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2 answers

How do I optimize this query that gets the newest entry of each group?

I have a query, that finds the newest item of each group based on the ID returned by a subquery. The problem is, that the table has a bit over 5000 entries and even with only this amount of entries ...
nyoatype's user avatar
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How to GROUP BY boolean when im already grouping by time frames 8hr/11hr/14hr/17hr/20hr in MySQL

I need to group 2 tables (Key = analysis_id <=> id) where my output should show the last week or month or year, grouped by a Time frame and grouped by bolean "R" or "L". I ...
Rollo's user avatar
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How to group by week/month/year and time frame 8hr/11hr/14hr/17hr/20hr in MySQL

I need to group 2 tables (Key = analysis_id <=> id) where my output should show the last week or month or year, grouped by a Time range. I have around 4000 inputs from users. Example of tables ...
Rollo's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Extracting data from two tables

I have( for example) a table called A and a table called B. Table A contains tons of user data( age, country bla bla) and is connected to B by forein_key=id( B only has ID/NAME. I want to find out how ...
Gal Mor's user avatar
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2 answers

SELECT groups by individual members AND sum other values

Using MySqL 5.7.34 and having a table, groups_members, with 4 columns ID group member organization 1 A Bob Apple 2 A Susan Apple 3 A Joe Apple 4 B Steve Microsoft 5 B Mike Microsoft 6 B Bob ...
Jonathon Doesen's user avatar
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MySQL Creating Unnecessary Sort Index When an Aggregate Query is a Subquery

I have a complicated aggregate query, using the functions SUM and GROUP_CONCAT, that starts returning results in a reasonable amount of time by itself. But when this query is wrapped in another query, ...
Joseph Kane's user avatar
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1 answer

SELECTing n rows for each GROUP with WHERE condition

I SELECT n rows for each ArticleID from TagMap table SELECT a.ArticleID,a.TagID FROM TagMap a LEFT JOIN TagMap b ON a.ArticleID = b.ArticleID AND a.TagID < b.TagID GROUP BY a.ArticleID,a.TagID ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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How to UPDATE faster with GROUP BY?

I have a typical article and tag_map tables, CREATE TABLE `articles` ( `ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `Tags` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `Title` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`...
Googlebot's user avatar
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1 answer

Sql Group by on subquery rows

I have this table : ArretProductionJournee(Id, DateArret,HeureDebut,HeureFin,EnumArret) Example : DateArret ||HeureDebut ||HeureFin ||EnumArret 2020-11-30 ||2020-11-...
Kessar Mohamed's user avatar
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Using alias in Group by

I am running into a problem where I have to use an alias (Ordernum) in a group by. I have found that this could be done somehow with subquery but I don't have any success with that and also those are ...
Meettu's user avatar
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PostgreSQL error: "subquery uses ungrouped column"

I have a query with subqueries that use only elements from the GROUP BY clause: SELECT DATE(cm.created_at) as "date", COUNT(1) as total_message, room_id, (SELECT ...
yozawiratama's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get sum of 3 sub count queries and group them using an attribute

I have 3 queries as follows: For the date 2019-12-02, I am calculating 3 type of values. The total value for 2019-12-02 must be the sum of these 3 queries. Q1 SELECT count(*) FROM ...
sadeee nadeee's user avatar
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Sub Query with group by returns more than 1 row Issue

I am facing the issue of subquery returns more than 1 row cause I am using group by in the subquery and outer query both to get the desired result. This is my query SELECT Count(*) ...
Wajid Hussain's user avatar
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Having a subquery somehow do the same group by as the outer query

i'm pretty decent with SQL but it's not my main experience of expertise. A colleague asked me a stumper of a question the other day. I was wondering if you guys could provide assistance. Basically we'...
magmusik's user avatar
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3 answers

How to apply outer limit offset and filters in the subquery to avoid grouping over the complete table used in subquery in Postgresql

I have legacy tables similar to the following: employee ------------------------------------ | employee_id | name ------------------------------------ | 1 | David | 2 ...
nimeshkiranverma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Group by in subquery

So my problem is the following. Consider this query: SELECT, (SELECT barcode FROM product WHERE publisher_id = LIMIT 1) AS barcode_sample FROM publisher P WHERE LIKE '...
emul's user avatar
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4 answers

filter out the records with same id having different values in a column

Can anyone help me to solution for below issue. create table [order1] (order_id int, CartTransaction_Id int, Status_Id int); insert into [order1] values (357488,87214,1), (357489,87214,8), (357490,...
heye's user avatar
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How to use GROUP BY in an efficient way without losing attributes? [closed]

I am working with PostgreSQL. My idea is to group players who appear more than 3 times in table-a. table-a = <player_id, year_world, c, d, e> With the first subquery I get player_id and the ...
Braian Coronel's user avatar
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Calculate quantity of tickets based on how many reserved using sub queries

I'm designing a database that will hold ticketing information. The 3 tables I use to track ticketing are tbl_ticket_type to the types of events an event can have tbl_ticket_count to keep track of ...
Manny265's user avatar
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Filtering subquery results with group by

I have a join that works but seems hacky because it orders the subquery and uses group by to filter everything but the top subquery result. Without doing so, the cartesian product of s and ...
AndrewE's user avatar
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Joining subqueries with GROUP is slow

Can anyone help me with the following query? SELECT voc.username AS Medewerker, voc.bestvastonbep_count AS Doorgezet, IFNULL(cc.call_count, 0) AS Telefoongesprekken, voc.bestvastonbep_count / ...
Dalendrion's user avatar
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Full outer join in MySql

I'm on MySQL trying to get the user's daily post count grouped by post category. So for every day in a given date range, with no gap, I need the post count for each existing post category for a given ...
rzb's user avatar
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Sub-Query group-by count(*) not returning 0

Prefix: I am working on an application that is tracking employee training time and I need to get the total number of employees that have reached 75 total hours of training. After researching for some ...
asdf's user avatar
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Mysql query to get count result and group by

I've got three tables with different records for users, User username | realname | date evn-az-3ju john 11/2012 03:09:40 p.m. jwyvm_rdyt steve 12/2012 ...
user3588408's user avatar
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Check for existing matches to find the field their grouped-by

So I have a table of values associated with different sessions using a field called sessionid, lets say the table has 3 other fields: itemcode, itemcost, & itemeffect. What I end up doing, is ...
Tyeth's user avatar
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Is there a way to used grouped data multiple times in a query

Suppose a table contains employee id, department name and salary. I want to select the department that gives total salary greater than average salary given by all departments. The solution that I ...
HIMANK's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple COUNT fields, GROUP BY

I'm trying to group two columns in my MySQL database and show counts for them respectively (as separate columns). Is there a way of doing this or do I have to join two sub-queries? I'm aware of WITH ...
Fredrik Erlandsson's user avatar
3 votes
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MySQL Update a table based on the last data from another table while grouping with conditions

I need a query to UPDATE a series of fields based on another table Table lp_plates_backup | uid | brand | model | | 1 | | | | a | Old | Error | |...
Matbe81's user avatar
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33 votes
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Postgres error [column must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function] when sub query is used

I have two tables employee and phones. An employee can have 0 to n phone numbers. I want to list the employee names with their phone numbers. I am using the below query which runs fine. SELECT ...
Programmer's user avatar
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How do I solve this problem of a correlated subquery

We have an employee table with the following attributes : employee_id first_name last_name email phone_number hire_date job_id salary commission_pct manager_id department_id Display the manager name ...
user2493976's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I add an alias to the table

SELECT MAX(COUNT), FROM ( SELECT supplier_id as id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM `library`.`lms_book_details` GROUP BY supplier_id ) GROUP BY; While executing the query, MySQL gives ...
user2493976's user avatar