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Questions tagged [subquery]

SQL term used to describe when a `SELECT` statement is used as part of a larger SQL statement. The larger statement may be DML and is always found within brackets or parenthesis.

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1 answer

SELECTing n rows for each GROUP with WHERE condition

I SELECT n rows for each ArticleID from TagMap table SELECT a.ArticleID,a.TagID FROM TagMap a LEFT JOIN TagMap b ON a.ArticleID = b.ArticleID AND a.TagID < b.TagID GROUP BY a.ArticleID,a.TagID ...
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Query slow when a sub select is used

I've created a query which brings back all revenue for specific groups with different columns for YTD, Last year, the year before and the year before that. It works but extremely slowly and from what ...
Harrison Lievesley's user avatar
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1 answer

Group by bit column

I want Group by rows with active column like result I tray with this code and I Do not get result WITH CTE as ( SELECT RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id), * FROM test ) SELECT ...
mohamadreza dehghan's user avatar
1 vote
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basic subquery evaluation

I am new at subqueries. Is there a general strategy on how basic subqueries are evaluated and executed (besides from sql engines automatically optimizing them). For example, consider this select query:...
lightning_missile's user avatar
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using column in sub query within SELECT [closed]

I have the following SQL that uses column inside a SELECT within a SELECT in the FROM clause. It looks like it is not supported. ATM I see no alternative beside splitting this into two queries. Users ...
Nir's user avatar
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Get latest record with max and group by

I am working on a php application and need to retrieve the latest record from a mysql table. Below is the table design and sample data. So the criteria is: sort by present DESC, then start_date DESC ...
cww's user avatar
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Is there anything I can do to optimise this complex query?

I have a rather complex query that spans several layers of subqueries, the two primary ones fetching data from the exact same fields, only one takes the values themselves, the other takes aggregates. ...
theberzi's user avatar
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use row_number() over(partition by col order by col) in where clause [closed]

I have these tables in which I need to use Row_number() in where clause like this where spectrumcms.staffchilddiscountpolicy.childno = (select ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition by std.GuardianCNIC order ...
learning17's user avatar
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1 answer

Using subquery in WHERE makes query extremely slow

I have this rather basic query that is very slow for reasons I can't figure out: SELECT FROM segments s WHERE ST_DWithin( s.geom::GEOGRAPHY, ST_Envelope((SELECT ST_COLLECT(s2....
Jukurrpa's user avatar
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Postgres locking issue

I have the following Postgres table: CREATE TABLE my_db.url_data ( url varchar(2500) NOT NULL, status int, priority int, ... last_update_ts timestamp, CONSTRAINT url_data_pk ...
Jay Schimmel's user avatar
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Querying both ancestors from a bridging table getting cross join?

Hi I have the following ERM, kit table component table kit_has_substitutes - bridging table that links a kit to two components, intended to represent the situation where a primary component can be ...
chris's user avatar
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Understanding the relationship between a Table Spool and correlated subquery

I'm learning about execution plans, and have a question regarding the relationship between a Table Spool and correlated subquery (I'm following this tutorial, don't mind the typos). I've created the ...
HeyJude's user avatar
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How to UPDATE faster with GROUP BY?

I have a typical article and tag_map tables, CREATE TABLE `articles` ( `ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `Tags` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `Title` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Subquery into join issue

I'm trying hard as I can to transform my query to get rid of subqueries. I know its better to not use subqueries, but my first reason to change this query is because my ORM (Doctrine) isn't able to ...
Jakub Stibůrek's user avatar
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2 answers

Index isn't used when value is a result of a subquery or from a wrapper query

I have a simple one-to-many relationship: accounts and events where an account may have many events. accounts id: uuid ...more irrelevant fields events id: serial type: enum ['activated', '...
kfirba's user avatar
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2 answers

Limit rows in Correlated Subquery

I have one big and two small issues with my query I need help with. First, I want a SQL (postgres if it matters) query that gets SUM of last two ratings of fruits and makes a new column for each fruit ...
noblerthanoedipus's user avatar
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subquery for history average is slower then expected

I have a MySQL table which contains historic product values. A new record per product is updates every minute. The timestamp field is an INTEGER field with a unix timestamp. There is an index on the ...
eKKiM's user avatar
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subquery must return onl one column in postgresql

I want to get the XML response after the stored procedure call in PostgreSQL. In the below query I was trying to get the output, but it throws an Error: subquery must return only one column. Can ...
Priyanka Patil's user avatar
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Subqueries in SQL Server

I am taking a SQL course and am completely stumped on this question. Using a subquery have a query that returns: CustomerID, EmailAddress, FirstName, LastName, '#3: Customers who have ordered than 1 ...
Jess Lauren Douglas's user avatar
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SQL sql subquery with SUM for totals

I am a little stuck on getting a total value for a column using the SUM function. I want to get the total amount of items for an order from my database. The DB order is made up of several line items ...
J.Pett's user avatar
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Select maximum of a count in a grouped clause

I have the following tables: Vehicles(v͟i͟n͟, model,category) Sales(s͟a͟l͟e͟I͟D͟, staffID,customerID,date) vehicleSold(saleID,v͟i͟n͟,salePrice) When I join these tables using: select YEAR(Sales....
chimmy102's user avatar
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Trouble with a query subselect

I am trying to merge 2 large queries together and can't get it to work. I have an almost working query, except I can't get the server to accept the p.products_id in the nested query. Can anyone help ...
Cstdenis's user avatar
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Ranking and use of cube by in an SQL query? [closed]

I am a the MSc student who does not understand this following SQL dilemma and want to be certain from an Academic standpoint. The entire “Foodmart” database can be downloaded from: http://didawiki.cli....
Timothy's user avatar
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I have a correct subquery that returns results but when I use it as an "IN" clause I get error 1064

This must be a very simple problem, the subquery returns results alone but the compound query reports: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to ...
Mister Jeps's user avatar
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LEFT JOIN subquery fails in the presence of an EXISTS clause in the main query

I have this query: SELECT contact_id, engagement.sent FROM contact c LEFT JOIN ( /* ➊ Inner query */ SELECT eq.contact_id contact_id, COUNT(*) sent FROM mailing_job j INNER JOIN ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
4 votes
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Select rows with the highest value for one ID, after grouping by two IDs

It is given in the problem that occurrences has to happen more than once, but the person (PID) should only be selected with the (agent) AID having the highest BustCount. SELECT I.AgentID, I.PersonID, ...
Sturla Sær Fjeldsted's user avatar
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2 answers

MariaDB: Insert records (list of tuples) into table if not exists

Currently I have several sql queries that look like this: INSERT INTO `test` (col1, col2) SELECT * FROM (SELECT '1','2') AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE col1='1' AND col2='...
user13581602's user avatar
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Having problems joining table

I have the following tables and I want to know Jack's dob, salary and the total score of that employee who is also a player. The relational schemas are: Emp_Players (eid,pid,team) composite key is (...
chimmy102's user avatar
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MySQL - Counting multiple parameters from the same subquery

I have a very large MySQL (~10M rows) database, currently using the InnoDB engine, which stores log events. I am working on a front-end that allows searching through this log database, and one of the ...
Eric's user avatar
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SQL - Select everything after a certain row

After the following query: SELECT my_table.ID, my_table.DATETIME, my_table.VALUE, diagnostics_keys.type as type, diagnostics_keys.key, diagnostics_keys.unit, ...
Adriana Ezln's user avatar
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2 answers

Create a DELETE statement that deletes Models that haven’t had a purchase since December 31st 2014

We are given 5 tables. Orders Order number (Primary Key) Date of order Customer ID (Primary Key for Customers table) Serial Number (Primary Key for Machines table) Customers ID ...
Donald Alesson's user avatar
1 vote
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Create a DELETE statement that deletes Manufacturers with less than 10 sales

Orders: Order number (Primary Key) Date of order Customer ID (Primary Key for Customers table) Serial Number (Primary Key for Machines table) Customers: ID (Primary Key) Name Phone Number Street (ie. ...
Donald Alesson's user avatar
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Debit Credit Balance calculating from previous records with Pagination MYSQL

I have table with the following schema and demo data- id date particulars debit credit 104 29-12-2020 Crediting NULL 1000 105 29-12-2020 Purchased Item:A ...
pse's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Change Consecutive Row Value [closed]

I am trying to change value of Consecutive AA to first AA as AA1 and second one as AA2, if only one AA then it should be as AA1, its possible to change all AA to AA1 and then search for 2nd ...
Avinash Kumar's user avatar
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Query to find the "Number of days" a customer has an active card between a specified interval

I have a table with below structure : create table test_table ( customer_num NUMBER, card_number char(2), card_issue_date DATE, card_expire_date DATE ) Example data is: ...
Pantea's user avatar
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SQL (Postgres): Subquery in WHERE clause with IN operator is slow

I have the following SQL Statement: select count(*) from person p cross join task t where in ( select tp.task_id from task_participant tp where tp.person_id = ) and = 1234 ...
Nibor's user avatar
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Getting the "flat" query corresponding to a view using nested views?

I'm programming an application that queries SAP Business One databases, which are incredibly complex, riddled with cryptic table and column names left over from ancient times (including many ...
TaylanKammer's user avatar
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How to retrieve missing values of an id from a list?

have a data structure that is value/tag inside a table on Oracle sql Lets say I have this structore exTable ID TAG VALUE 1 1 x 1 4 y 2 2 x 2 3 y 2 4 z I want to retrieve the missing tags for a ...
Alfredo Vidal's user avatar
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Mssql subquery inside a substring

I need to remove the last character of my subquery but I cannot figure out how to reference my subquery in the subselect as I need the length of it. The subselect collects all rows and converts them ...
Symbiose Studios's user avatar
4 votes
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Unexpected unique constraint violation during update

In table foo with two columns (id and seq), I'd like to add +1 to seq for all records with an arbitrary seq > 4738. The plan is to insert a new record at seq=4739 once all the seq > 4738 records ...
orange's user avatar
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3 answers

I am trying to find the average of a COUNT request [closed]

I have completed the query below from an invoices table which gives me the total invoices attached to each house ID. So house_id 114 has 14 invoices attached to it. Is there a way to feed this result ...
pauldanc's user avatar
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Query to fine "Order_num" that has no two equal "product_name"

I have a table with below structure: create table A_TEST ( order_num int, product_name varchar(50), product_amount int, product_price int ); Sample data : insert into a_test (...
Pantea's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why is SQL Server spliting it's (JSON) response into multiple rows?

I am trying to build a query that results in a JSON object generated by SQL Server. I've found that I can use subqueries to populate a field (in this case the questions field) with a JSON string that ...
joeldesante's user avatar
-1 votes
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Write a dynamic query of nested subqueries [duplicate]

Let's take an everyday query with a list of nested queries so I can show you the problem, see how we'd have to add a subquery when a new Certification comes out: select DISTINCT e.display_name as &...
Jeremy Thompson's user avatar
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Sql Group by on subquery rows

I have this table : ArretProductionJournee(Id, DateArret,HeureDebut,HeureFin,EnumArret) Example : DateArret ||HeureDebut ||HeureFin ||EnumArret 2020-11-30 ||2020-11-...
Kessar Mohamed's user avatar
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How to delete Specific row!9/df6245 How to delete all rows Where brand not equal to 107 for example in above fiddle GRPCD 44111 have 107 so it should not delete both rows which have GRPCD 44111 but it ...
Shahid's user avatar
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How to filters data with two windows conditions?

I want to get the result of two sub-queries. In my case I have users, user can have multiple access for doors, but sometimes doors are disabled so the access exist but do not point to any doors. I ...
Mio's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Error when running query as a subquery [closed]

The inner query runs successfully alone, but when I run it as a subquery, an error pop up. My query: Select TOP 3 * FROM (select fr.rating , sp.SpId ,sp.FName ,sp....
Tayyab Hussain's user avatar
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Optimize duplicated but negated subquery

I have what I call a 'Hamlet' query in the form: select * from stuff a left join otherStuff b on (a.x=b.x) -- lots of joins ommited where (b.ToBe = 1 and a.Being in (select Being from stuffThatIs ...
Jakub Fojtik's user avatar
2 votes
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SQL daily value (today value - yesterday value)

I have a database where there are sales . +----+-----------+------------+ | ID | Quantity | DATE | +----+-----------+------------+ | 1 | 40 | 2020/10/10 | | 2 | 0 | 2020/10/01 |...
kevinG73's user avatar

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