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Cannot connect to a pluggable database via IDE

I have an Oracle XE database on computer1. When I try to connect to it via sqlplus from computer2, it works fine, for both cdb and pdb connections; e.g.: rlwrap sqlplus timon@//
Timofey Pasichnik's user avatar
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Cannot login oracle database using other users

I'm currently using oracle xe c18. I can login using sqlplus / AS SYSDBA as oracle user. However, the command does not work for other users. It always shows an error ORA-01017: invalid username/...
William's user avatar
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Oracle XE/SQLPlus query display more items

Is there a setting to allow Oracle XE/SQLPlus to display more items before beginning a new header? For example: First Name SURNAME Subject MARK -------------...
giovanni_m's user avatar
1 vote
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Find out where length semantics gets changed

I've code to create tables that doesn't specify length semantics: CREATE TABLE CHAR_TEST ( CHAR_TEST_ID NUMBER(*,0) NOT NULL, FOO VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL, BAR VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL, ...
Álvaro González's user avatar
4 votes
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Set encoding from within SQL*Plus

I have a large set of files with SQL commands that I run with a SQL*Plus script that uses the @@ operator. I run the script on third-party computers (or even send it by e-mail) so I'd like to make it ...
Álvaro González's user avatar