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2 votes
4 answers

Why is my big Postgres query faster if I separate it into 3 smaller queries?

I have a big/complex query (with an OR clause and 2 subqueries that have multiple joins and an IN condition). Executing the big query is slow. However, if I break my big query down into 3 smaller ...
7 votes
2 answers

best way to avoid redundant aggregate functions and/or group by columns

Suppose I have two tables: Foo: id baz Bar: id foo_id boom So a Foo has many Bars. I frequently find myself in situations where I need to compute an aggregate across the Bars for a given set of ...
0 votes
2 answers

Query with CASE in subquery join clause is very slow on PostgreSQL but fast on Oracle and MariaDB

We have an attribute-oriented data management system with bitemporality and flexible tenant priorization logic. Deletion of records is done by inserting the same row in DELETED status. Tenants may ...
1 vote
1 answer

basic subquery evaluation

I am new at subqueries. Is there a general strategy on how basic subqueries are evaluated and executed (besides from sql engines automatically optimizing them). For example, consider this select query:...
1 vote
2 answers

Index isn't used when value is a result of a subquery or from a wrapper query

I have a simple one-to-many relationship: accounts and events where an account may have many events. accounts id: uuid ...more irrelevant fields events id: serial type: enum ['activated', '...
0 votes
1 answer

SQL (Postgres): Subquery in WHERE clause with IN operator is slow

I have the following SQL Statement: select count(*) from person p cross join task t where in ( select tp.task_id from task_participant tp where tp.person_id = ) and = 1234 ...
2 votes
2 answers

Postgresql expanding view multiple times instead of executing it once

I have a rahter long subquery which I store as a view CREATE VIEW scans_minmax AS SELECT tmp.source, value ->> 'Ok' AS "Ok", ...
2 votes
1 answer

Best way to move CTE into query so planner can better optimize and I can add indexes speed it up? [closed]

I'm trying to incorporate the CTE into my final query. I can do it, but it slows it down a lot because I have to do the same sub query for CTE d over and over again (I think): with d AS( SELECT ...
5 votes
2 answers

A better way to write this query?

I have the following schema for my database (Postgresql 10): CREATE TABLE "PulledTexts" ( "Id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "BaseText" TEXT, "CleanText" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE "UniqueWords" ( "Id" serial ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to apply outer limit offset and filters in the subquery to avoid grouping over the complete table used in subquery in Postgresql

I have legacy tables similar to the following: employee ------------------------------------ | employee_id | name ------------------------------------ | 1 | David | 2 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Update "oldest" row

I need to update the "oldest" row in the database (for now, its limit 1, but I need to also be able to set it to n). I'm essentially doing a constant stream of "update the oldest rows and retrieve ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why is Postgres choosing a Hash-Join instead of a Nested Join that is 200x faster?

I run the following query against Postgres 9.5 which returns article information along with the currently valid price: WITH selected_article_rm(id) AS ( VALUES ('80512e52-a406-4a9b-a8df-...
0 votes
1 answer

How to make subtraction without repeating the subqueries? [closed]

I need to efficiently obtain: players who play more than one world cup and who have never been champion. primary-key | foreign-key | pk-and-fk PLAYER<player_id, player_name, country_player, .....
1 vote
2 answers

How to use GROUP BY in an efficient way without losing attributes? [closed]

I am working with PostgreSQL. My idea is to group players who appear more than 3 times in table-a. table-a = <player_id, year_world, c, d, e> With the first subquery I get player_id and the ...
8 votes
3 answers

Performance of count(*) in subquery

Suppose we have the following queries: 1. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM some_big_table WHERE some_col = 'some_val' 2. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT * FROM some_big_table WHERE some_col = 'some_val' ...
15 votes
3 answers

PostgreSQL query very slow when subquery added

I have a relatively simple query on a table with 1.5M rows: SELECT mtid FROM publication WHERE mtid IN (9762715) OR last_modifier=21321 LIMIT 5000; EXPLAIN ANALYZE output: Limit (cost=8.84..12.86 ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to avoid a subquery in FILTER clause?

Schema: CREATE TABLE "applications" ( "id" SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "country" VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL, "created" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ...
2 votes
2 answers

Postgres optimizing nested exists

I have a table of events that each take place during a time range, and I'm trying to create a template for a query which can find events that take place within a specified time period of correlated ...
0 votes
1 answer

A multi-table JOIN query as subquery to a query that JOINS the same tables. Good or bad?

I have the following tables in my postgres database - power_relations - (id, properties) - power_relation_members - (id, power_relation_id, member_id, member_type) - power_lines - (...
1 vote
0 answers

Moving slow sub-query to With clause

I am trying to optimize this query : SELECT sum(a-alias.s_count) AS count FROM a-table a-alias WHERE ( a-alias.created_at_minute_id >= (floor(extract(epoch from( select ...
4 votes
1 answer

PostgreSQL 9.1 - Query on VIEWS taking a lot of time

Using PostgreSQL 9.1, we are having problems while executing queries on a VIEW of PostgreSQL. Following is the situation: We have a partitioned Table "buz_scdr" over which we have built a VIEW "...
4 votes
1 answer

Combine multiple queries into 1 query

I have a message table in Postgres 9.4 that contains a words field of array type, with random words of a message. Currently I have millions of messages: \d messages Table "...
1 vote
2 answers

optimization of expensive subquery

The following query gets the last report (where latitude and longitude and secs are <> 0) associated with the specified units: SELECT reports.* FROM reports INNER JOIN ...