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Holding transactions as long as a user edits

As an application developer I'm used to using databases transactions only as a way to play in modifications after a user has clicked "save". That's the way most database servers I'm familiar ...
John's user avatar
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Import Sybase SQL Anywhere 8 DB into SQL Server without access to Sybase

This is my first post here and its a doosy. I am facing what seems to be a unique situation at the moment. I am in the process of moving my client to a new environment which includes decommissioning ...
rrrrowsdower's user avatar
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Escape from Alcatraz: SqlAnywhere to MSSQL [closed]

Is there a migration tool that actually works for SAP SqlAnywhere 17 to MSSQL (any recent version)? Searching for "sqlanywhere mssql migration" yields a variety of hits including SQL Server ...
Peter Wone's user avatar
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Upload database records to AWS using TSQL?

We have an AWS account that will be installing some software that ultimately needs a subset of our customers' data. Our customer databases are either MS SQL Server or Sybase Anywhere. Is there a way ...
clairestreb's user avatar
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SQL Server and SQL anywhere compatbility

I wish to install a SQL server DB on a VM already running a SQL anywhere DB. May I encounter a compatibility issue ?
Yann1ck's user avatar
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