In retrospect it is probably nicer to just roll my own converter since `MySQL` uses `snake case` instead of `title case` like `SQL Server`. So, what I'm going to do is use a `PowerShell` script like so: $tables = "FirstTable", "SecondTable" function script { param( [System.String] $table ) "set nocount on; select * from dbo."+$table } $tables | % { $path = "C:\Data\"+$_+".txt" $script = script $_ sqlcmd -S MyServer -d MyDatabase -W -h -1 -E -Q $script -s `"`t`" -o $path } This will export all the data from my `SQL Server` database and put them in files and then I will import those files into `MySQL`. Which I haven't quite figured out yet. I let the `MySQL Workbench` do the initial `CREATE TABLE` statements and used `Vim` to make everything snake case.