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1 answer

Why do I have different usernames from mysql.user and select user()?

With 10.4.6-MariaDB on my Mac OS 10.14.5 Logged in as root I can see the list of users on my server with MariaDB [(none)]> select Host,User from mysql.user; +--------------+-----------+ | Host ...
OrigamiEye's user avatar
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SQL Server Permissions for Intellisense for an Active Directory User? [duplicate]

I have created an Active Directory Group and created it as a user, we'll call it "AD SQL", in my DB. I can successfully login in using Active Directory Authentication and read/write. However, ...
Dave's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I setup users/groups in PostgreSQL so that each user has privileges on objects created by other users in the same group?

I have created a group (role) called "employees" and I've created some users that are its member and that inherit its rights. I have a database owned by the group "employees". The goal: To setup ...
user avatar
-1 votes
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Assigning Permission on Azure SQL Database

I have an azure SQL Database. I already created a new login and user on the database. Question is i want to assign permission on the said user. Permission that will restrict the user to drop table, ...
Nathan's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

find date and time user last access database [closed]

I need to find the last time a user accessed the database. I am new to SQL and rarely have to use it. Details would help or links to learn those details.
Patti Robinson's user avatar
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1 answer

Details about existing roles and users in azure sql database

I would like to get details of all users existing in a sql server DB and the respective roles they are part of and the permissions granted/denied for the a role/user. what is the best way to get this ...
Venkat's user avatar
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MYSQL need log executed query in table along with executed user name

I would to like the executed quires with entire database tables for some mysql users only. Because some of users executed wrong query in production environment. And needs to store this log in new ...
Thilakar Raj's user avatar
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How to Measure data consumed by an user in Azure sql server database?

For an Azure sql server MI, we have multiple external users consuming data, I would like to know how much data an user is consuming/extracting from the DB? Can this be checked from, 1.) From SSMS ...
Venkat's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can a user with readonly access change SQL server settings

Database administration is not a strong point of mine, and I was wondering if a user with read only access can change the server settings. In their query I can see this at the beginning: SET ...
chris c's user avatar
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1 answer

Orphaned users with their respective database name [duplicate]

I need to get a list of the orphaned users in each DB, together with the database name in which they are found in. I did the below which gives the orphaned users in each DB, but I cannot figure out ...
user1930901's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Delete orphaned SQL Users

I have a Microsoft SQL Server that had a database called SQLDATABASE. It also had a user called SQLUSER. The SQLDATABASE was deleted but not SQLUSER. SQLUSER only belonged to SQLDATABASE. I want to ...
NTBuddy's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot open database "dbname" requested by login.The login failed.Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\Windowsusername'

I had a database which i dropped using the below command. USE master; GO ALTER DATABASE dbname SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; GO DROP DATABASE dbname; Now when i refresh the connection in ...
user9516827's user avatar
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Granting permissions to a DB user - SQL Server

I need to grant select and update permissions to a DB user (TestUser) on TestDB database as per below. When I press ok and re-check the permissions, they are not visible as can be shown below: From ...
user1930901's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

User and login mapping after an SQL Server restore

I need to restore a DB from an SQL Server instance to another and I am well aware that the DB users will be transferred but the logins won't. I have created a script to be able to create the logins on ...
user1930901's user avatar
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Column level security in SQL server

Is it possible to assign column level security in SQL Server directly on a table, without using a view? For example, for table 'tbl', if I want column 1 to be restricted for user 1, is it possible ...
Venkat's user avatar
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2 answers

Permission on Database [closed]

I have a login user called TestUser created at the server level that is assigned to a read only role, now I need to create a user for the TestUser login on MyDb USE [MyDB] GO CREATE USER [Test] FOR ...
user175111's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Assign Permissions to a SQL User

I have active directory on my company, I have some login users created at the level of the SQL Server (2014) that I need to propagate to all my databases on that server. I want to create a read only ...
user175111's user avatar
5 votes
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Can't create read-write Postgresql user

I'm trying to create two users in a Postgres database—one with read-write access to all tables in two schemas, and one with read-write-create (i.e., able to make DDL changes) to the same schemas. I ...
Kris Harper's user avatar
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How to check Auditing in Azure MSSQL MI?

I know that auditing is currently enabled in my azure MSSQL server, but how can I access these log files? Could it be done through SSMS? I need to know details about user activity in my databaase.
Venkat's user avatar
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MySQL logging max_questions resource

How would I know in MySQL if the user has exceeded his max_queries per hour? I know that I can see this error on the client side, but I just want to know that before client is reporting to me, ...
Ilie Soltanici's user avatar
3 votes
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Find queries executed by an user in sql server

I want to find all the queries executed by an particular user in a database over a period of time. I learnt about trace and XEvents, but these are not setup yet, Will i be still able to get the ...
Venkat's user avatar
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Naming Convention for Login, User and Roles? [closed]

What are the Naming Conventions for a Login, A database User and a Database role? Is there any best practice to follow?
Venkat's user avatar
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5 answers

Create Role or Create user

PostgreSQL version : 11.2 OS platform : RHEL 7.6 I am new to PostgreSQL. I have a CRM application whose data I want to store in my 11.2 PostgreSQL Database. The Database name will be : crm_db The ...
JoeHumble's user avatar
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"Can't find any matching row in the user table" when attempting "SET PASSWORD"

When I do SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user I see that I have a user named myuser on %. I tried setting that users password thusly: SET PASSWORD FOR 'myuser'@'%' = 'mypassword'; Doing so, however, ...
neubert's user avatar
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1 answer

Privileges on SQL Server

I come from Oracle Database and now I am trying learn SQL Server and I don't undestand why may I viewer others databases, like the master for example, with a common user without privileges in this ...
Astora's user avatar
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What's the difference between aud$ and dba_audit_trail tables in Oracle database?

I'm studying about audit in Oracle database and when I configure the audit using audit_trail = db the Oracle stores in the two tables
Astora's user avatar
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Unable to create an user using mysql_embedded

I am creating a docker mariadb image and wanted to create a database and user name before bootstrapping mysqld daemon. So as per the documentation I tried below queries. mysql_embedded -e "CREATE ...
SkyRar's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Cannot revoke permissions or drop user in PgSQL AWS RDS

I want to drop the user asd from the DB. So, I've got two DBs: foo and bar and the user apparently has dependencies in both. The DBs have been created from the root user postgres, but all tables and ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
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Postgresql createrole permission for user

I created a role with createrole flag, but users in this role trying to create users fail with permissions denied. Do I need to assign the createrole to each user instead of just the role (group)? my ...
LiorH's user avatar
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Microsoft SQL Server v13 bulk add users from active directory

I would like to import all users from Active Directory into Security/Users. What I do is the following: Go to Security -> Users Right click Users -> New User... User type: Windows user, click on '......
bmorvaj's user avatar
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2 answers

How can to make a new user see table in existing schema [closed]

I'm new into Oracle so this question might be dumb. I created new user and now I would like him to see table (or even better all tables by one command) in already existing schema (hr schema in this ...
Rocket128's user avatar
6 votes
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GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA does not allow user to see tables

I have a pretty simple script to create a new database and to create a new user to access this database. This is run by the default postgres user. After granting access to the database and schema to ...
ChrisM's user avatar
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How to access anonymous user account in MySQL?

I have followed the MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04 installation tutorial on Digital Ocean, and during the process of running mysql_secure_installation noticed the following: By default, a MySQL installation ...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
4 votes
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Switch user to 'postgres' user on macOS results in "su: Sorry" error

The Postgres installers kindly provided to the community by creates a postgres user account on macOS as is common. In a console session in, I need to switch to that user....
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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Create users identified by the same password as another user in MariaDB 10.0.X

How do I create users with the same password as another user in MariaDB 10.x? I do not know the password of the existing user , so i want to use same hashed password as existing, also do need to ...
user9978388's user avatar
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3 answers

List all users on SQL Server for auditing

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio 17 and I'm trying to list all the users for auditing in an organized way with mentioning their database name. I tried the query below but it's showing the ...
haithm's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I access a user's application username when that application connects to the DB?

I'd like to audit changes to a table in SQLServer using a trigger and an audit table to do so. End-users connect to the database through an application. If I use SYSTEM_USER to obtain the end user's ...
youcantryreachingme's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot login to postgres with newly created users

I have created a number of users in postgres using createuser --interactive --password but whenever I run sudo -i -u newuser I receive the following error: sudo: unknown user: staging sudo: unable to ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Update from PHP 5 to PHP 7.0 - PHPmyAdmin will show two server logins: localhost / localhost:3306

I updated my Linux 14.04 LTS to 18.04 and had to downgrade the PHP 7.2 to 7.0 as I need to run some software which is not capable of the preinstalled PHP 7.2. I used PHP 5 so far. After I got ...
Hirschferkel's user avatar
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New Sybase User can't SELECT Tables From Other User

I am accessing a Sybase database and have created a new user using: CREATE USER "ThisNewUser" IDENTIFIED BY "ThisNewPassword"; I then granted privleges: GRANT ALL TO "ThisNewUser" I used the ...
Alan's user avatar
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Ideal and Efficient Way of Handling User Logins with Multiple Types (i.e. Employee, Client, etc.)?

I'm developing a database where I will have two types of users: Employee and Client. I'm thinking it would be ideal to just have one big USERS TABLE with a user_ID as PK and Type column to ...
Jae Bin's user avatar
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Setting up a Database for Multiple User Access

I am working on revamping the database at the company I work at. I've been making decent progress getting various parts set up, but something occurred to me today that I hadn't really thought to ...
Skitzafreak's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

What does a RED X on a database user mean?

I created two new AD groups and added them as Users of a database, but their icons show with a red X. What does this mean?
user avatar
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Exception for grant create user

I'm trying to create an account (tenant) which has full privileges on all databases called test_... It should also be able to create other users with also only privileges on those databases. As root: ...
Düsselschäfchen's user avatar
2 votes
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Mysql 8.0 and read-only not working as expected

I have a new Master/Slave config running. Everything is happily replication. I have added a secondary user whose role will be to manage the databases and tables. Currently the following privileges ...
Rossi's user avatar
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Create domain user offline

Can I add domain users to a database, when Sql Server A (the development server) is not part of the domain and has absolutely no access to the domain? The domain users are of course not expected to ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Which characters are allowed in MySQL/MariaDB user account names?

It's not clear to me which characters can occur in MySQL/MariaDB user account names, and which are illegal. I've read section 6.3.1 "User Names and Passwords" in the MySQL documentation. This section ...
Schmuddi's user avatar
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Default privileges granted only if table created by one superuser

I have a role group called normal_users, my username is rbourgeon (I am superuser) and there is another superuser called admin. I previously ran the following query: ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN ...
R. Bourgeon's user avatar
-1 votes
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MySQL user export PASSWORD is showing up as <secret>

I am trying to export all users from old MySQL server to new. All the methods that I tried shows the PASSWORD as <secret> pt-show-grants phpMyAdmin 4.8.1
pulser1983's user avatar
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SSRS 2014 Exec Log gives the Service Account as UserName instead of Actual User name

I am using the below query for accessing the Users who are using the Application Reports. SSRS 2014 gives the Service Account(IIS Account used for Application) as User Name instead of Actual User ...
Learning_Learning's user avatar

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