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Questions tagged [string-splitting]

Use for questions about spitting strings using a specified delimiter.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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splitting an string in an array into an array Mongodb

I have the current document: { "_id" : ObjectId("5c95b81b10ce2a953215c269"), "name" : "Œufs & Cie", "city" : "Brossard", "state" : "QC", "postal_code" : "J4Y 0G4", "...
tom dinh's user avatar
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MySQL: Loop on each column value & split column by delimiter & replace numbers with values from another column

I would like to loop on each value of path column & split content by '/' delimiter & replace numbers with values from another column using MySQL & store result into another new column ...
klor's user avatar
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Problems splitting and aggregating data in SQL

Hello I have the following data in csv file: OrderID, OrderType, Amount, Price, Time 1, Buy, 10, 1, 10/01/2018 10:30 AM 2, Buy, 2, 1, 10/01/2018 11:30 AM ...
Ivan Ivanov's user avatar
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2 answers

MS SQL 2012 - Need to split records from 4 different fields then query those

So I have a table called 'WORK_ORDER' and the ID is a unique text example '16-0833' next would be 0834, 0835, etc. In that table there are 4 user fields.. USER_1, USER_2, USER_3, USER_4.. This top ...
Mark's user avatar
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split a row value according to a specific column

I have total value in table A and need to get row value in table B until reached value in table A. Table A ID Available 1 99 2 0 Table B ID Rack RequiredQty 1 A 60 1 B 102 1 C 8 2 A 10 ...
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