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2 answers

Unable to connect to Oracle user in pluggable database

for some reason, i am unable to connect with any user that I create. their account status is also unlocked. I want to mention one thing; the pdbs are clone of the main pdb. (as shown by their name ...
dbafix's user avatar
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ORA 01918: user '...' does not exist

I am new to Oracle DB and I am currently working with Oracle Database 21c express edition. After the installation, I created a common user "C##OLUAKIN" so that I don't have to do my work on ...
tomiealff's user avatar
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Can only use Oracle user when logged in as SYSDBA

I've just been setting up Oracle 19c on my Windows 10 Pro desktop following a hard drive failure. The install itself went well and I could log in with / as sysdba fine, but every user I seem to add ...
Robbie Dee's user avatar
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Can a user connected as sysdba always bypass auditing mechanisms?

Can a user connected as sysdba always bypass auditing mechanisms? What could be done to minimize (or prevent) auditing prevention?
Mehdi Charife's user avatar
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3 answers

Store First and Lastname (Fullname) for Oracle Users?

Is it possible to store first-/last-/fullnames and possibly additional information of/for oracle user accounts in oracle? I look at the table dba_users but it does not contain such information. I need ...
Magier's user avatar
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create a oracle database user with no object in tablespace [closed]

Create user Sara with a password of sara. Make sure that any objects not created in the system tablespace and Sara can log in and create objects up to 10M in size in the MYUSERS. how to create a ...
005 maira sultana's user avatar
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How to make a restricted view in oracle?

I had to provide data for an application schema, but there is a requirement that the applications connecting using that schema user cannot query more than five rows at a time, the application queries ...
alibttb's user avatar
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See Max Simultaneous Sessions Per User

In an effort to set a reasonable sessions_per_user profile setting for shared database accounts or other non-unique account (ie. an account an application uses to log into the database for all app ...
Jeff Bauersfeld's user avatar
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1 answer

Data from other user not visible

I am using Oracle and SQL Developer to create a database. I am fairly new to SQL, so this may be a simple question. I have my SYSTEM user, who owns several tables, for example this one: CREATE TABLE ...
Владислав Крутенко's user avatar
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Create non-sysdba user that can grant tablespace to other users

I am creating an Oracle role with Admin option Grants so that user with this role assigned, will not be a full sysdba but will be able to create other users and grant them permissions. What I ...
T.S.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How to quota a CDB only tablespace to a CDB user?

I can create a CDB tablespace like this: (all using: sqlplus / as sysdba) -- create unique table space for admin CREATE TABLESPACE admints DATAFILE '/path/to/admints.dbf' SIZE 20M AUTOEXTEND ON; I ...
SHR's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to create a same user in different PDB while it exists in other PDBs?

I have a list of 100 PDBs in the CDB, say the account_user exists in 50 PDBs and to create the same account_user in other 50 PDBs instead of logging into each PDB and creating user, is there a way to ...
sunnybjorn's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating roles and granting rights to the role

I wanted to create a role called "user_updates" and this role should have the rights "table_note_updates". The rights called "table_note_updates" is already available in ...
Sangathamilan Ravichadnran's user avatar
1 vote
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Changing default permanent USERS tablespace to bigfile

I'm trying to build an oracle database server but it's setting up the users tablespace as a smallfile. How can I either install brand new database with users being bigfile or changing the existing ...
Alkey29's user avatar
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How to find admin user of pluggable database in Oracle 12c up

I'm creating a script and I need to know what is the admin user of pluggable database. I don't find nothing about it in documentation. Other question is, what happen if I drop a admin user of the ...
Astora's user avatar
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Are their any default privilege in Oracle for users?

I want to grant new users in Oracle the normal rules, for example, create a table, delete table update, in general, the default CRUD operations. Every time I do this manually by running a grant script....
Osama Al-Banna's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does an Oracle user have all privileges in its schema?

I'm learning Oracle and did some testing. I used the sys user and created a table t in the scott schema and I found t's owner is scott, and scott has full access to t. I want to confirm, does scott ...
Just a learner's user avatar
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What's the difference between aud$ and dba_audit_trail tables in Oracle database?

I'm studying about audit in Oracle database and when I configure the audit using audit_trail = db the Oracle stores in the two tables
Astora's user avatar
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How can to make a new user see table in existing schema [closed]

I'm new into Oracle so this question might be dumb. I created new user and now I would like him to see table (or even better all tables by one command) in already existing schema (hr schema in this ...
Rocket128's user avatar
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How to create a database user for oracle 11g on windows 8?

I am new to oracle database and therefore is trying to follow the office guide. (link to the guide) However, it seems that the guide is for Windows 7, so in step 2 - creating database user, it says: ...
cytsunny's user avatar
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One user for all database applications

We are in a process of upgrading our SQL Server database. We are also ditching the Oracle databases that we had and are migrating all the databases to SQL Server 2016. The internal db structure is ...
progrAmmar's user avatar
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A trigger that show the user that has made an insertion

I have the following code create table o_c( op_id NUMBER(10,0) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, n_c VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, op VARCHAR2(500) NOT NULL, amount NUMBER(9,2) ); create table a_o( a_id NUMBER(10,0) ...
p_garr's user avatar
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ORA-01017 error when conecting to Oracle Database Standard Edition for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

I've installed and created non-CDB database (single tenant) database. Created a user account using the SYS user, granted it the CONNECT and CREATE SESSION roles. When I attempt to login using the ...
Bixxman's user avatar
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Oracle Schema Privileges Other Users

I have a user with only CONNECT privileges and I'd like to know if RESOURCE would be enough to query objects in other schemas and create objects in my own schema based on that. i.e.: create a view in ...
rodrigortz's user avatar
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Why doesn't Oracle show my privileges?

I have a user that is able to drop, alter, create tables and indexes. But when I list the privileges for my Oracle user it does not show any CREATE TABLE or other such privileges. How am I able to do ...
Kshitiz Sharma's user avatar
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List certain user ids and drop them in Oracle

How do I list certain user ids and drop them? For instance, I want to list user ids directly connected to database, in Oracle, and not any functional id. I need to write a script for the automation ...
hasina mod's user avatar
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How do I host and separate multiple projects on one Oracle Database?

From Difference between database vs user vs schema I'm trying to understand the concepts of the schema, user and database. My current understanding is you cannot create a schema separately. You can ...
Ascendant's user avatar
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How to prevent users other than DBAs from creating database links

To begin, please keep in mind that I am a very green DBA. I have done prior research and have not really found anything too promising, or maybe it just seems that way because I am still struggling in ...
exit_1's user avatar
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Simplest way to log in as Oracle user different from schema user and still see all tables,... of schema?

What is the simplest way to log in as user X and see all tables,... of schema Y as if they belonged to X? With an Oracle 11g database, I would like to log into the database using user X but all the ...
Martin's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove profile from user

How do I clear user's profile? I found how I can drop the profile (also using CASCADE), but I want to keep the profile and just remove it from the user.
Robotron's user avatar
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2 answers

Audit table insert restriction

So I'm trying to create my own audit table for some user management analysis and stumbled across a little problem. I use this trigger CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER usr_t_audit_user_alnd AFTER LOGON ...
Chris.V's user avatar
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Creating a USER using the imp command [duplicate]

I was told I can use exp to export a certain USER, then DROP the user and with the imp command I can recreate that USER with all of its tables. Is it true? How do I do it? I already have an ADMIN ...
RonK's user avatar
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Oracle Undo tablespace users

How to get all the users using the undo tablespace and how much?
Hitesh Chouhan's user avatar
110 votes
6 answers

Difference between database vs user vs schema

What is the difference (if any) between a database, a user, and a schema?
Ravi's user avatar
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