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Granting select on syscat.schemata - DB2

I was wondering if it is safe to grant select rights to syscat.schemata to users on a DB2 database? What could go "wrong"? Some tool like DataGrip and DBeaver cannot load connection schemas ...
RokX's user avatar
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Has some command that lists the privileges of a user in db2?

I'm using db2 9.7 on linux and i want to list my privileges on database... Ex: SYSADM, SECADM, DBADM, etc. So, has some command in db2 that lists the privileges of a user in db2?
Helmuth Fernandes's user avatar
4 votes
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Create new Read Only user on DB2 on the whole database

I am an oracle/sql server DBA having limited knowledge in IBM DB2. We have DB2 9.7 fp4 running on AIX 6. I would like to create a new user and grant him READ only privilege on a particular database. ...
muddu83's user avatar
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Adding group rights in db2 for a stored procedure

I have a list of user accounts on AIX server, where the db2 database resides in. The user accounts all belong to a specific group which I can confirm from aix shell. User accounts work in DB2. ...
eis's user avatar
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