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3 answers

Who is the person using a SQL login?

Is it possible to find out who used a SQL-Server login? Let's assume we suspect a person to abuse a SQL login that is supposed to be used by an application only to logon to SQL-Server. Is the domain ...
Magier's user avatar
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Best way to remap database login to new database user and keep previous database user

Here's what my environment looks like: Active Directory (mydomain.local) - Groups - group01 - Members - aduser01 SQL Instance - Logins - mydomain\group01 - ...
Andy Arismendi's user avatar
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3 answers

Mapping a Login to a User

On my production system I login to SQL Server with CPSDOM\mconnors. When I execute SELECT CURRENT_USER; it returns CPSDOM\mconnors. We use Windows authentication on our DBs. On my test system I ...
user2135970's user avatar
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How to set up an SQL Server authentication login for a database instead of using Windows Authentication

Not sure what I am doing wrong so I have included the parameters I used which I used the existing login and this article for reference:
JohnnyBizzle's user avatar