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Sybase SQL Anywhere 17 - Can a database trigger call a system command?

I have a Sybase SQL Anywhere 17 server running on Linux, and I was wondering if it is possible to create a database trigger to execute a local operating system system command when an UPDATE is down on ...
Peter Alexander's user avatar
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Holding transactions as long as a user edits

As an application developer I'm used to using databases transactions only as a way to play in modifications after a user has clicked "save". That's the way most database servers I'm familiar ...
John's user avatar
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Ubuntu - Sybase - PHP not able to connect

I'm trying to connect Sybase 17 from PHP(7.4, 8.0) Laravel running on apache2 on Ubuntu(18.4) system. We are using SQL Anywhere. Sybase is not installed on the same server. We are getting this error -...
Rahul's user avatar
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SQL Anywhere 17 - Database server connection limit exceeded

I set up a new SQL Anywhere 17 Database in Sybase Server. I've got a lot of clients that should be able to connect to the Database over ODBC. The ODBC works fine but as soon as the third user tries to ...
Janik Spies's user avatar
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Trigger creation for Sybase SQLAnywhere 16

I've been having the hardest time trying to create a trigger for a Sybase SAP SQLAnywhere 16 database following these docs. Currently it's -131 syntax erroring on line 15/16 (the update statement), ...
boog's user avatar
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Counting number of occurrences, how to "group by"

I have the following query, which works as intended. Database is Sybase SQLAnywhere, which follows t-sql syntax for the most part. I'm trying to add a column to COUNT the number of times each "...
boog's user avatar
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Next 10% of rows

I know TOP can return first 10% of row results, but how would I then get the next 10%? I am trying to break up a query that crashes due to insufficient memory (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError), and want to ...
KAE's user avatar
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Import Sybase SQL Anywhere 8 DB into SQL Server without access to Sybase

This is my first post here and its a doosy. I am facing what seems to be a unique situation at the moment. I am in the process of moving my client to a new environment which includes decommissioning ...
rrrrowsdower's user avatar
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UNLOAD TO status message

I am running a query with an UNLOAD statement to save the results into a CSV file, UNLOAD SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... TO 'C:\\TEMP\\MyFile.csv' QUOTE '"'; I am getting status updates like 55% ...
KAE's user avatar
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count number of unique occurrence of each value in 1st or 2nd column and print in 3rd column

SELECT domain_Job.statusCode as "Status Code", as "Status Code Description" FROM domain_Job, domain_Client, lookup_JobStatusCode, domain_MasterServer, ...
user3016638's user avatar
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How to select 2 fields in where clause

I want to match 2 pair of fields in where clause select * from A where (x,y) in (select u,v from B) Can some one guide me
user181865's user avatar
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Escape from Alcatraz: SqlAnywhere to MSSQL [closed]

Is there a migration tool that actually works for SAP SqlAnywhere 17 to MSSQL (any recent version)? Searching for "sqlanywhere mssql migration" yields a variety of hits including SQL Server ...
Peter Wone's user avatar
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Get Updated_At for any change in row on Sybase?

I am working with a Sybase SQL Anywhere table that has horrible tracking of changes. I have a windows service that queries multiple tables every 5 minutes looking for changes, but one particular table ...
Alan's user avatar
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New Sybase User can't SELECT Tables From Other User

I am accessing a Sybase database and have created a new user using: CREATE USER "ThisNewUser" IDENTIFIED BY "ThisNewPassword"; I then granted privleges: GRANT ALL TO "ThisNewUser" I used the ...
Alan's user avatar
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SQL Anywhere Long Varchar/Binary Column Length Limited to 32767

Attempting to set up a database table (Sybase SQL Anywhere 11.0.1) to store user uploaded documents as either BLOBs or base64 encoded strings, but running into an issue where the length of my LONG ...
C Scupski's user avatar
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I can't open my Pharmacy management software"based on sybase database"

I am stuck with my pharmacy management software running on Windows XP with a dongle as a security system. The database is Sybase. I tried many backup copies but failed to open the program. Two ...
شريف زين's user avatar
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Data from Same Column Joined in Two Different Ways

In the following sybase query I would like to pull the vendor column twice: the first time I would like to pull the vendor associated with the ReceiveWorksheet table by associating it with a key ...
Ben Denody's user avatar
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Want to change a timestamp date to an integer YYYYMMDD

I have this input "2017-07-21 15:31:04.853453" and I want it to return "20170721" as output. How can I do it using cast or convert function? My column input is the current time (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP). ...
Pedro Pereira's user avatar
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Upload database records to AWS using TSQL?

We have an AWS account that will be installing some software that ultimately needs a subset of our customers' data. Our customer databases are either MS SQL Server or Sybase Anywhere. Is there a way ...
clairestreb's user avatar
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Correlated sub-query on the same table with only one alias

I have query which look like this SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE ... AND id IN (SELECT FROM my_table t2 WHERE id = AND ... ); I know in this ...
Nigloo's user avatar
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SQL Central for Sybase 16 SP 02

ALL, First time post here in DB Administrators, so please be patient. In the past long time ago I was working with Sybase SQL Anywhere on Windows. There I got the actual server, ISQL utility, and a ...
Igor's user avatar
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How to view a list of databases under server in SQL Anywhere like we do in SQL Server

I am very new to SQL Anywhere. I have been working with SQL Server for a long time. In SQL Server, if we need to see the list of database under server, we can see that under Server Explorer. How can ...
soccer7's user avatar
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Importing and exporting data from a database to another using SyBase is taking a long time

In order to update a database(Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 8) I'm taking all the data from one database on clients computer and using SELECT * FROM tabelName OUTPUT TO 'C:\path' FORMAT ASCII ...
user95752's user avatar
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Connecting SQL Anywhere with Sybase database file on local computer

I have installed SQL Anywhere 12 in my system. I have a .db file in my computer. I have no idea what is it's username and password. If I try to connect to it by providing credentials- username=DBA ...
soccer7's user avatar
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SQL Anywhere 12 - exporting data to Excel

Do I need to install MS Office Excel on machine where is SQL Anywhere 12 server for below code to work? Or SA 12 or Windows have MS Excel Driver builtin? SELECT * FROM SalesOrders; OUTPUT USING '...
BlueMark's user avatar
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Is it possible to run an .exe file from a CLR function?

Is it possible to run an .exe from CLR function with Sybase SQL Anywhere 12? If yes then I thought about link this function and .exe with pipes, is it a good idea or do you have better ideas? If not ...
Artur Zieliński's user avatar
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How can we connect and execute oracle database objects from Sybase database objects [closed]

Could you please anybody let me know how to connect to oracle database and execute the stored procedure/function from Sybase database objects?
suzith kumar's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: Savepoint for ROLLBACK not found

What is the correct way on setting and rolling back to savepoint on SQLAnywhere. Having this snippet: begin transaction; SAVEPOINT spt_abc; insert into eins (pl1) values (5); SAVEPOINT spt_123; ...
frlan's user avatar
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mlagent: How to export remote task

When creating a new remote tasks via Sybase Central for mlagent, it is possible to import task from file. How to export remote task to a file so it can be imported into another Sybase Central ...
frlan's user avatar
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MobiLink: How to add a new table to synchronisation using Sybase Central and mlagent

How to add a new table to a synchronisation using mlagent configured from Sybase Central. This might be related to this or this question. When doing a change on remote database as described on ...
frlan's user avatar
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Sybase Central: How to set language for UI of Sybase Central

How to set the language for UI of Sybase Central.. It appears it's taking the language settings from Windows, but having e.g. an English Sybase Central on a German Windows -- how to achieve this? ...
frlan's user avatar
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MobiLink: How to propagade schema change for a synch profile to remote databases

Once an application is online with a synchronisation profile it might happen, that the profile needs to be changed. E.g. a new index is introduced, columns are added etc. Having the synchronisation ...
frlan's user avatar
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MobiLink: What is the correct approach of presetting values inside database for remote user

When creating a remote database from inside Sybase Central I'm looking for a way to preset some values based on e.g. subscription user. Application is using some kind of configuration table storing ...
frlan's user avatar
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MobiLink: How to export database users to remote database created via Sybase Central

How to configure a Sybase Central MobiLink project in the way, it's also exporting the database users of consolidated database to a remote database? In default it appears to only create dba with ...
frlan's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: How to write result of a query into a file with non-interactive session

I'm looking for a way to write resultset of a query to a file maybe analog of queryout of MS SQL or the COPY from PostgreSQL When using something like select count(*) from "table" OUTPUT TO '...
frlan's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: How to determine which path delimiter is used on database?

I need to build up a dynamic path from inside an SQL script. It started with something like select left( db_property('File'), charindex ( DB_PROPERTY ( 'Name' ), db_property('File') )...
frlan's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: Visualize in real time CPU and RAM consumption of sql connections

I want to keep track of which connection use most of resources. Within Sybase Central (SQL Anywhere 9, 12), for each server and database, we have pane to check in real time All Connected Users and ...
BlueMark's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: How to configure length of message output to console/client when using isql

If got an issue with message command (as well as print) on SQLAnywhere. When running message as a single command it appears that it's completely put everything where it should be. But when using it ...
frlan's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: Rename Foreign Key or Primary Key

I have a database with many duplicate index, foreign key, and primary key names. Duplicate index names can be renamed using: ALTER INDEX <index name> ON <creator>.<tablename> RENAME ...
John Mo's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: Cursor getting closed after executing a DDL statement

Having this code here: DECLARE @rowfoo integer DECLARE @query varchar (32000) SET @query = 'CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE testprocedure AS BEGIN print ''Just a dummy text'' ...
frlan's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: Switch to choose between WATCOM and T-SQL?

Is there any switch available to set/force a script using either Watcom or T-SQL dialect on SQLAnywehre?
frlan's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: Syntax error on call function; Call without IF construct is working

I've got this little code example where I call a procedure, which is taking 4 arguments: DECLARE @tmp BIT SET @tmp = 0 IF @tmp = 1 call __insert_to_notifications_table('foo', '1234', '5678', '...
frlan's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: Failure on creation of procedure

I wanted to create a procedure like this: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE __generate_new_VSN(@oldVSN varchar(100)) RETURNS VARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN RETURN '1' END but getting when running it via isql:...
frlan's user avatar
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It seems our sql database is corrupted

Is there a way to completely check a SQL-Anywhere database (5.5.05) integrity? "Validate" won't help: we had databases that were broken but "validate" always told us that everything is o.k. I had ...
BasrHaidi's user avatar
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SQLAnywhere: Mobilink upload_fetch_column_conflict​ seems not to be executed

With Sybase Central I've configured a MobiLink test object, where I'm trying to detect a unique constrain violation before uploading. Unfortunately it appears upload_fetch_column_conflict​ seems to ...
frlan's user avatar
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How to get list of enabled/disabled features of SQLAnywhere

I'm looking to get a list of features, which are installed or enabled/disabled on a given SQLAnywhere instance. dblic is only showing the 'possible' feature based on lice, but not the actually ...
frlan's user avatar
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SQLRemote: Implicit synch of connected objects

I'm looking for the best way to synchronise foreign key relations with SQLRemote. So having e.g. this two tables CREATE TABLE table1( id integer not null default autoincrement, name varchar(...
frlan's user avatar
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Sybase ASA: Saving and dropping all foreign keys and most Primary Keys for (Bulk) Insert

Background Information: I am trying to migrate from an ASA 12 Database, to a ASA 12 Database by using a Remote Server. I have to migrate a lot of Rows (not all), spread over a lot of tables (not all)....
DLA2014's user avatar
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Date and Time in Log file

I've the translated Sybase ASA 9 log file, and the log looks like --UPDATE-1120-05402698411 UPDATE DBA.titulo_receber SET dt_pagto='2014/apr/28 11:06:08.593', id_situacao='BA', ...
William Da Silva's user avatar
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Setting up DBLink between two Sybase Databases

I am having dificulty finding anything on the net on this subject. I am tasked with creating a DBLink between two Sybase Databases. At the moment it's not yet clear if they will be on the same server ...
DLA2014's user avatar
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