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Questions tagged [sql-server-2017]

SQL Server 2017 (major build version 14.00.xxxx). Please also tag sql-server.

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4 votes
2 answers

Multiple volumes vs single volumes for SQL Server CHECKDB performance

We have a ~10TB database with dozens of data files on SQL Server 2017 Enterprise CU21. We're seeing slower CHECKDB performance when all of the files are on a single volume as opposed to multiple ...
1 vote
1 answer

Update Rows From Table If Table Exists Without Using sp_executesql

I have a situation where I need to run a query on a large number of similar databases. Most of them will have a table that I need to update some rows in but some of them will not have the table. I ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Efficient dimension and fact joining

I have large fact table, and a much smaller dimension table in a simple star schema: --1. CREATE TABLE dbo.Dim ( Id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, CustomerName VARCHAR(2000) ) --index ...
6 votes
2 answers

SSMA for Access - Migration Assistant Wizard fails at link tables

When using SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access with the Migration Wizard, all goes well converting an Access (2016) database to SQL Server Express (2017) until I get to the Link Tables step. ...
10 votes
3 answers

DB backups have suddenly gotten smaller

About 8 GB has been trimmed off of the size of our main database. This is reflected in backups and when we look at free vs available space. Everything seems to be working and we can't find any sign ...
1 vote
1 answer

LISTENER_IP = ALL not working

I try to create an endpoint specifying to listen on any IP: CREATE ENDPOINT [Hadr_endpoint] AS TCP ( LISTENER_PORT = 5022, LISTENER_IP = ALL ) FOR DATABASE_MIRRORING ( ...
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0 answers

Speed up reading data from a table

Problem We have a table that has just 44 rows, and one of the columns is varbinary(max). This column stores XML files converted to varbinary(max). Average length of data in this particular column is ...
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0 answers

Database Page Compression and ColumnStore Archive - is data compressed when in buffer pool and when sent to client? [duplicate]

One of benefits of Page Compression or ColumnStore Archive is reduced storage space requirements Here I have two questions: When compressed data is read from disk to buffer pool, in the buffer pool ...
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0 answers

Searching text using LIKE, and Included Column

SELECT * FROM Table WHERE (Column1 = 'ED69K') SELECT * FROM Table WHERE (Column1 LIKE '% ED69K%') I have a wide table with 25 columns on the table. The above queries do need to do key lookup ...
0 votes
2 answers

Remove Query Tuning Assistant (msqta) schema and tables

When running the Query Tuning Assistant (using the New Database Upgrade Session) on SQL Server 2017 I have a new schema msqta created in the corresponding database as supposed, along with six tables ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to reduce the maximum degree of parallelism at session level?

I have inherited a legacy application that includes a job that creates performance issue at instance level. The DBA told us about this and our team needs to fix the stored procedure that is the most ...
1 vote
1 answer

Estimated recovery time and REDO queue size related to DB up time

Can someone help me figure out if my understanding is correct on the below: On the AG Dashboard for my readable secondary replica I see: Estimated recovery time (secs) - 4598 REDO queue - almost 24 ...
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0 answers

Clustered Columnstore Index alignment on multiple columns

I have a fact table which is a clustered columnstore index. It is also: -partitioned by a single data date column. -has a nonclustered, aligned, composite unique index (PK) on 6 INT columns, plus the ...
3 votes
5 answers

Windows Logs Application is full of "Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided. [CLIENT: ****]"

I have Windows Server 2016, with SQL Server 2017, and found Windows Log Application is full of Login failed messages (as follows) : Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Password did not match that ...
0 votes
1 answer

SQL Server 2017 and TLS - client requirements

I am testing something around SSL\TLS and SQL Server 2017. I have enabled TLS on a test SQL Server instance by creating a self-signed cert and doing the required steps to add it to the Windows ...
6 votes
1 answer

Memory-optimized table index size 10X bigger than data

On one of our production servers, I found that index size is 10X times bigger than data size. These servers and schemas are identical with a similar workload. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[...
0 votes
0 answers

Troubleshooting why I need to frequently run sp_refreshview

I'm an accidental dba for our ERP database (SQL Server 2017). ERP had become unresponsive for a user and I determined that a query running against a view was running very slowly. I thought it might ...
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1 answer

Replication reverted partitioned table to primary filegroup, can I re-link to the partitions?

We have 2 servers: Server A. production (no partitions) Server B. New Server (partitions and compression) We restored a backup to the new server, partitioned a large table by datetime and turned on ...
3 votes
1 answer

Availability Group- Redo Rate displayed on AG Dashboard vs Perfmon counter

I am bit confused on checking the metrics for REDO Rate KB/Sec from Always on AG dashboard, which for some scenarios matches with perfmon counter Database replica : Redone Bytes/Sec ( hopefully it's ...
1 vote
3 answers

Are there any things to consider before granting VIEW SERVER STATE and VIEW DEFINITION to Developers?

I would like to grant below to permissions to Developers group, on Production SQL Server: VIEW SERVER STATE VIEW DEFINITION (server level) This is done to make them able to query some of dynamic ...
5 votes
3 answers

SQL Server Logon Trigger Implications - are there any side effects possible in my scenario?

Some of developers on my team know passwords from SQL accounts that have extended permissions We would like to track and be alerted whenever any of developers are using any of those SQL accounts to ...
4 votes
1 answer

Stuck REDO Thread of an availability group

We are facing issues with REDO queue fluctuating as we have readable secondary configuration. Based on my understanding in newer versions of SQL Server, redo threads have been made parallel. Current ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Database scoped configuration applicable to Secondary

I saw some new database scoped configurations like MAXDOP and legacy cardinality for secondary options and have few questions or doubts i am not able to understand MAXDOP- How do i setup MAXDOP, say ...
0 votes
2 answers

does SQL automatic backup runs even the machine/server is offline

I am wondering if the SQL jobs like automating the database backup runs even the machine/server is offline?
0 votes
1 answer

Peak load upgrade and downgrade SQL Server 2017 Standard <-> SQL Server 2017 Enterprise

We are currently running on SQL Server 2017 standard edition and for higher traffic weekends like Mothers day we want to go on SQL Server 2017 enterprise version and during non peak hours we want to ...
0 votes
2 answers

Best option to index an application log table for quick insertion and retrieval in date order?

Suppose I have an application trace log table with three columns: (id uniqueidentifier, message nvarchar(max), and started datetime2). The primary key (clustered) is on [id]. I need to be able to ...
2 votes
0 answers

Unhandled Deadlocks with SQL Server 2017 [closed]

We’re running into issues with unresolved deadlocks on the most recent version of SQL-Server 2017, has anybody seen a problem like this before? Detailed explanation: We migrated our database from ...
0 votes
1 answer

SQL Always On automatic failover incase of multiple secondary

I have three node setup for SQL Always on in SQL 2017 enterprise edition. All three are in same subnet and in synchronous commit mode. Now when there is a failover how do I make sure it should always ...
0 votes
1 answer

Reaching a Microsoft SQL Server 2017 cluster from another device

Let say I have a python service in one instance. This service needs to reach a MSSQL cluster of 5 nodes that is in an other location, with different IP addresses. Cluster creds: user: my_user password:...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to tell optimizer not to use index for reads?

Of course I can just drop and recreate or disable and rebuild it. But for large tables it can take time, and for critical tables it can cause issues. Is there any "more sophisticated" way to ...
15 votes
1 answer

Clone a database from SQL Server 2019 to 2017 [duplicate]

I try to clone a database from an Sql Server on my local machine v15 (2019) to a server machine v14(2017). I did a .bak file and when I tried to import on the server side it says: System.Data....
3 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between equality (=) and inequality (<>) on BIT field in SQL Server?

Is there difference between WHERE [BitField] = 1 and WHERE [BitField] <> 0? They seem logically equivalent. SQL Server, however, disagrees and creates slightly different execution plans. (Which ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to test user permissions

I have two server users, lets say admin and notadmin. I need to test notadmin's permissions. I need set and test VIEW SERVER STATE permission on notadmin, but usually I have access only to database ...
1 vote
1 answer

Reduce transaction log file utilisation

I have a SQL Server 2017 database that currently has an 80GB data file and a 90GB log file. I want to get the log file down to a more manageable size, because I am about to run some big scripts which ...
3 votes
1 answer

SQL Server High CPU usage and RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE waits

Last week had an issue on one of SQL Servers, CPU started burning over 80 % (normal is 10-30 %) This lasted for about 2 hours until I manually failed over to secondary replica in AG (and this has ...
3 votes
1 answer

Turn off Error AND Usage Reporting SQL Server

Unfortunately, SQL Server usage internet bandwidth and us activity in SQL, for R&D. You can find in your server, this service is called: SQL Server error and usage. This service is active without ...
0 votes
1 answer

Upgrading Operating System only. OS 2016 - 2019

Currently we have a number of Servers that are using Windows 2016 with SQL Server 2017. The support team want to do an in-place upgrade of the OS to 2019 due to 2016 Mainstream support ending in Jan ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do you handle maintenance window for DDL commands on Primary replicating to readable secondary AGs

We are currently running into this issue for one of our availability group design:- On Primary :- Nightly Table switch/Purges are happening (DDL) for approx. 2-3 hours On Secondary which is configured ...
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0 answers

Readers blocking reader on readable secondaries

We recently migrated to AG setup for one of our VLDB's around 20+TB. Current setup is Multi subnet AG with primary accepting mix workload while heavy reporting offloaded to readable secondary replicas....
4 votes
3 answers

to change collation for system database SQL Server 2017

We are using fresh SQL Server 2017 CU23 Standard Edition database with "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS". Now, I want to change all system databases (master , model , temp, msdb) to another ...
5 votes
2 answers

Why does SQL Server not perform constant (UNION ALL) branch elimination with OPTION(RECOMPILE) when selecting the result into a scalar variable?

We use some 'aggregate' views to select from multiple tables using a discriminator (note: these views are not partitioned views, because the discriminator is not in the base tables). This normally ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to migrate Unicode UTF-8 CLOB data from Oracle to SQL Server 2017 UTF-? [closed]

I am currently assisting in a migration effort of this application from Oracle 12c to SQL Server 2017. Initially I just performed table inserts using openquery to Oracle. I discovered that the tables ...
2 votes
1 answer

Invalid object name 'ApexSQL.ApexSQL_SourceControl.Objects'

I was trialing Apex source control - trial ended. Uninstalled Apex (well I thought I did). Today I deleted the Apex database. Now I get Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ...
0 votes
0 answers

How To Grant A Specific Login Under Acitve Directory Group To View Server State In SQL Server [duplicate]

I want to grant only a login who is under an active directory user group to view server state in sql server. How can i do it?
1 vote
0 answers

Does dm_os_memory_clerks show all SQL Server memory?

We are running SQL Server 2017 on a machine with 256GB Ram. Noticed a dramatic shift in some performance counters (e.g. page life expectancy usually very high, but had started fluctuating a lot the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Set the Deadlock Priority to Lowest possible value, but my script is still NOT always the victim in deadlock situations

I have below two queries on Production: Query # 1: Script that deletes older historical data from core table "Table1" based on "Date" column There are ~20 tables that point to &...
2 votes
0 answers

Telemetry_xevents session and auto_stats

I've noticed on a number of instances that the telemetry_xevents session is full of auto_stats events. The statistic is not being updated. I've even disabled auto update statistics and auto update ...
0 votes
0 answers

SQL Cluster (Always On) - Database table replication

I have the following scenario at this moment. Two old sql servers - they have setup some kind of publisher subscriber replication from one database to another but only some of the tables at a 12 hour ...
0 votes
0 answers

Aborting long running query under AG configuration [duplicate]

Currently we have a process where any query running over 2 mins (only select) in primary database participating in db mirroring is killed, running every 5 mins. As we have moved to Availability groups ...
0 votes
2 answers

How do you configure a 4-node AlwaysOn cluster to have two listeners?

Looking to build a 4-node (servers A, B, C & D) AlwaysOn Windows 2016 failover cluster with 2 nodes in the primary datacenter for HA, and 2 other replica nodes in the DR datacenter for disaster/...

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