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Questions tagged [trigger]

Procedural code automatically executed in response to a database event.

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what server events I can use to "do something" on before restore of a database?

on this page: DDL Events you can see a complete list of the ddl events. these events are server or database things that happen - like - create a database, alter a sequence, update statistics, create a ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why does a create trigger (that already exists) block all processes in SQL Server 2016 SP3?

I have a situation where the following DDL Statement is rising to the top of my list of processes which I have ordered by the number of processes that each process is blocking (directly or indirectly)....
Ted Cohen's user avatar
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3 answers

Make A Table Ignore Trivial Updates

The scenario: I own an ETL process. That process involves ingesting data from disparate sources and making my database sync with the latest. Let's say that I have a table called [catalog]. It contains ...
Doug Hills's user avatar
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how to write trigger to simulate before update to set foreign key field to null upon violation

I have two databases that synchronize with each other. One database is a full set of data, the other is a limited dataset. This means that the limited database sometimes doesn't have the data the ...
Nico Haegens's user avatar
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Is it safe to alter a trigger on a live database?

I have a Microsoft SQL Server with a table. There is a trigger that fires if a row is inserted into the table. The system is live, as in that rows are constantly inserted into the table and the ...
Leander Moesinger's user avatar
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Postgres trigger check if insert affected column

I have a table where some columns have to be "protected", meaning they should not be written to by most users. I want to enforce this with a trigger function (as there is additional logic to ...
J. Dietz's user avatar
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server side trigger for after restoring database

there is a brilliant script to create a server side trigger on an event of a create database. here is the script: IF EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM sys.server_triggers WHERE name = 'ddl_trig_database') ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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Locking write to tables while Postgres procedure is executing

I have created a procedure in Postgres that will create a table with the contents of another three tables (SELECT with JOINS). Then the resulting table will be altered adding two columns that didnt ...
Alex's user avatar
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server side triggers - how to prevent a linked server creation?

This Trigger actions on database creation - shows an example of a server side trigger that is fired when someone creates a new database. This other question - Trigger to change Database collation on ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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postgresql (15) Python event_trigger

What's the syntax used to write a Postgresql event trigger in Python? This CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION log_schema_changes() RETURNS EVENT_TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpython3u AS $$ import plpy plyp.warning(...
gerardw's user avatar
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PostgreSQL16 concurrency upsert rows with subquery in trugger funtion got maybe bad read

I have two tables: create table name ( id bigserial primary key, name text not null ); create table name_score ( id bigserial ...
zxx's user avatar
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DB2 TRIGGER "FOR EACH STATEMENT", with "AFTER UPDATE OR INSERT" gives SQL code -104, SQL state 42601

IBM DB2 on Cloud, version Trying to create a trigger on a table (object names are made up, for simplification): CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER MY_TRIGGER AFTER UPDATE OR INSERT ON MY_TABLE ...
C C's user avatar
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Problem with trigger in pqsql

BEGIN SELECT n_volume_ritardo FROM Lettore WHERE cf =; IF n_volume_ritardo >= 5 THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; The system says ERROR: trigger ...
Unknown's user avatar
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Is the execution of after insert trigger finished when the next entry is inserted?

I have an SQL Server database with a table with a trigger which is executed after insert. If I insert two entries directly one after another, it is important that the second entry is inserted only ...
SomeBody's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Trigger based on if data is selected from view [closed]

Can a Trigger be written for a View, that if data is selected from that view to trigger off another transaction?
sroth79's user avatar
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Create composed key (YEAR+COUNT) field with trigger after insert in SQLITE

I have a table Product with two columns: name of product and price CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS YearCounters ( year INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, counter INTEGER DEFAULT 0 ); -- Product Table CREATE ...
kiaderouiche's user avatar
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MySQL Trigger updating second table based on History and computed values

The Goal: Update an secondary table called Lottery_Cycle when an INSERT occours on table Lottery_History with some computed values and checking previous data. Let's say a lottery with 25 numbers of ...
Wisdom's user avatar
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Weird behaviour with batch and trigger(MariaDB)

I found a weird issue involving mariadb. batch update from hibernate. the original question was added here :
Rudy's user avatar
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Postgres: automatic action (increment count of foreign key) after update

How to automate an update in a table, after a change in another table ? Say (please see below) I have a table countries, and a table cities. How to make that, when adding a city in table cities, the ...
ymudyruc's user avatar
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Lookup tables: check by type id or type name?

TLDR: Should I check an entity's type by or lookup_table.type_name? I've learned that lookup tables are almost always preferrable to Enums due to their flexibility. However, I have ...
Afelium's user avatar
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In a trigger check if one of 24 columns are updated (postgres)

I have a table with 50 columns. I need to make a trigger to do something, i can do that, but i need to do whene 1 of 24 columns are updated. The problem is i have to do 24 times if NEW.column <> ...
RkassaTeam Breda's user avatar
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Postgres - trigger function not working with generated columns as input

Before I post the DDL for my table, trigger function, and trigger, I'll just ask a simple question - Can a trigger function work with generated columns assigned to variables in an AFTER INSERT event? ...
Nicholas Lombardi's user avatar
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how to auto trigger mysql

I have two tables, User table and a points table. I designed these tables to be in one-to-one relation, as points contains a foreign key to the user table. as new users get created, I use query INSERT ...
umarkaa's user avatar
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What is the return value of an AFTER FOR EACH ROW trigger function?

Is it necessary to return NEW or is NULL sufficient? Has it any meaning to return anything in an AFTER trigger?
ceving's user avatar
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Need to create a duplicate table in a separate schema automatically whenever a new table is being created

Whenever a new table is being created in Schema 'A', I need the table to be duplicated in the Schema 'B'. This should happen automatically. I have searched for trigger concept but it wont work on DDL ...
Edvin Guromin's user avatar
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How to change insert values from 0 to NULL for a specific field in order to avoid foreign key violation?

I have a foreign key linking INSTRUMENT.VENDOR to VENDOR.NAME. Unfortunately the program where users enter information is attempting to insert into INSTRUMENT with a value of 0 for vendor. I need to ...
Tyler N's user avatar
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Difficulty implementing some kind of backwards compatibility in PostgreSQL

I'm facing an issue with implementing a rule or trigger in PostgreSQL to handle inserts into a table where one of the column types (a) has been changed and old queries . I've tried a few approaches, ...
Roberto Iglesias's user avatar
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Before update trigger not triggered when change comes via logical replication

I have a test scenario of two postgresql databases connected via logical replication. DB "A" is publishing inserts and updates for table "a1" and DB "B" is subscribed and ...
Roberto Iglesias's user avatar
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After Insert and Update Trigger on the same table

I have the following table in MySQL: CREATE TABLE `userlogtype` ( `UserLogTypeID` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `UserLogType` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `InsertUser` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `...
Steve Miller's user avatar
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Postgres trigger to update records of several parent tables based on values of a many-to-many join table referencing those parent table records

I have a PostgreSQL 15 join table schema.m2mjointable to link records of several parent tables (schema.table_a, schema.table_b, ...) with other records of those same parent tables: id ref_table ...
s.k's user avatar
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Are default values for a column still required if using audit triggers?

I have a couple of audit columns in my table: modified_by modified_date I have an AFTER trigger set up to automatically update these columns whenever data is inserted or modified, with current_user ...
greenandblue's user avatar
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How to get last executed statement on a particular table in Oracle?

Trying to identify what ghost process is inserting records into a particular table. Is there a way to get the exact query?
Dhaval Mohandas's user avatar
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Prevent users from sending an email attachment in sql server

In SQL Server, I want to restrict all users (except a few specific users) to send an email with attachment. For example, someone import data into excel file and send it via mail using the ...
Farid Zahidov's user avatar
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Module signing on a trigger which accesses system views. Base table is on a custom schema

Some background: Question is follow up of this question: Is there a way in SQL Server to make a table only able to insert by trigger? I'm trying to achieve what the answer to the original question ...
Stackoverflowuser's user avatar
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Aurora3 RDS MySQL Stored function/trigger performance when using information_schema

Since moving to Aurora3 RDS (MySQL 8 based) vs Aurora 2 (MySQL 5.7 based) noticed that execution time of certain triggers and stored functions performance has degraded. Correlation between triggers ...
BigKiwiDev's user avatar
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OUTPUT clause returning 0 for newly inserted identity value due to INSTEAD OF trigger

Consider the following minimal, complete, and verifiable example code (see dbfiddle here): CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test] ( [i] bigint NOT NULL identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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Postgres insert into `select distinct` view if not exists

I have an events table which is a denormalized table containing item data. There is a one-to-many relationship between items and events. CREATE TABLE events ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, item VARCHAR(...
weberc2's user avatar
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How I can sync the data upon updating and deleting from adjacency list table into closure one?

In my sqlserver database I am trying to sync my data with a closure table. So far I made a table: CREATE TABLE mydb.dbo.files ( id bigint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, name nvarchar(255) COLLATE ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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SQLite - Update of a field in two steps without variable (SpatiaLite)

I work with SpatiaLite, managing databases through SQLite. Unfortunately, this system doesn't allow the use of variables, or at least, I haven't discovered how to use them yet. My objective is to ...
Giene's user avatar
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EVENTDATA() function is giving only null values in sql server

I'm trying to capture logins time with a trigger using EVENTDATA() function. But It's giving Null values only for all types of events. Can anyone please help me on this? This is my Trigger CREATE ...
dbajayy's user avatar
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Syntaxis Problem when creating a trigger in Mysqlite

how u doing?, I have a problem that I don't understand, when I create a Trigger in Mysqlite, check it: c.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER ahoraSI BEFORE INSERT ON Productos FOR ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Creating a Trigger in MySQL that has a JOIN

PROBLEM: I'm trying to create a TRIGGER that will copy records from 2 different tables (users, addresses) in database A to a single table (users) in database B. Basically, I'm trying to consolidate ...
Tony Stephens's user avatar
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Optimized count for large table using triggers, views, or external cache

I have a public API method that calls a Postgres (14) database and returns a paginated list of rows belonging to a user along with a total count and page index. The count is very costly to perform (...
JackMahoney's user avatar
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DMV sys.dm_exec_trigger_stats - duplicate entries

I am running following select: SELECT tstats.object_id, tstats.database_id, tstats.sql_handle, DB_NAME(tstats.database_id) AS [db_name], OBJECT_NAME(tstats.object_id) AS trigger_name, tstats....
Sranda's user avatar
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Instead of delete trigger performance

We have 3rd party tool which is deleting data via below parametrize query: delete from [sap].[PRCD_ELEMENTS] where [rowid] = @P1 Table contains around 3 billions of records and is partitioned by ...
adam.g's user avatar
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Why does a user use owner privileges when executing a trigger?

I came across a strange situation that gave me a big headache and after solving it I would also like to understand WHY. Basically, a user had all the privileges he needed to execute a "trigger&...
Sotis's user avatar
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Return state of a row when executing a function in PostgreSQL

For years I have been creating functions that are executed by triggers, and in the function I always returned OLD (for DELETE triggers) or NEW (for INSERT or UPDATE triggers). Is it mandatory to ...
Tom's user avatar
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Split lines against polygons in a PostGIS trigger

I have a table of lines, named segment, stored in the reference schema, and a table of polygones named communes in a donnees_externes schema. I try to create a trigger that split the features of ...
idrizza's user avatar
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Validate "insert", "update", "delete" in the body of a trigger

I need to create a query where I can remove triggers that have "insert", "update" or "delete" in their body from the result. I'm using the following query for this SELECT ...
Igor Oliveira's user avatar
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History Logging Trigger Causing Duplication

I'm fairly certain I'm probably just overlooking something simple but here's the situation: I'm trying to create a "reusable" historical logging trigger for a production database. The intent ...
G_Hosa_Phat's user avatar

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