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Questions tagged [sql-server-core]

SQL Server Core is a subset of the SQL Server binaries designed to be used on Windows Server Core. Window Server Core provides a minimal environment with limited attack surface.

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SQL Server Edition upgrade to import new license key stuck - over console

I currently rue the day when I decided to install SQL Server on a Windows Server without the desktop experience. Microsoft really did such a good job with SQL Server on Linux, in comparison, SQL ...
vic's user avatar
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SQL Server license from AWS Marketplace with ? cores

We are planning to buy a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise edition license from AWS Marketplace for our company. We have exhausted our previous licenses and we need to add a new region with SQL Server in ...
Pravs_thedataguy's user avatar
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CPU usage among Numa nodes in sql server

I need to understand the below scenario On Sql server 2014 with compatibility mode of 2008R2, having 80 logical processors with 20 distributed amongst 4 numa nodes. I. E numa node 1 has 0-19 , numa ...
BeginnerDBA's user avatar
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Does splitting 1 tempdb file into 4 require a SQL Server restart? [duplicate]

please can anyone help? I have a SQL 2008R2 instance with 4 cores, configured with 1 tempdb data file and 1 logfile. I want to change this setup as per best practices by adding 3 additional euqally ...
user2032414's user avatar
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Log Shipping with Failover Cluster Server Cores

Failover Over Cluster 2 Node - 6 Cores- Enterprise Edition 2014 Log Shipping with Cluster with 4 Core License- Enterprise Edition 2014 My question is if I need to log ship do I need to match the ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Adding Full Text Search via command line

I'm trying to add the full-text search to sql server via command line since we got a core-server. I already searched the web but all I get is adding it with GUI or re-installing the complete SQL-...
Matthias Burger's user avatar
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Service Packs and CUs for SQL Server, do these patches make any changes to user database files? or just instance level binaries?

I am curious about patching on SQL Server. Does anyone know if SPs and CUs make any changes to user database files or is it just the database engine and instance level binaries that get modified/...
user2073209's user avatar
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Multi-thread Informatica connections to use different processors on target database server

See this question for reference. Can data streams from Informatica to SQL Server be multi-threaded? I've got most of my problem figured out. I've split up the one large table into four smaller ...
JustBeingHelpful's user avatar
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Failed installation of SQL 2012 on Windows Server Core

I'm in the process of building the lab for 70-462 exam. On page 49 of the text, it provides the command to install SQL 2012 on Windows Server Core: Setup.exe /qs /Action=install /Features=SQLEngine,...
AKDiscer's user avatar
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How to obtain SQL feature list from the command line

Is there a command at the CLI or in PowerShell that will list the components installed for SQL? I'm looking for something like the Feature List you can get from running the discovery report from ...
AKDiscer's user avatar
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SQL Server Core - Installed SQL Server features

When using a traditional installation of SQL Server one has the Installed SQL Server features discovery report. Googled and found no info if some equivalent was available for the core installation. ...
JoseTeixeira's user avatar
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