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Do Primary Keys On Table Variables Have No Statistics At All? [duplicate]

My confusion is down to an apparent contradiction in principles. Primary keys are indexes and those always have statistics, but table variables notoriously always don't have statistics. What follows ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Why use a memory-optimized table variable instead of a temp table or normal table variable?

Table variables have a bad reputation, mostly due to cardinality estimates. However, this reputation was earned before the introduction of memory-optimized table variables. Microsoft covers some use-...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Reasons for not Globally enabling Trace Flag 2453 - Cardinality on Table Variables

I've been doing some reading on the improvements that Trace Flag 2453 can give on the performance of Table Variables by maintaining statistics and was wondering what would be the reasons you would ...
crucible's user avatar
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Parallelism with temp table but not table variable?

The first query (inserts into table variable) takes twice as long as the second one. It does not use parallelism in the execution plan. The second query (inserts into temp table) uses parallelism in ...
K. R. 's user avatar
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Benefit or use-case for empty variable / parameter / temporary table / temporary procedure names?

I just discovered, through sheer brilliance accidentally, that SQL Server allows you to create variables, parameters, table variables, temporary tables (local and global), and temporary stored ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
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how come a table variable is improving the performance of a query in this circumstance?

for this specific case, that I will try to explain below, using a table variable is performing better than not using a table variable. I would like to know why, and if possible, get rid of the table ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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What's the difference between a temp table and table variable in SQL Server?

This seems to be an area with quite a few myths and conflicting views. So what is the difference between a table variable and a local temporary table in SQL Server?
Martin Smith's user avatar
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