Questions tagged [subtypes]

Questions about data that is organized into types and subtypes.

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2 votes
0 answers

Best Practice - Database design for 'conditional join' [duplicate]

I need to create a database to store Jobs. Each Job can have 1-* Step Each step is classified as one of either Type A, B or C. Each Type has specific details and other tables that join on them so ...
14 votes
4 answers

Supertype/Subtype deciding between category: complete disjoint or incomplete overlapping

I'm building an inventory database that stores IT hardware, such as desktop computers, laptops, switches, routers, mobile phones, etc. I'm using supertype/subtype pattern, where all devices are stored ...
2 votes
2 answers

Basic RDBMS table relations

If you have a design of a "master table" and several "subtables", is it better* that the master table "link" to each of the sub tables, the subtables link to the master, or for bi-directional links be ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to relate a "parent common" table with its (possibly many) "subtype" tables?

I am having a bit of a brain freeze. I have a table whose properties are the root of four distinct elements, for example: I need to relate SystemType to a SystemCommon, where one SystemCommon can ...
22 votes
4 answers

Best design to reference multiple tables from single column?

Proposed schema First and foremost, here is an example of my proposed schema to reference throughout my post: Clothes ---------- ClothesID (PK) INT NOT NULL Name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL Color VARCHAR(...
3 votes
0 answers

Supertype table with disjoint subtypes in MySQL

I want to have base parent table with few disjoint subtypes. To illustrate what I mean: CREATE TABLE issues ( issue_id SERIAL PRIMARY_KEY, issue_type CHAR(1) CHECK (issue_type IN ('B', 'F')), ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to represent a ‘mutual IS-A’ relationship in an entity-relationship diagram?

Is the following scenario correct and why: A and B are two entities B is-a A A is-a B And what if A, B were relationship?
2 votes
3 answers

How can I enforce a one-to-zero-or-one relationship with multiple types?

I am creating a database structure to represent a football league, but there is a certain part that I do not know how to solve, that is: A member and he can be a referee, a management or a player (...
5 votes
1 answer

How to represent class table inheritance (current DBMS-specific way please)?

I want to implement class either-or table inheritance (Account, CatAccountDetails, DogAccountDetails) in SQL Server. I found a recommendation for MySQL: How do I map an IS-A relationship into a ...
4 votes
2 answers

Abstract classes in SQL Server. Are they even possible?

I have a very specific question that I am surprised no one has yet asked. It involves a concrete class model and SQL Server 2016 DDL. The main point is: In my model, some classes inherit from a base ...
21 votes
3 answers

Implementing subtype of a subtype in type/subtype design pattern with mutually exclusive subclasses

Introduction In order for this question to be useful for future readers I will use the generic data model to illustrate the problem I face. Our data model consists of 3 entities, which shall be ...
2 votes
0 answers

What is the difference between (Superclass/Subclass) Total and Partial Specialization?

What is the difference between total and partial specialization of superclass/subclass (or supertype-subtype) structures in enhanced entity-relationship modeling?
5 votes
1 answer

Implementing a one to one (1:1) relationship between Person and User

Scenario description I have this person table as super parent (or supertype), id firstname lastname email telephone ... ... and user table as a child (or subtype) id person_id (FK) password username ...
3 votes
1 answer

Representing a Superclass/Subclass (or Supertype-Subtype) relationship in a MySQL Workbench diagram

Situation I am trying to figure out how to represent a one-to-one (1:1) relationship regarding a superclass/subclass or supertype-subtype structure in an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) of the kind ...
4 votes
1 answer

Modeling Subclass (or Subtype) Constraints in an Entity-Relationship Diagram

Scenario description Can someone help me out on how to model the situation that follows: There is a superclass (or supertype) called PRODUCTS, which has the subclasses (or subtypes) named FOOD and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Conditional relationships? One-to-many relationship using a pivot table for only a type of entity

I have the following tables: users: - id - name - user_type_id (references id on user_types) neighborhoods: - id - name homes: - id - house_number - neighborhood_id (references id ...
8 votes
1 answer

Is my implementation of type/subtype design pattern (for mutually exclusive subclasses) correct?

Introduction In order for this question to be useful for future readers I will use the generic data model to illustrate the problems I face. Our data model consists of two entities, which shall be ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to model an “is a” relationship in an ERD using Crow’s foot notation?

I have to create an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for an assignment. I am doing this in a particular drawing tool with the Crow’s Foot notation. There is however one thing I cannot figure out: ...
0 votes
2 answers

Inheritance of unknown type at creation time

Say I have a table called People into which people are inserted from the moment they are born. Now lets say I want some subclasses of people based on their job. So there are also tables for Plumber, ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to JOIN a table with a name that equals to a determined value in MySQL?

The model of the (PHP & MySQL based) Zend Framework 2 application I’m currently working on contains a inheritance similar to the one described here. To map this to the database I’m using the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Looking for suggestions to model a database of Electrical Components

We have a database of electrical components and I am trying to make sure I have a good design. I am not a database designer (my comfort zone is designing with these hardware components), so I am ...
5 votes
1 answer

Many to many between lots of tables?

TL;DR: How could I set up many-to-many relationship between that many tables and is it viable/recommended? Each body type has its own table Each car in each body type table can has several features ...
10 votes
4 answers

Don't know how to transform variable entity into relational table

INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION: The following example illustrates the problem I face: Animal has a race, which can be a cat or a dog. Cat can be either Siamese or Persian. Dog can be a German ...
5 votes
2 answers

Modeling a Car Dealership context in an Entity-Relationship diagram

I am creating a conceptual database model for a car dealership. I have spoken to the client, gathered all the requirements, and thought I had my Entity-Relationship diagram all correct; however, I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Grant execute on specific type in Oracle

I have created a package and defined a type for collections as follows: create or replace package <schema>.<package> as ------------------------------------- type <type> is ...
2 votes
1 answer

Using the same table for entities that are almost alike when it breaks foreign key integrity?

I'm designing a website with a database that should support events that a user can sign up for, fx. a concert. Users can sign up using our internal registration system, or using an external website (...
0 votes
1 answer

Derived classes with same base class and class specific ids

I have three classes in my project. One base class and two derived classes. public class Animal { public long Id { get; set; } public DateTime Created { get; set; } public string Name { ...
5 votes
2 answers

Best way to linking different entities to a single table

I'm running for office and have created a web app for tracking my door knocks to voters at their homes. The database contains a table called voters that contains all the necessary information about ...
3 votes
3 answers

Field types database design best practice

I am creating a cms system where the user can create fields to use in the templates of the website. I want to create different types like 'string', 'html', 'integer' etc. The user must also have the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Enhanced ER Model Supertype / Subtype modeling issue with inheritance and recursion

Before posting, I have looked for a good solution on internet and I have coined this post for 3 days in row and trying to think through it prior this post. So if I have missed something or got it ...
2 votes
2 answers

Normalising shared entities and applying constraints

I'm looking for a specific "best practice" or "pattern" concerning entities that are shared between different entities, having a relation to one of many. For example, one may have the generic entity "...
3 votes
1 answer

Confused about what to use to create the data

I want to create a database for myself. The data has complex grouping. I don't know which system to use to create my database. The data is in groups and sub-group forms, it almost has 5-6 layers of ...
3 votes
1 answer

Supertypes and subtypes

I am trying to design a database that has supertype/subtypes. I have the following users: - basic user - business user - administrator (super user). All three users share a common table (users) ...
2 votes
1 answer

Foreign Key Constraint over two tables

I am trying to put the following entity-model into practice: We have a list of Payments, each Payment belongs to a certain store and is of a certain payment type (e.g. 10€ maintenance cost in Store1, ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to store data where various subcategories have specific columns?

I'm new to database designing. I'll use MySQL and PHP. I'm designing a database in which I have a lot of categories and subcategories like given below: Product Table p_id p_title category_id ...
0 votes
1 answer

Normalization for three somehow identical tables

These three tables are nearly identical. But, there are some exceptions. But, I can't find best normalized structure. Could you please help me? Here is the informations must be hold in database: 1)...
4 votes
2 answers

How to enforce data consistency across one-to-one relationship in an inheritance hierarchy

Consider this design for a typical school database: Person: ----------------- FirstName LastName SocialSecurityNumber Phone Email Student: ----------------- Grade Teacher: ----------------- ...
1 vote
0 answers

Help with ER design

So i am trying to create a db for a restaurant as a homework assignment.. However there is a spot that confuses me and involves the dish entity. "Every dish must belong to a category (soup,...
0 votes
1 answer

Additional info on some rows in the table

I am trying to design an MS Access 2013 database to keep track of an inventory of items. All items have certain common properties, like name, date they were stored, location of the physical item, etc....
3 votes
3 answers

Database design: 4 types of users but have different functionality , separate or one table?

I have 4 types of users: Admins , normal user , company , service provider Admins and normal user share some attributes (id .first name ,last name ,phone ,mail) company and service provider share ...