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How to store data in loop and after assign data set to out ref cursor in Oracle

I tried to store date in loop and after that dataset set to OUT SYS_REFCURSOR. In this time I declared array variable and I tried to store data in loop by each iteration. and after, I want to assign ...
Neo4242's user avatar
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ORA-03114 Unable to connect to remote Oracle database

I have an Oracle Database installed on Oracle Linux Server which I'm trying to connect to from my PC. I have configured the listener in the following way [oracle@ol8ngs1 ~]$ lsnrctl status LSNRCTL ...
dontMashMe's user avatar
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Long query causes problems

I have a huge sql query which causes problems: select distinct subjectnr from proces where (produkttypenr = 1 or produkttypenr = 3 or produkttypenr = 4 or produkttypenr = 5 or produkttypenr = 9 or ...
Miel's user avatar
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3 answers

sqlplus SP2-0341 (line overflow during variable substitution)

I want to export an Oracle database to a file and i'm using SQLDeveloper on Windows for that (the resulting SQL text file is about 35MB). This results in very long lines. I hit a snag when importing ...
vesperto's user avatar
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Why does SQL Developer update Oracle Data Dictionaries while SQL*Plus does not?

I have the following code stored in a script file create or replace package test_record is type t_test_rec is record( name varchar2(64) ,value ...
Phoenix87's user avatar
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ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied from sql developer but sqlplus logins

I've a strange behaviour of Sql Developer with OS Authentication, 4.1.3 32/64bit, gives ORA-01017 while sqlplus is logging in without any problem. This is the example answer sqlplus gives me: ~ ...
Cavva79's user avatar
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Does PL/SQL code run differently in sql plus vs sql developer?

Today, I stumbled upon a question someone posted about the / character and ; character. The Answer doesn't seem to be down-voted, so I questioned it a little more as to why it wasn't down-voted. ...
JustBeingHelpful's user avatar
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Global command to destroy all disconnected data files in Oracle 11g

Is there a global command to delete/purge all disconnected .bdf files in an Oracle 11g R2 database? Here is the scenario: Every user-defined user and user-defined tablespace was deleted from an ...
HereAndThere's user avatar
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Find out where length semantics gets changed

I've code to create tables that doesn't specify length semantics: CREATE TABLE CHAR_TEST ( CHAR_TEST_ID NUMBER(*,0) NOT NULL, FOO VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL, BAR VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL, ...
Álvaro González's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

sqldeveloper ORA-12505. TNS: listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

There are similar questions asked and answered in this network related to the error message given in the question, however this problem is a little different from each. I have installed oracle 12c in ...
pranphy's user avatar
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Why is there a difference in CSV Export Results of Oracle SQL Developer and SQL Plus Spool

When I export data from SQL Developer GUI, setting format: csv, left enclosure: ", right enclosure: ", and Encoding: UTF8, I get data exactly the way that I need it for processing in Python. However,...
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Can't connect to a Oracle db instance via SQLDeveloper

When I set the connecting information on the GUI in SQLDeveloper I get the following error (everytime!) Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection ...
Pista a tortenesz's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't return data from SQL/Plus and Toad but can from SQL Developer

This one has me stumped. We are running an Oracle 11g on Amazon EC2 and I can connect and query fine with SQL Developer but with Toad and SQL/Plus I can connect but when I try to do a simple select ...
Xaroc's user avatar
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halt on error in a sqlplus script

I am deploying pl/sql code using several sql files that are called with @@file. If a package got a compilation error the script continues to the end. Is there a way to stop on every compilation error?...
Jan's user avatar
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Oracle not available error with Oracle XE 11.2.0-1.0

I have downloaded Oracle XE 11.2.0-1.0 and installed it on a CentOS 6.3 virtual machine with 1.5GB memory and 3GB of swap. SYS and SYSTEM set to have password 123456. I have set ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/...
Majid Azimi's user avatar
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Differences with using Bind variables in TOAD,sqlplus and SqlDeveloper

I have following example query. variable pStartDateBegin VARCHAR2(10); variable pEndDateFinish VARCHAR2(10); begin select '01-01-2000', '30-11-2011' into :pStartDateBegin,:...
Atilla Ozgur's user avatar
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