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Ordering by field, constructed by subquery is slow

My tables (oversimplified for clarity): documents: registrations: |id| |id|document_id|date| My simplified query: SELECT * FROM (SELECT documents.*, (SELECT max(date) ...
Stanislav's user avatar
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Postresql using subquery select in order by clause

Is it possible to order by a selected columnname? SELECT * FROM tablex ORDER BY quote_ident(( select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = tablex AND column_name LIKE '...
DataLordDev's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to combine ORDER BY and LIMIT with an aggregate function?

Here is a fiddle for my question. I have a simple table layout: class person: belongs to a class I want to select all classes, and for each class, I want the first two person identifiers of the ...
Jarius Hebzo's user avatar