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-2 votes
1 answer

Extracting data from two tables

I have( for example) a table called A and a table called B. Table A contains tons of user data( age, country bla bla) and is connected to B by forein_key=id( B only has ID/NAME. I want to find out how ...
Gal Mor's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Having trouble with where subquery count

Assume all of the table and field names are correct. I've tried this a few different ways but this is the only that makes sense needing the join in both. This is the question: SQL query to get the ...
BFrank117's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Complex joins in multiple subqueries

Sorry to keep bugging you guys, but SQL is still new to me. I have these tables: Store_location, Product, Sizes, Sells, Available_in, Offers, and Currency. The goal is to be able to run one query with ...
user121168's user avatar
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1 answer

Mysql query to get count result and group by

I've got three tables with different records for users, User username | realname | date evn-az-3ju john 11/2012 03:09:40 p.m. jwyvm_rdyt steve 12/2012 ...
user3588408's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Multiple COUNT fields, GROUP BY

I'm trying to group two columns in my MySQL database and show counts for them respectively (as separate columns). Is there a way of doing this or do I have to join two sub-queries? I'm aware of WITH ...
Fredrik Erlandsson's user avatar