Following script should make it clear in regards to Question 1. declare @i int = 0; declare @temp table( id int, latin varchar(1) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, jap varchar(1) collate Japanese_90_CI_AS ) while (@i < 256) begin insert into @temp select @i, char(@i) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS ,char(@i) collate Japanese_90_CI_AS set @i = @i+1; end select * from @temp order by latin select * from @temp order by jap 2. Collation is the rules on how to sort [have a read on this][1]. If your columns are `nvarchars` instead of `varchars` answer becomes different. 3. Any answer would be opinion based, most of companies above don't use single type of database (graph, bigdata, etc.), I never had a need to use anything but `SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS`. (I never had to work out of Europe ether) 4. If you are using `nvarchars` = you are using `unicode` and unicode is like Chuck Norris - covers everything (twice). [1]: