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Limiting the number of rows that can be inserted for a given WHERE clause

In Postgres, I want to be able to confirm users' RSVPs for an event that has limited capacity. How do I do this in a way that protects against race conditions? I have a table event_attendance with ...
Luke Hutchison's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can I get an average from a query dataset in SQL Server?

I am building a parts inventory system, and have a transaction table that stores how often an item in used. Let's say Item A is used 10 times in 2021, 20 in 2022, and 30 in 2023. Of course each ...
Viper75's user avatar
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2 answers

Query to return latest record between 2 tables

I'm trying to pull the most current date (cusPurDt) and corresponding amount (subAmt) by customer (cusID/subID). Here is some sample data: create table customer ( cusID char(5), cusPurDt ...
tkmagnet's user avatar
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Query for single return meeting multiple criteria and values

I'm trying to figure out a way to count an ID once when multiple criteria are met in one column while displaying a total of the same criteria in another column. The criteria for the first column can ...
tkmagnet's user avatar
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In MS Studio how to SELECT from an existing SQL file

I have a complicated query that select parts from an MRP table using several different criteria. The output of the query is a list of parts which includes the key field [PartNum]. I have saved this ...
TonyG614's user avatar
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Efficient PostgreSQL query syntax for duplicating the result

Assuming I have the following PostgreSQL query: SELECT ( SELECT SUM (t.customers) FILTER ( WHERE id = 1 AND date BETWEEN %(start)s AND %(stop)s ...
jvkloc's user avatar
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query customer retention over range

I am trying to find the best way to accomplish the following. Get the beginning customer count, which carries from the previous day Get New Customer count Get the number of Customers who have not ...
thedemon's user avatar
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Combining Multiple queries from the same table inrto 1 query

I am looking to find a way to achieve the below... I have tried using Joins and SubQueries but no joy as yet... I have a table that keeps track of wins/loses/draws as so Date WLD 01/01/23 Win 05/01/...
Paulmcf1987's user avatar
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Join result of crosstab to main query

I'm trying to get this column structure: | id | name | main_image | rating | shop_names | prices | urls | 2 | 3 | My table structure looks like this CREATE TABLE products ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ...
broken_cursor's user avatar
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2 answers

I have a database with a player, tournament, and registration table. I need to query all players that played in 2 types (attributes) of tournaments

I currently have two tournaments that have matches. Wimbledon and Atlanta open which I have one as a grand slam and the other as a masters 1000, and I want to get the players who played in both This ...
zaria palmer's user avatar
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DB2 query not working

Customer (parent table) Id Charge Amt C1 10 C2 20 C3 30 C4 40 Payment (child table) Id pymt amt C1 10 C2 5 C4 40 Select Id and pending balance from customer and payment tables Pending ...
user2215220's user avatar
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DIV and GROUP by issues

I have one query, made it in MySQL. And now try to run on PostgreSQL, but get syntax error twice. Once on the DIV command, and then on the GROUP BY. Here is my code: UPDATE status_table SET Status_CG ...
Database_operator's user avatar
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Why cannot I reference the second alias from a subquery containing a UNION?

Why cannot I use Qty2 as an alias in my query? I receive this error: Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'qty2' in 'field list' SELECT mat, qty, qty2, SUM(qty), (ifnull(SUM(qty - qty2),0)) as TotalQty ...
Paul Haro's user avatar
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MySQL query: multiple select with different conditions and LIMIT for each, but also LIMIT whole query + paginator friendly

I would like to write SQL query (for MySQL) that is able to SELECT x rows by condition1 from table1 y rows by condition2 from table1+join1 z rows by condition3 from table1+join2 But on every page (...
Nick's user avatar
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MySQL query: Detect different rows between two tables and show differences in result table

I have two tables in a MySQL database. Table1 a_id 1 3 4 5 6 Table2 b_id 1 2 3 I would like to spot the missing row from Table1 a_id 2, and missing rows from Table2 b_id 4,5,6, which should be shown ...
klor's user avatar
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Postgres: one-to-one join with duplicates and inequality matching

** Update: Fiddles now included and!17/12053 ** I have two tables taken from two data sources,...
Harry E.'s user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to query through foreign keys while only having the value in the the same row as the value used as foreign key in another column

db admins, I require your help! My experience working with databases directly using SQL is rather limited, since I've mostly been using ORMs to cover all my needs as a frontend developer, but this ...
endvvell's user avatar
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How to get the highest (max) cost, lowest (min) cost, and the date that each occurred?

I need to find the highest cost & lowest cost for each part in a table (There are many parts) in a given date range. And output the date that each cost was recorded. Example Data: CREATE TABLE ...
SkylarP's user avatar
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Finding duplicate records in a subset

I have 3 tables: users orders order_items I am trying to get a list of all orders by the same user that have the exact same order_items.item_id within a 24 hour period representing the user having ...
eComEvo's user avatar
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6 votes
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Unused columns in WHERE clause

I found this query in our codebase: DELETE FROM "Foo" WHERE ("Foo"."Id", "Foo"."CreatedAt") IN (SELECT "f"."Id", "f".&...
lonix's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the correct usage of IN and ORDER BY keywords when used in conjunction with subqueries?

ERD for my simple db design: I want to order children based on their parent's last name. I am trying to use the following query: SELECT * FROM children WHERE parent_id IN (SELECT parent_id ...
Kapernski's user avatar
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-1 votes
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SQL query to join on maximum value on a per-row basis

I'm stuck writing a query for the following scenario: I have a table of things, they have a metric called number in the examples below. I have another table called offers which is a list of offers ...
RDD Brian's user avatar
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how to use distinct on to avoid aggregating column in this query?

what I am trying to do is I want to calculate the quantity for the inventory the formula for that is receive_order_entries.quantity+ the sum of all inventory_transactions.quantity for that inventory ...
joyoy's user avatar
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Create a select query to get employee name, total salary of employee, hobby name(comma-separated - you need to use subquery for hobby name)

see the below query table. Create an “employee” database and 4 tables (hobby, employee, employee_salary, employee_hobby). hobby: id, name employee: id, first_name, last_name, age, mobile_number, ...
Pranav Barot's user avatar
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SQL Insert by subquery inside update query [closed]

I want to Write a single query that updates columns in one table and insert rows in another table. something like this update applications set applications....
Abdur Rehman's user avatar
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MySQL multiple subqueries - slow ordering

Any idea how to optimise this query? It runs very slow when using the ORDER BY (~10 seconds) clause. If I remove the order_by clause, then it executes for milliseconds. Problem is, that I need to been ...
Milen Mihalev's user avatar
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Group by bit column

I want Group by rows with active column like result I tray with this code and I Do not get result WITH CTE as ( SELECT RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id), * FROM test ) SELECT ...
mohamadreza dehghan's user avatar
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subquery must return onl one column in postgresql

I want to get the XML response after the stored procedure call in PostgreSQL. In the below query I was trying to get the output, but it throws an Error: subquery must return only one column. Can ...
Priyanka Patil's user avatar
4 votes
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Select rows with the highest value for one ID, after grouping by two IDs

It is given in the problem that occurrences has to happen more than once, but the person (PID) should only be selected with the (agent) AID having the highest BustCount. SELECT I.AgentID, I.PersonID, ...
Sturla Sær Fjeldsted's user avatar
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MariaDB: Insert records (list of tuples) into table if not exists

Currently I have several sql queries that look like this: INSERT INTO `test` (col1, col2) SELECT * FROM (SELECT '1','2') AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE col1='1' AND col2='...
user13581602's user avatar
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Having problems joining table

I have the following tables and I want to know Jack's dob, salary and the total score of that employee who is also a player. The relational schemas are: Emp_Players (eid,pid,team) composite key is (...
chimmy102's user avatar
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Debit Credit Balance calculating from previous records with Pagination MYSQL

I have table with the following schema and demo data- id date particulars debit credit 104 29-12-2020 Crediting NULL 1000 105 29-12-2020 Purchased Item:A ...
pse's user avatar
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Change Consecutive Row Value [closed]

I am trying to change value of Consecutive AA to first AA as AA1 and second one as AA2, if only one AA then it should be as AA1, its possible to change all AA to AA1 and then search for 2nd ...
Avinash Kumar's user avatar
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Query to find the "Number of days" a customer has an active card between a specified interval

I have a table with below structure : create table test_table ( customer_num NUMBER, card_number char(2), card_issue_date DATE, card_expire_date DATE ) Example data is: ...
Pantea's user avatar
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How to retrieve missing values of an id from a list?

have a data structure that is value/tag inside a table on Oracle sql Lets say I have this structore exTable ID TAG VALUE 1 1 x 1 4 y 2 2 x 2 3 y 2 4 z I want to retrieve the missing tags for a ...
Alfredo Vidal's user avatar
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Query to fine "Order_num" that has no two equal "product_name"

I have a table with below structure: create table A_TEST ( order_num int, product_name varchar(50), product_amount int, product_price int ); Sample data : insert into a_test (...
Pantea's user avatar
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Why is SQL Server spliting it's (JSON) response into multiple rows?

I am trying to build a query that results in a JSON object generated by SQL Server. I've found that I can use subqueries to populate a field (in this case the questions field) with a JSON string that ...
joeldesante's user avatar
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How to delete Specific row!9/df6245 How to delete all rows Where brand not equal to 107 for example in above fiddle GRPCD 44111 have 107 so it should not delete both rows which have GRPCD 44111 but it ...
Shahid's user avatar
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SQL daily value (today value - yesterday value)

I have a database where there are sales . +----+-----------+------------+ | ID | Quantity | DATE | +----+-----------+------------+ | 1 | 40 | 2020/10/10 | | 2 | 0 | 2020/10/01 |...
kevinG73's user avatar
-1 votes
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MYSQL Error: Incorrect usage of UNION and ORDER BY?

Am trying to randomize my first query but ran into an error "Incorrect usage of UNION and ORDER BY" Kindly find below my queries: SELECT * FROM( SELECT, ...
yodeveloper's user avatar
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Return average using same table data

I've got this query I'm testing with: select sum(units) / (select count(distinct week) from record_sales_data where customer_country_id=2 group by customer_country_id) as average from ...
Matias's user avatar
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Query finds no values when sharppend

I am trying to join two datasets and find the most recent certification date I the following 2 datasets Certifications (1, 'Judge Level 1', 'Judge', 10, 2), (2, 'Judge Level 2', 'Judge', 20, 2), (3, '...
Ken's user avatar
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Why did Codd, et al. prohibit intermediate scalars in SELECT - and how would they have recommended avoiding syntactic repetition?

(I'm asking this because I was reviewing this older question I asked and because I'm currently writing some queries and getting annoyed at how much I need to repeat myself). In ISO-compliant SQL ...
Dai's user avatar
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Selecting distinct rows from two tables, using multiple conditions

I'm trying to figure out a query. I have an offices and meetings table in my DB. Offices can have multiple meetings (office ID is a FK to the offices table). Some meetings allow lunch, some do not. ...
blindsnowmobile's user avatar
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T-SQL query - how to AVG() the SUM() of columns' rows to a new row column?

What is asked is to find the average marks for each student comprised by the total of the marks divided by their count. How should the query look like to achieve this, since the AVG function is an ...
query_question's user avatar
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How to fetch related rows on multiple condition with ranking

I have following table for storing item information in PostgreSQL. id | name | category | seller | m_age | status | type_id | region | ----------------------------------------------------------...
Rajan M's user avatar
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Sql Server string concat with order by and subquery

While working on some dynamic sql production code we encountered code that's concatenating a bunch of strings and a subquery and then more string concatenation. The goal of the code is to populate a ...
James Holcomb's user avatar
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Select rows from table having more than two specific values

I have a table having details such that Userpin product Time1 contains 4556 23 7:30 A 4557 23 7:30 B 4558 23 7:30 C ...
Gaurav Raj's user avatar
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Select rows from table having specific values depending on another values in the same table

I need to be able to select all Userpin that have tr_type 7 only but if there is tr_type 7 and 8 in other row ignore 7 and 8 example: Userpin TrDate Time1 Tr_type 4555 12-02-2020 ...
ahmed's user avatar
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How to show multiple record if has top 1

Hi currently having difficulty to query the result sorry a newbie here. i am trying to find the result of these two tables. i want to get all the records on table 2 with an effective date < 2019-12-...
Nathan's user avatar
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