always or not (small tables) ? When Shared lock is ...
Aleksey Vitsko's user avatar
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Lock addresses and page addresses don't match

Today, I discovered the command DBCC PAGE(). I understand that it displays information about the data stored at the page level. (This question is about SQL Server 2017 - v14.0) So this is what I do :...
Vincent PHILIPPE's user avatar
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How to find out which table/object the KEY or PAGE or EXTENT locks in the sys.dm_tran_locks belong to?

When I query sys.dm_tran_locks, a couple of questions arise: I can see there are some locks that are placed at KEY, PAGE, EXTENT, RID level (resource_type column). How to find out to which table or ...
Aleksey Vitsko's user avatar
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Why Table Lock Escalation is happening in my scenario

I have a table Table1 that is updated in small chunks using below query: update top (1000) Table1 set VarcharColumn1 = 'SomeValue' from Table1 where ID in (select ID from Table2) and ...
Aleksey Vitsko's user avatar
14 votes
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Why does this RX-X lock not appear in Extended Events?

The Problem I have a pair of queries that, under serializable isolation, cause an RX-X lock. However, when I use Extended Events to watch lock acquisition, the RX-X lock acquisition never appears, it ...
Forrest's user avatar
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Why does an UPDATE to a full-text-indexed column lock the full text index?

I'm troubleshooting a deadlock on a SQL Server full-text index. From what I can see in SentryOne's monitoring, two queries deadlocked when trying to acquire locks on the full-text index; one query was ...
DylanSp's user avatar
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