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4 answers

Why is my big Postgres query faster if I separate it into 3 smaller queries?

I have a big/complex query (with an OR clause and 2 subqueries that have multiple joins and an IN condition). Executing the big query is slow. However, if I break my big query down into 3 smaller ...
Jerome Dalbert's user avatar
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2 answers

Query with CASE in subquery join clause is very slow on PostgreSQL but fast on Oracle and MariaDB

We have an attribute-oriented data management system with bitemporality and flexible tenant priorization logic. Deletion of records is done by inserting the same row in DELETED status. Tenants may ...
Marc Preuss's user avatar
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basic subquery evaluation

I am new at subqueries. Is there a general strategy on how basic subqueries are evaluated and executed (besides from sql engines automatically optimizing them). For example, consider this select query:...
lightning_missile's user avatar
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2 answers

Index isn't used when value is a result of a subquery or from a wrapper query

I have a simple one-to-many relationship: accounts and events where an account may have many events. accounts id: uuid ...more irrelevant fields events id: serial type: enum ['activated', '...
kfirba's user avatar
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SQL (Postgres): Subquery in WHERE clause with IN operator is slow

I have the following SQL Statement: select count(*) from person p cross join task t where in ( select tp.task_id from task_participant tp where tp.person_id = ) and = 1234 ...
Nibor's user avatar
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2 answers

Postgresql expanding view multiple times instead of executing it once

I have a rahter long subquery which I store as a view CREATE VIEW scans_minmax AS SELECT tmp.source, value ->> 'Ok' AS "Ok", ...
Julian's user avatar
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3 answers

How to apply outer limit offset and filters in the subquery to avoid grouping over the complete table used in subquery in Postgresql

I have legacy tables similar to the following: employee ------------------------------------ | employee_id | name ------------------------------------ | 1 | David | 2 ...
nimeshkiranverma's user avatar
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Update "oldest" row

I need to update the "oldest" row in the database (for now, its limit 1, but I need to also be able to set it to n). I'm essentially doing a constant stream of "update the oldest rows and retrieve ...
Tallboy's user avatar
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Why is Postgres choosing a Hash-Join instead of a Nested Join that is 200x faster?

I run the following query against Postgres 9.5 which returns article information along with the currently valid price: WITH selected_article_rm(id) AS ( VALUES ('80512e52-a406-4a9b-a8df-...
blubb's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make subtraction without repeating the subqueries? [closed]

I need to efficiently obtain: players who play more than one world cup and who have never been champion. primary-key | foreign-key | pk-and-fk PLAYER<player_id, player_name, country_player, .....
Braian Coronel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to use GROUP BY in an efficient way without losing attributes? [closed]

I am working with PostgreSQL. My idea is to group players who appear more than 3 times in table-a. table-a = <player_id, year_world, c, d, e> With the first subquery I get player_id and the ...
Braian Coronel's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

A better way to write this query?

I have the following schema for my database (Postgresql 10): CREATE TABLE "PulledTexts" ( "Id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "BaseText" TEXT, "CleanText" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE "UniqueWords" ( "Id" serial ...
H.Rahimy's user avatar
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Best way to move CTE into query so planner can better optimize and I can add indexes speed it up? [closed]

I'm trying to incorporate the CTE into my final query. I can do it, but it slows it down a lot because I have to do the same sub query for CTE d over and over again (I think): with d AS( SELECT ...
mountainclimber11's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to avoid a subquery in FILTER clause?

Schema: CREATE TABLE "applications" ( "id" SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "country" VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL, "created" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ...
Stranger6667's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Performance of count(*) in subquery

Suppose we have the following queries: 1. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM some_big_table WHERE some_col = 'some_val' 2. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT * FROM some_big_table WHERE some_col = 'some_val' ...
McSonk's user avatar
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2 answers

Postgres optimizing nested exists

I have a table of events that each take place during a time range, and I'm trying to create a template for a query which can find events that take place within a specified time period of correlated ...
user3747260's user avatar
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A multi-table JOIN query as subquery to a query that JOINS the same tables. Good or bad?

I have the following tables in my postgres database - power_relations - (id, properties) - power_relation_members - (id, power_relation_id, member_id, member_type) - power_lines - (...
Sri Vishnu Totakura's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

best way to avoid redundant aggregate functions and/or group by columns

Suppose I have two tables: Foo: id baz Bar: id foo_id boom So a Foo has many Bars. I frequently find myself in situations where I need to compute an aggregate across the Bars for a given set of ...
jph's user avatar
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Moving slow sub-query to With clause

I am trying to optimize this query : SELECT sum(a-alias.s_count) AS count FROM a-table a-alias WHERE ( a-alias.created_at_minute_id >= (floor(extract(epoch from( select ...
Ashish Negi's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

PostgreSQL query very slow when subquery added

I have a relatively simple query on a table with 1.5M rows: SELECT mtid FROM publication WHERE mtid IN (9762715) OR last_modifier=21321 LIMIT 5000; EXPLAIN ANALYZE output: Limit (cost=8.84..12.86 ...
P.Péter's user avatar
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Combine multiple queries into 1 query

I have a message table in Postgres 9.4 that contains a words field of array type, with random words of a message. Currently I have millions of messages: \d messages Table "...
Zhaohan Weng's user avatar
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2 answers

optimization of expensive subquery

The following query gets the last report (where latitude and longitude and secs are <> 0) associated with the specified units: SELECT reports.* FROM reports INNER JOIN ...
JohnMerlino's user avatar
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PostgreSQL 9.1 - Query on VIEWS taking a lot of time

Using PostgreSQL 9.1, we are having problems while executing queries on a VIEW of PostgreSQL. Following is the situation: We have a partitioned Table "buz_scdr" over which we have built a VIEW "...
Ali Raza Bhayani's user avatar