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Command-Line Utility Program for Oracle

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Oracle SQLPlus taking exclusive session and not allowing to run update statements from .Net application

I connected via sqlplus like following: sqlplus user/password@SID I have a .Net application which also connects to same DB using same user and password. But once sqlplus is connected, it was unable to ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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SYS user getting ORA-01017 (invalid username/password; logon denied) even putting right password in Oracle 19c

→ OS: Oracle Linux Server release 8.7 → DBMS: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production - Version After cloning a virtual machine that we can connect normally ...
Alan Homobono's user avatar
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sqlplus column header misaligned

In wide sqlplus reports, column headers get misaligned from the data The code that led to this output was: set linesize 32767 set trimspool on col z format a1 alter session set nls_date_format='...
Brian Fitzgerald's user avatar
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How to install sqlplus in macOS M1 Pro ( silicon chip)

I have been searching in internet for best way to install sqlplus in MacOs apple silicon chip ( arm bases processor). please guide me some easiest method to do that. I saw that many article about ...
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sqlplus connects to my Oracle server only on "second try"

My Oracle DB used to work fine but lately I have the following problem: When I try to connect with sqlplus with a non-interactive command as the following, from the very machine I deployed my DB on, ...
Andrea Montalbani's user avatar
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sqlplus / as sysdba Connected to an idle instance

anyone can Me help uderstand what is happends? i have oraenv corectly, use su oracle to change user, use this command to conncet as sysdba - sqlplus / as sysdba answer is: SQL*Plus: Release
Tomasz Myszak's user avatar
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listener issues in oracle 19c

These are my listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files listener.ora SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = dr_DGMGRL) (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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Oracle colsep is adding newlines. Why?

So, I have a script: set heading off; set feedback off; set linesize 10000; set newpage NONE; set colsep '~' whenever sqlerror exit 1; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT 255; select TO_CHAR(je.key_date, 'YYYY-MM-...
Christian Bongiorno's user avatar
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Unable to connect to Oracle user in pluggable database

for some reason, i am unable to connect with any user that I create. their account status is also unlocked. I want to mention one thing; the pdbs are clone of the main pdb. (as shown by their name ...
dbafix's user avatar
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How to make sqlplus parse stdin?

I have the data in the following form: 10334,99.4,4241 14354,99.5,6018 16807,93.9,2279 22042,97.5,70341 22117,96.4,70335 22138,95.7,70332 23869,94.4,135649 23937,97.5,135642 23982,96.6,135638 24055,95....
Nikita Kipriyanov's user avatar
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How to export and Import entire oracle database using sqlplus on terminal linux machine?

I have database that i want export from one machine and import into another machine using sqlplus on linux terminal. I have tried nothing
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Oracle sqlplus doesn't connect to remote DB, only local

I would appriciate some help with an issue that I'm facing. I have two Oracle DB servers with same schemas. I want to run sqlplus from one server to another. I've added the tns_names entries in ...
IGOR LEVKOVSKY's user avatar
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How to silent the login.sql output

[nir@dba etl]$ cat login.sql col TAB# new_value TAB NOPRINT select chr(9) TAB# from dual; set markup csv on delimiter "&TAB" quote off set heading off termout off echo off feedback off ...
Nir's user avatar
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Can't log into Oracle 19c database running inside a container from the host

I have a server running Oracle 19c inside a Docker container, and I would like the ability to log into the database from the host using sqlplus. Inside the container, I am able to run this command ...
slightly_toasted's user avatar
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How do I set tab as a delimiter in sqlplus markup

I want to return sqlplus output as tsv. For that I use set markup csv. but it does not accept tab as delimiter, not \t and not actual tab. error is SP2-1660: Invalid option. Only a single character be ...
Nir's user avatar
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ignore column width in sqlplus

I'm getting the follow SQLPLUS> create table source(aa nvarchar2(2), bb nvarchar2(100), cc nvarchar2(10)); insert into source values ('aa',null,'aa'); insert into source values (null,'aa','aa'); ...
Nir's user avatar
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How to return SQLPLUS Null as \N

I have a script that moves that from one DB to another by a SQL. I'm querying from one side and load it into another. TSV style. I'm expanding that script now to support Oracle as a source. For that ...
Nir's user avatar
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What’s wrong with provided apex instance administrator password

1 I have installed Oracle Database 21c Enterprise Edition on Oracle windows 10 I am now trying to install Apex 22.2 . Got to the chapter " Running apxchpwd.sql" to set the instance ...
Prabhali Pawar's user avatar
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problem with services in automatic restart

I am working on Oracle 19c. I have a problem with the services I created via: alter system set service_names=' exemple1, exemple2' scope=both; I have many services to create and I am limited to 255 ...
c3oz's user avatar
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My subdirectories under $ORACLE_HOME are missing

Im using oracle 11g. I cannot access the software products since they are missing. When I cd to $ORACLE_HOME, there are no files under it. They are missing. I cannot access the sqlplus. What to do in ...
beginner_01's user avatar
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How to we get history of sql statements of sysdba?

We have been running a list of commands in cli: sqlplus / as sysdba We did not have "history on" and we logged out of the session. How do we get the list of sql statements we ran before as ...
Kristi Nanza_'s user avatar
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How to store 30000 plus characters in a particular text field, which datatype should be use for it? sql*plus

Here, I have a problem in which I want to store 30000 plus characters (paragraphs) in an individual field instance. Moreover, I tried the CLOB datatype for a column, but when I am crossing the ...
Faisal.softech's user avatar
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How to use CLOB datatype for storing limitless characters in column each rows?

I want to use CLOB datatype instead of varchar2(4000) and long, in which I want store limitless characters . However, its easy to declare the string based column to CLOB but the main problem is when I ...
Faisal.softech's user avatar
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Oracle ODBC client configuration missing variable

I'm trying to configure an ODBC connection for an Oracle DB using unixODBC drivers. For that I followed this Oracle's guide. First, I successfully installed the ODBC client and driver. # dnf install ...
markfree's user avatar
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sqlplus is not working, it is frozen

When I type sqlplus / as sysdba It simply gets frozen, the cursor stays there, and I can type more character but after pressing enter nothing happens. Neither CTRL + C. My pmon service is running, ...
Raul Mercado's user avatar
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How to Avoid SQLPlus output truncating

I have the following column in oracle database table. Column name : objectdata Data type : LONG RAW When I query this column via sqlplus output is like below. SQL> select objectdata from tableA ...
lakshman's user avatar
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Cannot connect to a pluggable database via IDE

I have an Oracle XE database on computer1. When I try to connect to it via sqlplus from computer2, it works fine, for both cdb and pdb connections; e.g.: rlwrap sqlplus timon@//
Timofey Pasichnik's user avatar
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How to store data in loop and after assign data set to out ref cursor in Oracle

I tried to store date in loop and after that dataset set to OUT SYS_REFCURSOR. In this time I declared array variable and I tried to store data in loop by each iteration. and after, I want to assign ...
Neo4242's user avatar
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How to get the functionality of sqlplus' "BREAK ON" in Postgres?

Is there a way to separate a query that has a group by attribute in Postgres in a fashion similar to sqlplus? Assuming I have branches of my company in every country, is there a way to have a separate ...
Majd's user avatar
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Sql plus equivalent in psql

I'm tasked of migrating some code from sqlplus to psql In oracle, I have a bash script that excutes a stored procedure and based on the result it calls a sqlplus that spools multiple files to dump ...
Majd's user avatar
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The expected read speed of SQL*PLUS

The issue is many-fold but it boils down to this simple scenario: I have a Oracle Database Version and SQL*PLUS Version running on the same Red Hat Linux (I actually tried both ...
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Oracle: Simple way to compare all objects of a schema in two databases?

I'm attempting to compare all objects of two schemas located in two different databases. I know there may be ways to do this with TOAD and SQL Developer, but is there another way to do this by script ...
Phillip's user avatar
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Oracle 19c - find primary DB information from a mounted standby

I have a (probably simple) query about how to find an Oracle 19c primary database's host by querying a mounted standby using sqlplus. I can get the primary name as follows: select ...
Franco's user avatar
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Trouble querying the correct info from gv$encryption_wallet

I'm trying to get the wallet status for the current instance of an Oracle 11g 2 node RAC DB (but ideally all RDBMS versions). The following command returns values for both nodes instead of one: SQL>...
Franco's user avatar
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SQL*Plus 18/19 on Windows: Cannot access SQL scripts

I have this very strange observation on my Windows 10x64 machine: Given the following script file (file name test.sql): DEFINE SYS_NAME = &1 DEFINE SYS_PWD = &2 DEFINE ORACLE_HOME = &3 ...
AxD's user avatar
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Insert query in Orcale database - not showing the row in a table

I am inserting a row in the Oracle database table. The query looks like as below - INSERT INTO <schema_name>.<Table_name> (SID, LABEL, DESCR, GTI_EXPTYP, GTI_MODUS, GTI_NAME) VALUES (22, '...
dEvOps 's user avatar
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Is it neccesary to shutdown the oracle database before uninstalling

I have a requirement of deleting/uninstalling a installed oracle 11g database on a Linux machine and I follow the below steps to uninstall the database. Kill all processes runs with user oracle. ...
Ashish Mishra's user avatar
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ORA-03114 Unable to connect to remote Oracle database

I have an Oracle Database installed on Oracle Linux Server which I'm trying to connect to from my PC. I have configured the listener in the following way [oracle@ol8ngs1 ~]$ lsnrctl status LSNRCTL ...
dontMashMe's user avatar
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How can I make this DECLARE PROCEDURE working?

I'm new to Oracle DB, coming from MS SQL Server. I created this script: DEFINE USER_NAME = &1 DEFINE PASSWORD = &2 DEFINE TABLESPACE = &3 CONNECT &DB_ADMIN/&DB_PWD@//localhost:...
AxD's user avatar
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Silence Sqlplus Login Message but Retain Echo

Running a series of automated checks on our databases for the security folks checking our STIG compliance. Mostly simple stuff like certain parameters turned off, etc. We're in the stone ages, so this ...
Jeff Bauersfeld's user avatar
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Set Parameter in SPFILE still outputs the same error

for the installation of a SAP IDM system, I need to know how to use the command alter system set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true SCOPE=SPFILE; command correctly. The installation creates a user and ...
Sankama's user avatar
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import .dmp in Toad : Invalid format of Import utility name Verify that ORACLE_HOME is properly set

When I tried to import a DMP file using TOAD (9.0.1) Import Utility Wizard I get an error Invalid format of Import utility name Verify that ORACLE_HOME is properly set Any suggestions please? I ...
developer's user avatar
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Connection to Oracle DB 19c fails when listener is set to the host IP address

I am new to Oracle DB and need help in solving the following issue. I am using sqlplus (SQL*Plus: Version to connect to the Oracle DB 19c. Statement: I am able to connect to the Oracle DB ...
Janmenjoy Roy's user avatar
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Designing User & its Sub User Database Diagram Problem [duplicate]

There are some business category e.g. Travel Agency, Hotel, Car Rental etc. Roles: Management rolesSuper Admin, Staff Customer side roles are Owner, admin and sales counter May be etc. customer side ...
Murteza's user avatar
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Data deleted with sqlplus still showing up in SQL Developer [duplicate]

I wrote a script to run with SQLPlus which deletes the previous seven days of data in my Oracle XE database. I logged into the database with SQLPlus, ran the script, and it showed me the correct rows ...
H P's user avatar
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SQL*Plus fail instead of prompting for substitution variable

Imagine a file test.sql with the following content SELECT '&myvar' AS greeting FROM dual; When we run that file in sqlplus. We will be prompted for the value of the variable &myvar since it's ...
user1387786's user avatar
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Insert file content (with white line and special characters ) in bash variable for insert in oracle table with sqlplus

I write this simpe test.ksh scipt: #!/bin/ksh TEST=$(cat $1 ) sqlplus -S *****/*****@*****<<- EOF set define off; SET SQLBLANKLINES ON; INSERT INTO DBADOC.TEST ( "TEST" ) ...
Michele M's user avatar
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Cannot login oracle database using other users

I'm currently using oracle xe c18. I can login using sqlplus / AS SYSDBA as oracle user. However, the command does not work for other users. It always shows an error ORA-01017: invalid username/...
William's user avatar
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set autotrace on is just estimate plan?

I've made a test: SQL> set autotrace on; << autotrace on SQL> select * from danilo.testepart where nome = 'danilo3'; ID NOME ---------- -------------------------------------------...
Astora's user avatar
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oracle sqlcl and sqlplus - seperate login.sql on linux

I feel I'm probably missing something obvious here, but I can't see an easy way to have a separate login.sql for sqlplus and sqlcl This is problematic for me as the errors thrown up by sqlplus for the ...
Dave Smylie's user avatar

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