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Why is my mean much more bigger than my Execution Time using hyperfine to benchmark my query performance?

QUERY PLAN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Nuh Jama's user avatar
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Time of last insert into table in PostgreSQL v16

I am testing new features of PostgreSQL v16. I see two new columns are added to system tables: pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_tables.last_seq_scan - records last sequential scan pg_catalog....
folow's user avatar
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PostgreSQL Real-Time Analytics

Latest months I am working with PostgreSQL while coming from Microsoft world (SQLServer). My scenario is the following: Transfer data from different databases into single one (same set of tables and ...
Stavros Koureas's user avatar
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How can I generate bar chart values for some time series data in postgresql?

I have a 'log' table which has two columns user_id and a ts (timestamp value of activity event for user): I can use the following query to get a list of each user_id and their last activity event: ...
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
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Time difference is not returning the expected result in PostgreSQL

select '06:00:00'::TIME - ('19:00:00'::TIME - '07:00:23.388471'::TIME); +-----------------+ | ?column? | |-----------------| | 18:00:23.388471 | +-----------------+ SELECT 1 Time: 0.012s Why ...
Ουιλιαμ Αρκευα's user avatar
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Convert specific time format to common one

Environment: I have 'duration' datas stored as varchar(4) in a table. 2 first characters are hours, 2 last characters are minutes. E.g.: 0100 means 01:00 0456 means 04:56 and so on... What I need: ...
EdenSource's user avatar
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Function to compute difference between 2 times

I want to create a simple function in Postgres to find the difference between 2 TIME - not TIMESTAMP. As shown below, it accepts 4 parameters: hour, minute, second and expire (hour). In this example I ...
Tomus85's user avatar
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PostgreSQL undocumented timenow() function?

Looking at the documentation of PostgreSQL I couldn't find anything on timenow(). Yet if I call the function it works. So what is the difference between now() and timenow() ? I am going to guess that ...
Chessbrain's user avatar
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Dates, Times and Timezones - How are they incorporated in Interval?

Does interval '1 month' incorporate month differences and leap years when calculating date/datetime boundaries? If so, how does it work? I was asked this question, and I'm not sure how to answer it. ...
Jason's user avatar
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calculate days spent of all visitors from encounters

I have an encounters table CREATE TABLE visitors( id serial PRIMARY KEY, start_date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, -- visitor_id bigint NOT NULL -- skip for now, end_date TIMESTAMP ); (end_date can be ...
Radio Active's user avatar
3 votes
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Update value in timestamptz column

I have a table column with the data type timestamptz. Time zone of server is America/Denver. Going through some strange issue while inserting a value in that column. When I update the column to the ...
Harshal Mahajan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How should I represent a midnight end time?

I have a table which represents time ranges. Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+----------------------...
John Bachir's user avatar
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Why do queries on two tables with the same structure have different execution times

I have partitioned a large table in a PostgreSQL database into monthly child tables with the same structure and similar numbers of rows. Recently I have noticed that the newer tables take much longer (...
Kat's user avatar
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6 votes
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What is a valid use case for using TIME WITH TIME ZONE?

Along the lines of this related question: What is a valid use case for using TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE Are there any valid use cases for actually using TIME WITH TIME ZONE or should it be ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Join 2 tables by closest time, PostgreSQL 9.6

I have 2 tables: tbl1, tbl2. CREATE TABLE tbl1(time_1) AS VALUES ( '2017-09-06 15:26:03'::timestamp ), ( '2017-09-06 15:26:02' ), ( '2017-09-06 15:28:01' ), ( '2017-09-06 15:40:00' ); CREATE ...
delkov's user avatar
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5 votes
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May postgresql's uuid_generate_v1() conflict when we change the computer date/time?

According to postgresql uuid-ossp documentation uuid_generate_v1() is based on Mac address + timestamp: On a distributed database scenario ...
Thiago Sayão's user avatar
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Compare an hour between two hour columns

Please help. I am kinda new to this database world. I am using PostgreSQL. I have a table with defined shifts like this: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE shifts AS SELECT id, start_hour::time, end_hour::time ...
Andy's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How do I generate a time series in PostgreSQL?

If you're looking to generate a date series, see this question Let's say I want to generate a series for every 5 minutes for 24 hours. How do I do that in PostgreSQL? PostgreSQL can generate_series()...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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PostgreSQL interval division

This has come up a couple of times, e.g., in the postgresql newsgroup and the wiki. In general, the relationship between different intervals may not be well defined - a month can be different numbers ...
beldaz's user avatar
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Does PostgreSQL Explain Analyze Execution Time consider Fetching time

I have some tests on GitHub which record how much time it takes to execute a query and fetch all results. If I check the execution plan, I get: Index Scan using post_comment_pkey on post_comment ...
Vlad Mihalcea's user avatar
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Grouping data by year based on two timestamp columns

My data table has the following columns: id INTEGER, name TEXT, created TIMESTAMP, deleted TIMESTAMP I want to product a report of the count of each name (which can appear several times in the table)...
stephen's user avatar
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Create interval by string in PostgreSQL

Is it possible to create an interval by string in PostgreSQL? for example, I have a table: CREATE TABLE x ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, data JSONB ); INSERT INTO x(data) VALUES('{"day_sess":"4_1"}');...
Kokizzu's user avatar
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Mixed granularity weeks/months time series data in a data warehouse?

I'm not sure that "anti-aliasing of time series data" is the correct terminology to use, so let me explain: I have some sources of data that are aligned quarterly, mostly to do with quarterly running ...
user2800708's user avatar
8 votes
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Time dimension or timestamp in fact table?

Which would you use, and why? A separate time dimension or putting a timestamp in a fact table? Or perhaps both? I am building a data warehouse, and need to represent the time of day that events ...
user2800708's user avatar
3 votes
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Calculate Difference in Overlapping Time in PostgreSQL / SSRS

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.2 and SSRS 3.0. I'm trying to calculate the difference in non-overlapping time entries in a timesheet. My data looks like this: I would like this to return: I can get the ...
Rob Slone's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get currentmilliseconds in postgres

I'm working on timestamp/datetime in my application. I'm using postgres db. What is the way to get current milliseconds (something like 1412706599000) in postgres?
Rajesh Kumar's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Efficiently storing irregular/repeating intervals (think calendar/events)

I am developing a service that relies on users being able to recieve messages that they themselves choose. These messages need to be stored somewhere before they are send for processing. Right now I'...
MadsRC's user avatar
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