Back in July 2012 I wrote this post

It uses the table [**information_schema.columns**][1] to pick up every CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT field and perform a textual [**REPLACE**][2].

Please look over my old link and use its paradigm to do a search.

As an example, this will create a separate SELECT for each text column in every table

        CONCAT('SELECT ''',db,''',''',tb,''',''',col,''',COUNT(1) FieldHasIt ',
        'FROM ',db,'.',tb, WHERE ',col,'=''',SearchString,''';') SearchSQL
        SELECT table_schema db,table_name tb,column_name col
        FROM information_schema.columns
        WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema','mysql','performance_schema') AND
        (column_type LIKE 'char(%'OR column_type LIKE 'varchar(%' OR column_type LIKE '%text'
    ) A,(SELECT 'Hello' SearchString) B;

Create a Giant SQL text file with it. Then, execute that Giant SQL script:

    SQLSTMT="SELECT CONCAT('SELECT ''',db,''',''',tb,''',''',col,''',COUNT(1) FieldHasIt ',"
    SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} 'FROM ',db,'.',tb, WHERE ',col,'=''',SearchString,''';') SearchSQL"
    SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} FROM (SELECT table_schema db,table_name tb,column_name col"
    SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema NOT IN"
    SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} ('information_schema','mysql','performance_schema') AND"
    SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} (column_type LIKE 'char(%'OR column_type LIKE 'varchar(%' OR "
    SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} column_type LIKE '%text') A,(SELECT 'Hello' SearchString) B"
    mysql -uroot -p... -ANe"${SQLSTMT}" > MegaSearch.sql
    mysql -uroot -p... -AN < MegaSearch.sql > MegaSearchResults.txt

Give it a Try !!!.
