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Read-ahead reads and SQL-Variant fields

I have two tables containing exactly the same data. Both table have bigint primary key identity column, 60 columns and 300 000 rows. The difference is that all of the columns of the second table have ...
gotqn's user avatar
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Install Express/Standard side-by-side

I've reviewed these two existing questions: Install SQL Server 2008 Express on same machine as normal SQL Server 2008 install? Installing SQL Server Express in parallel of Standard ...and I believe ...
InteXX's user avatar
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Backup Performance best practices

I'm in the process of re-writing our maintenance plans and at the moment the focus is backups. Whilst preparing this plan, I'd like to try and ensure that procedures are in place to ensure that backup ...
Krishn's user avatar
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SQL Server 2014 Edition Downgrade

I have a SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition used by my devs to test their applications pointing to a common instance. Lately I've been informed that for this purpose I can use Developer Edition, that it ...
Carbon's user avatar
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Optimal data type for storing numbers in SQL Server [closed]

Similar to varchar that stores strings of varying length, is there an alternative for numbers of varying length that allocates space depending on the size of the number? I have a large table with 50 ...
rsreji's user avatar
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Is it safe to run DBCC CLEANTABLE on a production database?

I recently changed an application from storing images in a varbinary(max) column to cloud storage and migrated the data and removed the column. These images accounted for about 350GB of space in the ...
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