Another option is to handle this via SQLCLR. There is even a method already available in .NET that does this: [TextInfo.ToTitleCase][1] (in `System.Globalization`). This method will Upper-Case the first letter of each word, and Lower-Case the remaining letters. Unlike the other proposals here, it also skips words that are in all upper-case, assuming them to be acronyms. Of course, if this behavior is desired, it would be easy enough to update any of the T-SQL suggestions to do this as well. One benefit of the .NET method is that it can Upper-Case letters that are Supplementary Characters. For example: [DESERET SMALL LETTER OW][2] has an upper-case mapping of [DESERET CAPITAL LETTER OW][3] <sup>(both show up as boxes when I paste them into here)</sup>, but the `UPPER()` function does not change the lower-case version to upper-case, even when the default Collation for the current Database is set to `Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC`. <!-- language: lang-sql --> SELECT N'DESERET SMALL LETTER OW' AS [Label], NCHAR(0xD801)+NCHAR(0xDC35) AS [Thing] UNION ALL SELECT N'DESERET CAPITAL LETTER OW' AS [Label], NCHAR(0xD801)+NCHAR(0xDC0D) AS [Thing] UNION ALL SELECT N'SmallButShouldBeCapital' AS [Label], UPPER(NCHAR(0xD801)+NCHAR(0xDC35)) AS [Thing] Returns (enlarged so you can actually see the Supplementary Character): [![enter image description here][4]][4] You can see the full (and current) list of characters that are lower-case and change to upper-case using the following search feature at (you can see the Supplementary Characters by scrolling down until you get to the "DESERET" section, or just hit <kbd>Control-F</kbd> and search for that word): <> Though to be honest, this isn't a huge benefit since it is doubtful that anyone is actually using any of the Supplementary Characters that can be title-cased. Either way, here is the SQLCLR code: <!-- language: c# --> using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Globalization; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server; public class TitleCasing { [return: SqlFacet(MaxSize = 4000)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true)] public static SqlString TitleCase([SqlFacet(MaxSize = 4000)] SqlString InputString) { TextInfo _TxtInf = new CultureInfo(InputString.LCID).TextInfo; return new SqlString (_TxtInf.ToTitleCase(InputString.Value)); } } Here is [@MikaelEriksson's suggestion][5] -- modified slightly to handle `NVARCHAR` data as well as skip words that are all upper-case (to more closely match the behavior of the .NET method) -- along with a test of that T-SQL implementation and of the SQLCLR implementation: <!-- language: lang-sql --> SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @a NVARCHAR(50); SET @a = N'qWeRtY kEyBoArD TEST<>&''"X one&TWO ' + NCHAR(0xD801)+NCHAR(0xDC28) + N'pPLe ' + NCHAR(0x24D0) -- ⓐ Circled "a" + NCHAR(0xFF24) -- D Full-width "D" + N'D'; SELECT @a; SELECT STUFF(( SELECT N' ' + IIF(UPPER(T3.V) <> T3.V COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2, UPPER(LEFT(T3.V COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC, 1)) + LOWER(STUFF(T3.V COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC, 1, 1, N'')), T3.V) FROM (SELECT CAST(REPLACE((SELECT @a AS N'*' FOR XML PATH('')), N' ', N'<X/>') AS XML).query('.')) AS T1(X) CROSS APPLY T1.X.nodes('text()') AS T2(X) CROSS APPLY (SELECT T2.X.value('.', 'NVARCHAR(50)')) AS T3(V) FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('text()[1]', 'NVARCHAR(50)') COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC, 1, 1, N'') AS [Capitalize first letter only]; SELECT dbo.TitleCase(@a); [![enter image description here][6]][6] Another difference in behavior is that this particular T-SQL implementation splits on only spaces, whereas the `ToTitleCase()` method considers most non-letters to be word separators (hence the difference in handling of the "one&TWO" part). Finally, one unexpected downside to the SQLCLR version is that in coming up with various tests, I found a bug in the .NET code related to its handling of the Circled Letters (which has now been [reported][7] on Microsoft Connect). The .NET library treats the Circled Letters as word separators, which is why it does not turn the "ⓐDD" into "Ⓐdd" as it should. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: